Timmy Time: Timmy Needs a Bath
Released: January 24, 2012
Studio: Lionsgate / HIT Entertainment
Running Time: 45 minutes
Enjoy some good clean fun with Timmy and his friends! Adventures with mud, glue and paint leave Timmy in some sticky situations. This clever little lamb uses his creativity to make tub-time fun and turn a paint fight into a masterfleece! Timmy cleans up and discovers the most fun of all is being with friends! Soak up the good times with Timmy…just don’t forget to wash behind your ears!
- “Timmy Needs A Bath”
- “Sticky Timmy”
- “Tidy Timmy”
- “Timmy Goes Camping”
- “Timmy The Artist”
- Timmy’s Tune #2 – Music Video
- Shaun the Sheep Bonus Episode: Supersize Timmy
If you have never seen Timmy Time before it is a spin-off of Shaun the Sheep made especially for preschoolers. “Timmy Needs a Bath” is an adorable DVD featuring Timmy and the gang basically being mischievous kids. Timmy just keep getting in mess after mess at preschool with mud, glue, and paint! What is nice about this show is the characters don’t talk, they do make noises but no talking so kids can actually focus on the characters actions. The show made me and my boys laugh at the sillyness of the characters. There is five fun episodes on this DVD perfect for kids to watch a bunch of episodes in a row or watch one here or there since they are short episodes.
BUY IT: You can buy “Timmy Time Timmy Needs a Bath” wherever DVDs are sold or check it out online.
WIN IT: (1) US winner will receive the DVD “Timmy Time Timmy Needs a Bath”
Mom and More Disclosure: I was sent this DVD to review in exchange for my honest opinion. Please see my Disclosure Policy.
Heather R says
My daughter’s latest mess is when she decided to paint her nails bright pink!
joana says
my daughter just had a cupcake and left crumbs all over the floor
Michaela R says
Last night was probably the most recent. My niece decided to spill over her whole dinner from the table so I had a nice mess of spaghetti and grape juice to clean up from the floor.
Victoria S says
My little one is only a month old, but she had quite the *ahem* poopy mess that managed to get all over her, her clothing, and the changing pad! Poor girl!
vschilke at gmail dot com
Patty says
my grandson loves to work with paper, pencils, crayons and glue. He makes a very creative mess:)
Michelle Macaluso says
We just had cake for my sister-in-laws birthday and my niece was covered in frosting lol
kathy pease says
my son recently spilled a bag of popcorn in his room and just left it there
christina moore says
I don;t have small children, but my granddaughters are always spilling things
Ed Nemmers says
The ketchup and mustard were used as finger paints! Yikes!
Dede says
My son is always.making.a.mess.
Choose one….. he dumped Fun Dip powder all over the floor. Crinkled seaweed & sprinkled it on the floor. Threw a cup of yogurt (yep, you guessed it) on the floor.
ReggieMann says
My niece made a mess eating apples last night
Erica C. says
My little guy recently spilled a glass of hawaiian punch…huge mess!
Sandy VanHoey says
Funny you should ask..he JUST made a big one that I have to clean up. He (my grandson) is eating hard boiled eggs and he has smeared them all over the hardwood floors. What a mess!
Beth says
I went to get a towel and my son (tonight) dumped half of the tub water out on the floor
Amylynn H says
My youngest recently got into a full size sheet cake and ate tons of it. It was all over the counter, cabinet and floor. This in the few minutes it took to load the washer.
Cher says
I think I would sit down and cry if that happened and then throw my child in the shower to hose them down!
My child took his plate of supper which was chicken nuggetts and ketcup and shredded cheese and dumped it upside down onto the carpet not a pretty site.
Miranda Ward says
My daughters make a mess in the bathroom!!!
Kelly D says
Fake snow all over my couch.. Thanks to his teacher for sending it home
Cher says
Ugh yuck! Whenever one of my boy’s teachers sends something home in a ziplock bag it goes right in the garbage. If she has to put it in a ziploc bag because its so messy, why does she think I would want it!
crystle tellerday says
my friends son pulled his pants down and pooped on the floor and said look mommy im a dog
Cher says
I can’t even imagine how that conversation went…
Adrienne gordon says
I’m looking at it right now, gatorade all over my floor.
Shannon says
He dumped his milk on the floor accidentally.
Jody Sisson says
Latest mess was three bags of M&M’s all over the kitchen floor.
tml says
pizza grease all over a quilt
Lori S says
My son got a hold of the carton of milk. It was a mess.
Costana Hornbaker says
just learning to eat… try every meal
melissa williams says
I left the kitchen for one second and when I came back my daughter had green marker scribbled all over her face.
Candace says
Everyday is a mess! Recently, my son had popcorn all over the house!
Stephanie Phelps says
Oh my gosh my son got into my mascara and had it all over his face
Debbie Welchert says
I had all my grandchildren pick up their papers that they color on here for fun and throw them away in the kitchen trash and they did. When I went into the kitchen, they missed the trash can and they were laying all over the floor waiting for me to clean them up.
kasey reed says
oh his room is always a mess
Jennifer Donohue says
My youngest got into the flour and macaroni and had it all over the kitchen floor.
BusyWorkingMama says
My daughter made a mess with paint.
Marie B. says
I’m not sure how, but my two-year-old managed to get chocolate into a guitar.
Gladys Parker says
Dylan always gets his sister’s baby soap and dumps it everywhere!
Gladys P
sps1113 at yahoo dot com
Kathy s says
My son’s room is always a mess. No matter how often we clean it, it is always a disaster area just a few days later.
melissa miller says
recent mess was red koolaid
Carolyn Ann Colley (Griffith, Smith) says
Every time my grandchildren come up, they throw all their toys out all over the place. But that’s ok.
Sylvia White says
Two year old—finger paints–a moment of distraction–need I say more
Jacquline Stafford says
Aiden decided to color the carpet, walls, tv, and window with a marker…He thought we was helping me paint…LOL…I love them at that age…
Janet W. says
The latest mess I just cleaned up was all of his play food and utensils from his play kitchen. He likes to take everything out and scatter them around on the floor.
Jennifer says
My kids are super messy! Eating is probably the worst… there is food everywhere, so we actually eat outside whenever possible!
kelly says
chocolate ice cream bar all over the place! hair, hands, legs, etc
Zenaida says
Where is your Stumble Button?
Cher says
Bottom of the post, its the Red S (they keep changing the button look)
Zenaida says
My granddaughter was painting on her easel. She also included the wall!
Donna O'Neil says
My daughter always spills her drinks on the floor.
desiree says
hi i can not get pinetrest can you send me in vite
Cher says
Just sent the invite!
Irene says
My granddaughter got into her mother’s craft paints.
Larisa Kudisheva says
My nieces throw their toys all over the house and if they get a hold of a paper you can be sure you will find it in little pieces.
Michelle Mitzel says
A small, recent mess was this morning. She was helping me pour cream into my coffee. More hit the counter than the cup, but gotta love her for trying to help.
Holly C says
Little Johnny thought he’d help me out by fixing breakfast. A floor covered in eggs and milk with a liter of Coke thrown in is not a pretty sight!