Whether you are trying to market a business or showcase something else, printing brochures is a great way to show off your company and products. I know many people may not think of brochure printing for advertising but it really is a great way to nicely feature products or a company. I remember when I was in school making brochures for my business classes and I loved laying out the designs. Back then it was for mock companies, but now that I have a website I wouldn’t mind having something nicer than just business cards to hand out. My parents could use brochures too since they have their own businesses.
Even if you don’t have your own business, you could even be creative and use brochures for thank you cards, party invitations, or other events!
100 Half-fold brochures
8.5×11, 100lb Paper Gloss
Shipping: FREE UPS Ground Shipping
Eligibility: Limited to US Residents only
WIN IT: Comment on what you would use the brochures for!
Bonus Entries:
~ Follow me via Google Friend Connect (top right on sidebar)
~ Subscribe to Mama’s Money Savers
~ Follow Me on Twitter and Tweet this giveaway ( Tweet daily! – you can also click the Tweet button above)
GIVEAWAY: 100 Brochures You Customize #Giveaway @mamasmoney (Ends 5/28) http://bit.ly/ctMRWy
~ Become a Mama’s Money Savers Facebook Fan
~ Blog about this contest or send an email to friends/family and CC:mamasmoneysavers@gmail.com
~ Post my blog button on your site
~ STUMBLE or any other social network this giveaway
~ Enter any of my other giveaways or tell me how you heard about this giveaway!
Please leave me a comment for EACH entry and your email address if it is not in your profile for each entry that you complete above so I can accurately pick a winner. This contest ends on May 28, 2010. Thanks everyone and good luck! Also, if you just put a generic comment like “I want to Win” then I will have to disqualify you. This contest is only open to US residents.
Mama’s Money Savers Disclaimer: I will be given a set of brochures to review if I choose. This review is 100% my opinion and has not been edited or reviewed by anyone. I was not compensated in any other way for this product review.
Lily Kwan says
I became your Facebook fan.
Lily Kwan says
I became your Facebook fan.
Lily Kwan says
I subscribed to your blog.
Lily Kwan says
I would use the brochures for advertising my friend’s business.
crumbdonut says
Tweet (5/28): http://twitter.com/crumbdonut/status/14894150183
Eileen says
Follow n Tweeted!
thank you!
crumbdonut says
Daily tweet: http://twitter.com/crumbdonut/status/14820424216
crumbdonut says
Daily tweet: http://twitter.com/crumbdonut/status/14749570839
Shannon says
As thank you cards.
Joni Taylor says
facebook like mommy money savers
joni taylor
Joni Taylor says
GFC follower
Joni Taylor says
I would use them for my cake business
Nicole-Lynn says
I entered your Uncle Bens rice giveaway and also heard about this giveaway doing a google search.
Nicole-Lynn says
I subscribe via email!
Nicole-Lynn says
I now follow on google friend connect!
Nicole-Lynn says
What a generous giveaway! If I won, I’d use these for our wedding ceremony programs. My fiance and I are paying for our wedding ourselves and saving even a little here and there really helps.
crumbdonut says
Daily tweet (5/25): http://twitter.com/crumbdonut/status/14681554880
Beth Monson says
entered luster
Beth Monson says
entered wubzy
Beth Monson says
email subscriber
Beth Monson says
google friend
Beth Monson says
I’d make sell sheets for my photography business!
crumbdonut says
Tweet (5/24): http://twitter.com/crumbdonut/status/14608876227
Tatjana says
I subscribe to MamasmoneySavers via email
Tatjana says
I follow you on google friend connect
Tatjana says
I would use the brochures to promote my new jewelry business.
Steve Capell says
We would use these for our art business. Thanks for hosting this giveaway.
crumbdonut says
Tweeted (5/23): http://twitter.com/crumbdonut/status/14548495662
crumbdonut says
I subscribed to Mama’s Money Savers RSS feed using google reader.
crumbdonut says
I follow you on twitter and tweeted: http://twitter.com/crumbdonut/status/14477401737
One of my comments may have double-posted – sorry if it did!
crumbdonut says
I follow your blog publicly via GFC. Thanks again!
crumbdonut says
Hi! It would be nice to use those brochures to promote a friend’s photography service. Thanks!
Eileen says
I entered the Elmer’s Glue giveaway!
thanks SO much!
ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
Eileen says
Entered Jiffy Lube giveaway!
thanks SO much!
ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
Eileen says
I would get brochures printed for Lyme Awareness and have them available at the entrance of the marsh trails near our home. I would not be able to have them THIS year for May is Lyme Awareness Month, but would have them ready for NEXT year!
thanks much!
ejrichter60 at gmail dot coom
Jaime P says
have button
Jaime P says
facebook fan
copperllama at yahoo dot com
Jaime P says
copperllama at yahoo dot com
Jaime P says
google friend
copperllama at yahoo dot com
Jaime P says
I would use them to promote my Etsy shop
copperllama at yahoo dot com
Annemarie says
I subscribe via google reader
Annemarie says
We have a produce stand where we sell fruits and vegetables. I would use these for publicity.
Heather H. says
I would use them for my dog park organization.
jswandrn at gmail
Stephanie says
I heard about your giveaways because of a link up with Money Saving Mom I think!
Stephanie says
I just entered your iphone app giveaway
Stephanie says
Got your button:
Stephanie says
I blogged :
Stephanie says
I stumbled the post
Stephanie says
I am a facebook fan
Stephanie says
I am a twitter follower and I tweeted
Stephanie says
I subscribe with google reader
Stephanie says
I am a GFC follower
Stephanie says
I am in the midst of making a custom made jewelery business. These would be FANTASTIC for me!!
Patti hess says
I subscribe
pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
thanks a bunch!!!!!!!
Patti hess says
follow you yup i most certainly do
pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
thanks a bunch!!!!!!!
Patti hess says
I would use them for my friends Antique business this would be awesome
pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
thanks a bunch!!!!!!!
Rachel says
I follow on google friends — username rachelcay
.-= Rachel´s last blog ..Evil Rain! =-.
Rachel says
I subscribe
.-= Rachel´s last blog ..Evil Rain! =-.
Rachel says
I follow on twitter: 3catsan1dog and I tweeted: http://twitter.com/3CATSAND1DOG/status/14170811996
.-= Rachel´s last blog ..Evil Rain! =-.
Rachel says
If I won I would use them to promote a scholarship that a student group I works with gives away each year
Earthangela says
I would love to share my angel art by winning these brochures!
Cindy says
Hi, I follow your blog in my google reader- would love to win some brochures for the nonprofit I volunteer with!
.-= Cindy´s last blog ..PostCard Giveaway Winner =-.
Peggy Whisenhunt says
to try and marke my jewelry I am making, to get the information out to my friends. I am retired and not in the public relm to show and market it. this would be great to showcase it.