Vitamma is a company that offers premium multivitamins with a purpose – “to eradicate micronutrient malnutrition among mothers and children.” They partner with Vitamin Angels, a charitable organization widely recognized for their transparency, efficiency and extensive reach, they can reach three children with two year’s worth of vitamin A for each one item sold.
Each Vitamma Multi provides a specially designed and developed formula of vitamins and minerals. The vitamins available are: Children’s Multi, Men’s Multi, Women’s Multi, and Prenatal Multi. Each are priced at $14.99 and contain 90 pills.
My boys take a multi-vitamin everyday and I am always open to checking out a new brand with them. What I like about Vitamma Children’s Multi is that not only are my boys benefiting from the vitamins but I love that they donate vitamins to needy children.
With 10 essential vitamins and minerals the Vitamma Children’s Multi is here to help you make sure your child is getting the nutrients they need – no matter how picky their diet. They’ll love the great tasting fruit flavors of our chewable all while getting what they need, including:
- Immunity from antioxidants including Vitamins A, C and E.
- Eye Health with 2,500 IUs of Vitamin A.
- Bone and Teeth Strength from the reccomended 400 IUs of Vitamin D.
- Energy and Metabolism with essential B Vitamins
- Great taste with three fun flavors in every bottle!
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Even though I typically buy gummy vitamins for my boys, they didn’t mind at all changing to Vitamma Children’s Multi. They thought they looked like candy and were excited to try something new. Now I am by no means a vitamin expert but I do like that this Multi contains the ten essential vitamins and minerals that I am aware of. My boys love the different flavors and the only problem is explaining that they can only have one! The vitamin that is most prominent is Vitamin A, which is the important in eyesight development and immune function.
BUY IT: Use the Coupon Code “MOMS” to save 15% or by visiting www.vitamma.com/moms
WIN IT: (1) US winner will receive their choice of Vitamma multivitamins.
TO ENTER: Leave a comment which variety of Vitamma multivitamins you’d like!
Extra Entries (Only valid after you answer Main Entry above and Please leave a comment for each):
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#GIVEAWAY: Win Vitamma Multi-Vitamins of your choice! @mamasmoney (Ends 4/25) http://bit.ly/epgzj6
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Please leave me a comment for EACH entry. This contest ends April 25, 2011. Thanks everyone and good luck! Also, if you just put a generic comment like “I want to Win” then I will have to disqualify you. Once per household/ip address please.
Mom and More Disclosure: This product review was made possible by the Double Duty Divas. I was not compensated for this review other than a product sample provided by Vitamma. All opinions are 100% mine.
Jennifer Clay says
I would like the women’s multi vitamin.
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I would like the womens multi
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Would love to try the womans multi vitamin
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I would like the Women’s Multi Vitamin.
sarah hinhart says
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childrens multi
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I would like the Woman’s Multi.
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I would choose the women’s multi vitamins
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I would like to try the Women’s Multi. I do not get enough vitamins.
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the children vitamins
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Cori Westphal says
I’d go with the Women’s Multi. I have a hard time finding a vitamin that doesn’t make me sick, so I’d love to give these a try!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
Hollie Jahnke says
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The children’s multi
Terra Heck says
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Terra Heck says
I would like Women’s Multi. Thanks.
alh1203 says
like you on fb angela hood
alh1203 says
love to try the kiddo vitamins
Jesse Bosher says
I found your site while searching for a multi-vitamin for my very picky 4 year old son. I am interested in the children’s multi-vitamin. Your describing them as candy, makes me think he may go for them. 😉
Kimbuckjr says
MANDATORY ENTRY: I would most like to try the “Womens Multi.” I take vitamins very seldom. I know, I know, I should take them more often, huh?
Jay says
I would like the prenatal.
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the children’s multi
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I’d choose the Women’s Multi Vitamin.
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the children’s multi
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I’d love to try the Children’s Multivitamin
amy says
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amy says
I’d get the womens multivitamins.
Jana says
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I would love to have the women’s.
Ericka T says
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Ericka T says
I’d get the womens multivitamins.
Steva Spottswood says
Women’s Multi for me.