I partnered with this brand in exchange for sharing my honest opinion.
My 9 year old has been begging for a mountain bike and honestly I never thought about. He had a bike that worked perfectly and there was nothing wrong with it, but now that he is riding around more he wanted to comfort and features that come with a mountain bike. I just didn’t want to spend an arm and a leg to buy him a new bike. So far all his bikes have been affordable but I know mountain bikes can costs hundreds of dollars.
Well the MT20 Mountain Bike is a bike that gives kids all the advanced features of an adult mountain bike at a size that’s just right for them. The best part too is that the bike costs less than $100 so it won’t break your budget either! I highly recommend too checking out a kids bike size chart to make sure you get the right size bike.
My 9 year old is over the moon about this bike and rode it around the block over and over because he was so excited. He loves that the bike is sturdier than his old bike and the tires can handle rougher terrain. Now this is still a kid’s mountain bike so its not meant for actual mountains but my son had no problem in grass or rocky terrain. He thinks he is so cool riding around with his new bike.
For a first mountain bike, this model is perfect. I see it lasting a few years for us as it does seem to be able to adjust high enough that it will grow with my son. I honestly can’t go over the low price though as it is comparable in my opinion to other kid mountain bikes but costs a fraction of their prices.
Check out the 20″ Boys’ BCA MT20 Mountain Bike – Walmart.com.
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Looks like a sweet ride lol : )