Before kids, I worked as a bank auditor and loved it. It was actually my dream job, I know it’s a strange dream job. I just love paperwork, organizing, checking lists and details and I have no problem explaining to people something they’ve done wrong. Yes it was hard to tell bank employees they failed or did something wrong and explain how to do it the right way, but that was something that just suited me. I worked with one other girl and we drove all over Chicagoland to all the different banks for our company.
We were both very strong and independent women who were good at our jobs, but yet we were very different. I was the straightforward and direct auditor (who maybe scared employees) and she was the quiet but patient auditor. We were actually the perfect team. Our partnership was similar to the relationship between Rizzoli & Isles from TNT. Both women are smart, strong, and competent women, but work so well together. They let down their defenses when they are together and just get the job done while still being compassionate towards each other. My partner and I worked very closely together every day and we definitely had a great relationship that was so different when we were alone compared to when we were out auditing a bank. Even to this day we still talk and get together with our kids, and reminisce about those days!
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Mom and More Disclosure: I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote Rizzoli & Isles Season One on DVD. Please see my Disclosure Policy.
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