Chicken Soup for the Soul: New Moms: 101 Inspirational Stories of Joy, Love, and Wonder
By Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Susan Heim
416 Pages (Paperback)
Date Published: March 8, 2011
Becoming a mom is the most amazing event. Chicken Soup for the Soul: New Moms will delight new and expectant moms with its heartwarming and humorous stories about raising babies and toddlers. This book is full of stories by other moms sharing the wonders of early motherhood, from waiting for the baby, to those early weeks and first few years, and everything in between!
Even though I am not a first time mom, I liked this book. It is full of great stories about being pregnant, breastfeeding, sleep, doubts, adoption, infertility, toddler years and more! There really is at least one story that every mom can relate to. As I have two kids and am pregnant, I forgot things and feelings of having a new baby and I loved reading stories from other moms. Reading other mom’s stories just make me laugh, smile, feel like I’m not alone and hopefully learn from their strength. There are some sad stories, but they are real and show strength and courage that only a mother can have! This book would be great for new moms, a baby shower gift, or even a mom like me who already has kids!
BUY IT: You can find Chicken Soup for the Soul books at your local bookstore or at Amazon. You can also check out the Chicken Soup for the Soul website for more information and you can even submit your own stories there!
WIN IT: (2) US/CAN winners will receive the book “Chicken Soup for the Soul: New Moms”
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Mom and More Disclosure: I was sent this book to review in exchange for my honest opinion. Please see my Disclosure Policy.
kerri says
i heard about you from my friend
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kerri says
just take it 1 day at a time and be very stern with disapline
Jay says
Tip for new mom is to not doubt your instincts.
Suz says
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tnxns09 at gmail dot com
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Suz says
Enjoy your time with your little one. At times you may wish that they were done with this or that like diapers but when the time actually comes and they start to grow up, you’ll miss those earlier times.
tnxns09 at gmail dot com
Diane L. says
If a relative comes to stay with you for a few days after your new baby arrives, don’t be afraid to speak up and give them assignments. Let them know what they can really do to help you out.
susan smoaks says
the best tip i have is to sleep when the baby sleeps
Ed Nemmers says
Sleep whenever possible!
Janelle K says
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My tip would be to take lots of pictures, & to try not to worry if the dishes need to be done etc. Babies grow up so fast!
Gianna says
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If family wants to help, let them!
Gladys Parker says
Found this giveaway while checking your site from an much earlier email
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#GIVEAWAY: Win Book “Chicken Soup for the Soul: New Moms” – 2 Winners US/CAN @mamasmoney (Ends 5/9)
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Gladys Parker says
Relax every single chance you get, get good nutrition, plenty of water, rest as often as possible
sps1113 at yahoo dot com
Alicia C. says
I like you on FB
ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com
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ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com
Alicia C. says
Hmm… a tip? For breastfeeding: Around 6 weeks, your baby will go through a growth spurt. Your baby is NOT starving and is getting enough to eat. Don’t supplement with formula or your milk production will not rise enough to keep up. Just figure your little one will be attached to you 24/7 for a while and know it will end sooner than you think!
ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com
Diana bradford hatch says
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Diana bradford hatch says
Sleep when the baby is sleeping!
Emmy says
I heard about this through
Emmy says
i have your button on my blog:
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Emmy says
Take time for yourself–adult time–take a break!
Katie says
I don’t have a tip for a new mom since I just got pregnant. But I am enjoying reading all of these tips.
Alaine says
I followed you on twitter and retweeted the post (joyedevive) – joyedevive(at)gmail(dot)com
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Alaine says
New mom tip: Don’t feel guilty about taking care of yourself, get rest, take breaks, and if friends offer to baby sit say YES! and get some time alone, it’ll be better for your baby if you are refreshed. joyedevive(at)gmail(dot)com
Ammala says
I follow chicken soup for the soul on twitter @Ammalalittle
crystle tellerday says
have plenty of diapers
Janna says
take good care of yourself so you can cope better
Thanks for the entry!
Janna Johnson
susan varney says
have a lot of patience
Abby Winstead says
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Abby Winstead says
My new mom tip: Google! Many people will tell you to stay away from Google with your questions, but I’ve found that it’s helpful. Most of the time when I do a search for something related to my infant son, I find reliable answers, and I also learn that worries/concerns/paranoias are perfectly normal.
Kira says
My tip is sleep when the baby sleeps, and don’t care about what your house looks like!
Kimbuckjr says
MANDATORY ENTRY: Oh goodness, I SHOULD NOT be giving out advice to NEW MOM’s. SHOULD NOT!!!!!! I guess my advice would be…once a parent has given their child(ren) a bath, do not take them out the remainder of the day. This will minimize the chances of a child(ren) catching a cold. At least my mom-in-law lives by this philosophy. I don’t so much, but I do it to please her and keep her outta my hair. UGH!…That’s another blog post all together!
Tonya Filleman says
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kathleen says
i entered your garfield giveaway
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tonya stutzman flleman
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Tonya Filleman says
Sleep when they sleep….
kathleen says
following on twitter and tweeted:!/heyfrugalmommy/status/62704527333273600
kathleen says
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kathleen says
don’t be afraid to switch pediatricians if you aren’t 100% happy with yours. its not a big deal to switch and people do it all the time
LISA BluMenStein says
entered happy nappers
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LISA BluMenStein says
get as much sleep as possible and take any help offered to you.