
What to do When Your Dog is in Heat: Everything You Need to Know

Pet owners usually treat their pets like a member of the family, sometimes like their child if they have none of their own. Owning a dog is a lot like raising a child, and a female dog is going to have her times when she will need special attention, just like if the pet owner had a daughter. A special time that owners must pay attention to is when the female dog is at the stage of breeding, also known as going into heat. This article will address everything owners basically need to know.

How to Tell When a Dog is in Her Breeding Period 

Female dogs will have their estrus cycle at different times, depending on the breed, the general health of the dog, and the size. Pet owners who are anxious to breed puppies or those who may want to keep their dogs from breeding, look for these telltale signs of your dog in heat. If the dog is a smaller breed, breeding periods may start as early as six months while larger breeds may take as long as two years. The first sign will probably be when the dog is seeking special attention from male dogs.

More Signs of the Dog Being in Heat 

The dog will probably start having to urinate more often when in heat, the vulva will become larger or swollen, and there may be a discharge with a tint of blood. The pet owner’s dog will also seek more attention from him or her and will be more affectionate. She may also try to mount or hump the owner, other people, or objects. She will also start moving her tail more, turning it to the side, and might be fidgety or nervous. 

Other Things to Watch For 

When the dog is in heat, the owner will need to cover her with doggy diapers to prevent the bloody discharge from staining the carpet or the furniture. Using special pads in the car or around the house will also help to keep the discharge from messing up the car or home. It is also a good idea to keep the fur baby groomed more carefully, especially around the area of the privates, to keep the blood from becoming dried or sticky in the fur. 

Some Other Helpful Information 

If pet owners are considering breeding their dogs, they may want to wait until she has her second estrus cycle because the eggs will be more mature at that time. This will ensure healthier pregnancies barring any health problems. Keep in mind that when the dog is in heat, it is not a good idea for her to be off her leash, no matter how well-trained she is. Her instinct may cause her to run off in search of a mate for breeding.

If a pet owner is feeling uneasy about the fur baby’s health or issues that might be occurring with the in-heat cycle, there is nothing wrong with consulting a vet for more information. The veterinarian can check out the animal to make sure there is nothing physically wrong with her during this time and the pet owner will be at ease. A dog going in heat is natural, so just treat her with the special attention she will need at that time.


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