Autographed Copy
Donated by Cami Checketts
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Cami’s Website
Cassidy Christensen is running.
Running from the mercenaries who killed her parents.
Running from a scheming redhead intent on making her life miserable.
Running from painful memories that sabotage her dreams of happiness.
With two very tempting men competing for her attention, she hopes she’ll finally have someone to run to, but can she trust either of them? When secrets from her past threaten her family, Cassidy decides to stop running and fight for her future.
Prizes Include:
- Experienced and beginner yoga packages from Hugger Mugger
- Two MIO Global Active Watches
- Three months online personal training from Fitcore Fitness
- Three Lebert Stretch Straps
- Fitness Apparel from Running Chics
- One pair of running shoes from Altra Zero Drop
- iFrogz Earbuds and Armbands
- Six month adult membership: Smithfield Recreation Center
- One month membership: Crossfit UAC
- Autographed copy of Dead Running by Cami Checketts
and Beginner Yoga Packages.
fully cushioned Zero Drop™ running shoes
designed to improve form and reduce initial impact.
accessories for your iPods, iPhones, and iPads.
Please visit each of our sponsors’ websites to learn more about their products and decide which one you’d like to win. While you’re at their site, like their page or follow their blog to show our gratitude for their donation to this fun blogfest. You can enter on as many different blogs as you like, a list of the participating blogs is featured at the end of this post. Please list the top three prizes you’re interested in with your comment. An entry will be chosen from each of the participating blogs and then drawn through Prize winners will be posted be on Cami’s Blog.
The blogs involved in this giveaway are some of the top fitness, running, book, and Mom blogs on the internet. Have fun checking out their content and entering the fitness giveaway on each of their sites.
Debbie P says
Hugge Mugger,
FB as Debbie M Petts
jodi lasher says
I would love Hugger Mugger Yoga Experienced
and Beginner Yoga Packages,
iFrogz Armbands and Earbuds
Altra running shoes
thanks sooooo much for this great giveaway
Terry Riley says
Oh, the running shoes, fitness apparel & autographed book. Excellent giveaway.
Jessica Hays says
I like the Hugger Mugger yoga packages, the two MIO Global active watches and the Altra running shoes!!
jessicaahays at hotmail dot com
Tara Liebing says
Running Shoels from altra Zero drop, apparel from running chics and Earbuds and Armbands from ifrogz
brenda says
Altra Zero, Mio Global watch and iFrogz
Yolanda Robinson says
I would love
1. Delilah
2. 2 in 1 Longer Length Short Sleeve T-Shirt
3. Motiva Petite PINK (watch).
Joana A says
running shoes, fitness apparel, dead running book
Betty says
MIO Global Active Watches
fitness apparel
Yoga beginner package
Rebecca Niehaus says
my top 3 prizes would be the running shoes, the stretch bands and the mio global active watch
Rebecca Niehaus
polly says
i would love the running shoes, watch & yoga package
Alicia Chandler says
fitness apparel, running shoes, yoga packages
Les Johnson says
My top prizes are: One pair of running shoes from Altra Zero Drop, 3 Months of Online Personal Training and Fitness Apparel from Running Chics.
Jennifer says
My ifrogs buds broke recently and I found this giveaway because I was looking for a new pair. What a great giveaway from Cami and friends! Obviously I’d love the ifrogs. Also the running chics gift card and the Altra running shoes since I’m wearing out my current pair. My email – johnsonjen11 at
CelticsDraftee says
I’d really like the two watches, the Altra Zero running shoes, and the ifrogz bands and buds. I’ve been running a lot the last six months or so and this giveaway is right up my alley!
celticsdraftee at aol dot com
Jenee says
My choices would be:
1. The signed book. I need something to read desperately, and it’s cool that it would be autographed.
2. Running chics gift certificate, I need new running clothes badly.
3. The ifrogz armband and earbuds. My mp3 player died so I run in silence currently.
Thanks for this!
Seth says
My top three are Altra shoes, iFrogz, and Mio watches. Great giveaway. staticseth AT
Christine Jensen says
my top 2:
1- Altra Shoes
2- Hugger Mugger Yoga
3- Running CHics
Terra Heck says
My top three choices are:
Altra Running Shoes
Running Chicks GC
Autographed Copy of Dead Running
Valerie Theberge says
Great giveaway!
My 3 choices:
1. 1 pair of running shoes from Altra Zero Drop
2. iFrogz Armbands and Earbuds
3. Two MIO Global Active Watches
Kate B says
Two MIO Global Active Watches
One pair of running shoes from Altra Zero Drop
iFrogz Earbuds and Armbands
Kayla @ TheEclecticElement says
This is MY kind of giveaway!
Here are my top 3:
1.) Beginner yoga packages from Hugger Mugger
2.) One pair of running shoes from Altra Zero Drop
3.) Three months online personal training from Fitcore Fitness
Thank you for this incredible giveaway!!
Cori Westphal says
MIO Global Active Watches
Fitness Apparel from Running Chics
One pair of running shoes from Altra Zero Drop
coriwestphal at msn dot com
Cristina Wyatt says
Altra Zero Drop, Running Chics, MIO Global
Kristin Duncan says
I would like the Mio watches, the Altra running shoes, and the Running Chics gift certificates.
Fawn H says
My top 3 are:
Two Mio Global Active Watches
Altra Running Shoes
iFrogz Armbands and Earbuds
Virginia Rowell says
Mio Global Active Watch, Frgz Earbuds, and running shoes.
Lori S says
I would love Hugger Mugger Yoga, iFrogz Armbands and Earbuds, and altra Running Shoes
Jodi Kershuk says
1/ ALta running shoes
2/ yoga
3/ signed book
Sherry S. says
iFrogz Armbands and Earbuds
Fitness Apparel from Running Chics
One pair of running shoes from Altra Zero Drop
Vicki says
My 3 choices:
Mio Watch
Altra Zero Drop Running Shoes
Dead Running by Cami Checketts
carol says
What a great giveaway.
I’d love to win most of the prizes, but my top three would be the yoga package from Hugger Mugger, the watch, and the running chick gift certificate. And your book of course.
carolsnotebook at yahoo dot com
Kelly D says
1. Altra Running Shoes
2. Mio Active Watches
3. Fitness Apparel from Running Chics
Louis says
Running Chics fitness apparel, Altra Running Shoes and MIO Global Active Watch
Seyma Shabbir says
Watch, Shoes and earbud
Lori Z. says
The Hugger Mugger (my favorite brand for yoga!), Running Chics, and Altra Shoes would be my top picks!
Andra Lynn says
Thanks so much for the chance to win! This is an amazing giveaway and tour!
1.Running Shoes
2.Running apparel
3.Experienced Yoga package!!
Thanks again!
andralynn7 AT gmail DOT com!
Mare S says
1. Two MIO Global Active Watches
2. Alta running shoes
3. Fitcore fitness membership
This is such a cool giveaway – thank you!
Anne N. says
I would like the iFrogz Armbands and Earbuds, Altra Running Shoes, and MIO Global Active Watch.
Annmarie W. says
I’d love a MIO Global Active Watch, Fitness Apparel from Running Chics, or the running shoes from Altra Zero Drop!
Katie Morris Crider says
Earbuds and armbands, fitness apparel, and running shoes
melissa williams says
my top three choices are:
Hugger Mugger Yoga Experienced
and Beginner Yoga Packages
iFrogz Armbands and Earbuds
Altra Running Shoes
Alison says
i would love these prizes
Fitness Apparel from Running Chics
One pair of running shoes from Altra Zero Drop
iFrogz Earbuds and Armbands
I’m trying to get fit and these would be so helpful to me right now. Thanks for the chance to win.
Holly S. says
1. Shoes
2. Apparel
3. Watch
Christina lanphere says
My top choices are altra running shoes,ifrogz armbands and earbuds and The GC to running chics
Kristi C says
My top three are the Altra Running shoes, the iFrogz Armbands and Earbuds, and the Running Chics fitness apparel.
Gladys Parker says
MIO Global Active Watch, ULTRA Running Shoes and iFrogz Armbands and Ear buds.
Gladys P
sps1113 at yahoo dot com
nancy says
I would love beginner yoga packages,Fitness Apparel from Running Chics,and the One pair of running shoes from Altra Zero Drop!!!thanks for the chance:)
meredith says
wow what an awesome giveaway – i think the prizes i would like are the MIO Global Active Watch, Altra Running Shoes, or Running Chics fitness apparel
the book Dead Running ,MIO Global Active Watches,running shoes from Altra Zero Drop
Joni Owada says
So many great prizes!!
I would love to win the Mio Global Watch
The running shoes
and the Lebert STretch Straps
Teressa Morris says
I would like the Beginner’s Yoga package from Hugger Mugger, the 3 months personal training from Fitcore Fitness and the running shoes from Altra Zero Drop.
Jennifer says
My top three picks are the altra running shoes, ifrogz armband and the mio global watches!
Pamela Halligan says
My favorite prizes are the Fitness Apparel from Running Chics, iFrogz Earbuds and Armbands, and a Yoga Package from Hugger Mugger. Thanks for the giveaway.
Katrina James says
I just got in the groove of working out again so I could use some new apparel. The ifrogz accessories and MIO watches would be really cool too.
catherine c says
yoga package, running shoes, running chics apparel
Amber Smith says
Wow, they are all wonderful prizes but my top 3 would be:
Altra Running Shoes
Hugger Mugger Yoga Package
MIO Global Active Watch
Thank you for this giveaway!!
Julie Lynn Bickham says
My top prizes are: One pair of running shoes from Altra Zero Drop, iFrogz Earbuds and Armbands and Fitness Apparel from Running Chics.
sandra says
i like the Running Chics fitness apparel, Altra Running Shoes, and iFrogz Armbands and Earbuds
Jennifer B says
I would love the $50 Gift Certificates to spend on Running Chics fitness apparel.
cynthia says
Altra Running Shoes
Brian says
I’d love to win this.
Sarah Z. says
I’d most like to win the yoga packages, Fitness Apparel from Running Chics, and the iFrogz Earbuds and Armbands.