If you read my review from earlier you would know that throughout January, Musselman’s will donate ten cents to the foundation for every package of Musselman’s Natural Apple Sauce purchased. So purchase Musselman’s Apple Sauce in the pink packaging and help spread a little hope.
By spreading the message of the importance of early detection
and by funding free mammograms, hopefully fewer
will be impacted by breast cancer.
Well now to get you excited about Musselman’s I have another giveaway from Musselman’s!
BUY IT: You can buy Musselman’s at most grocery stores. Oh and buying Musselman’s help you save for college through the UPromise program.
GIVEAWAY: One winner will receive a jar of Musselman’s Apple Sauce with a pink label to support Breast Cancer!
WIN IT: Tell me how you usually eat your applesauce! (Plain, mixed with something, cooked in something?)
Mama’s Money Savers Disclaimer: I was given a jar of applesauce for this review. This review is 100% my opinion and has not been edited or reviewed by anyone. I was not compensated in any other way for this product review.

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