One of my favorite books when I was a child was The Velveteen Rabbit. I honestly cannot remember the story anymore and I haven’t thought of the book in a long time, but the new DVD The Velveteen Rabbit brought it all back to me. It is an adorable movie that was just released this year and it is a wonderful family movie for any time of the year.
The Velveteen Rabbit is a story where a young boy is sent to visit with his grandmother during the holidays. As any child, he is curious and soon discovers the houses ‘magic attic’ where three forgotten toys, including the velveteen rabbit, unlock a world of imagination. The movie combines both animated sequences and live action, which I thought would turn my cartoon-loving sons off, but they fell in love with the characters. They were confused with the story but don’t seem to mind and I know they soon appreciate the story.
Overall, this movie appealed to all of us, from my 17 month old son to myself and it is hard to find movies we all like. Like I said though I don’t remember the original story line that much and from some reviews I have read, this movie is a little different, but I still recommend it.
BUY IT: Check out this movie at your local department or video store or at Amazon.
Mama’s Money Savers Disclaimer: I was given this DVD to review. This review is 100% my opinion and has not been edited or reviewed by anyone. I was not compensated in any other way for this product review.

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