Since I listen to my sons whine, yell, and just be loud in general all day long, I am looking for some peaceful sounds. Since I am in a daydream mode and planning for the summer, I have been thinking about garden wind chimes to hang from my deck. We finally have a really nice deck with a wooden pagoda that I am looking forward to decorating.
What I didn’t know was there are a million different types of wind chimes to choose from ranging from simple to extravagant! The best part is that because this is the off-season it seems like there are a lot on sale, still with a huge variety to choose from! Some of the different styles include Aluminum, Copper, Gass, Garden Bells, Meditation Gongs, Pewter, Bamboo & Shell chimes and more! I honestly think the bamboo wind chimes see peaceful and would make me feel like I am on vacation!
If you are familiar with wind chimes and like a particular brand, like Music of the Spheres wind chimes, even they have a huge selection. I had never heard of the Music of the Spheres wind chimes before, but recently I came across them and they are pretty neat. These are not ordinary wind chimes, but they actually play melodies on a pentatonic scale to create a soothing sound. So they are not just banging together but they are playing actual music. I think they sounds really neat because the clinging chimes together can get annoying as it is random sounds, but if the wind chimes was actually playing music for me, now that would be a peaceful backyard.
So now I have decisions to make, do I get a traditional wind chime, a nicer extravagant wind chime, or do I go with the really fancy ones that play music? Either way I have a few months before I am sitting outside on my deck!
Mama’s Money Savers Disclaimer: I was compensated for this post. This review is 100% my opinion and has not been edited or reviewed by anyone.

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