FeverAll is a top national brand of acetaminophen in suppository form that has been around for more than 30 years. It is available in three strengths: Infants, Children’s (ages 3-6 years) and Jr. (6-12 yeas) – perfect for kids who are unable or unwilling to take a full dose of acetaminophen orally (due to vomiting or difficult swallowing.) With FeverAll, parents can be confident their child is getting the exact dosage of acetaminophen for their age, every time. They are less than one-inch in size and smaller than other acetaminophen suppositories, which makes it easier to administer to infants and children.
With three kids 5 and under, we have gone through a lot of acetaminophen. It all starts when one kid gets sick and then it spreads. While my kids are usually pretty good about taking acetaminophen, there are times when they don’t take it all, it drizzles down their face or with the constant changing dosage requirements I often am worried I am going to give the wrong dosage.
While I have never tried a suppository on my kids, the fact that it is less than one-inch does make me consider it. The fact that I would be giving the correct dosage and it would be safe for them, makes me feel much better about it as a parent. I haven’t had the chance to try them out with my kids as they have fortunately been on a healthy streak, but I am definitely going to try them out next time. I will say too that honestly using a suppository isn’t something I would normally think about but I am all for anything that could help my kids.
BUY IT: FeverAll is available at major retailers and drugstores across the U.S., such as Rite Aid, Walgreens and Walmart for a suggested retail price of approximately $7.00 for a package of six suppositories. Learn more about FeverAll at www.Feverall.com.
WIN IT: (1) US winner will receive a Fever’s All Better Kit
- An Angel Dear Blankie for snuggling
- A Safety 1st digital thermoter for an accurate body temperature reading
- A Cool pack to help bring down body temperature
- A $20 gift card to Babies R Us (or Toys R Us)
- FeverAll Acetaminophen Suppositories
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Mom and More Disclosure: I was sent this DVD to review in exchange for my honest opinion. Please see my Disclosure Policy.
Christy Weller says
Plenty of fluids and relaxing bath
Sand says
I tackle it with rest, medicine and lots of fluids.
Michele Behlen says
Tylenol ,lots of liquids, and maybe a popscicle.
Kathy Davis says
My FB name: Kathy Newsom Davis
Kathy Davis says
Tylenol and lots of fluids.
Gianna says
Tylenol, rest, popsicles, etc.
carol lewis says
Cool cloths, and cool liquids, rest.
Caitlin McClure says
Lots of liquids and sleeep
Laurie Emerson says
I take Motrin and a lot of cool temperature baths. For my children I give them plenty of fluids, a lot of rest and they love cool facecloth’s on their foreheads.
lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com
brittney says
a cool bath if needed and tylenol.. and lots of kisses of course
brittneydejajason at gmail dot com
Charity S says
Plenty of fluids, medicine, and mommy hugs.
Gina H. says
Meds, lots of water & lots of love.
kelly g says
lots cuddles
Tim Moss says
I usually use acetominophen or ibuprofen.
krista says
Making sure the kids stay hydrated and rest when they have a fever
Melanie Montgomery says
I go to the doctor,
Heather R says
We make sure she gets lots of sleeps and cool baths if needed.
Lisa L says
Lots of sleep and liquids!
Stephanie says
lots of water and lots of rest
Elizabeth K says
Patience and rest
Paula Tavernie says
Lots of rest and Fluids!
ptavernie at yahoo dot com
Candi M says
lotsof fluids!! tylenol..and a cold rag to the back of the neck or forehead for comfort and to keep the kiddo busy and mind off of the fever..
R Hicks says
usually with aspirin , lots of rest, and chicken soup
brich22 at earthlink dot net
Aubrey says
i give them tylenol
Brenda I says
Rest and lots of liquids
jessica schueler says
Bath, whatever pain reliever/ fever reducer we have around and bed
Jammie says
We tackle fevers with a cool bath, the steam helps break up the stuff on the chest while the cool water helps keep the fever in check some.
amy deeter says
lots of resting
Beth Good says
fluids and rest
Mariel says
lots of fluids, love and sleep:)
tamar says
We just wait it out
Kendra Warstler says
a lot of rest and love(when its my babies)
Carrie says
Usuallly with ibprofen
Leslie Galloway says
usually a cold pack on the back of the neck, if anything. Usually it just takes time and snuggles.
Facebook Name: Leslie Galloway (www.facebook.com/GallowayLeslie)
dani marie says
normally i just wait it out. it isnt fun.
Miz Vickik says
Cold pack on the head and lots of patience!
holly says
lots of fluids and rest!
gina says
Meds, rest & lots of fluids.
laura ari says
Fluids and lots of rest!
Pauline Milner says
When our Son is sick (which is not very often, thank goodness!), I make sure to keep him comfortable and give him lots of attention. I keep his fever in check with medication and make sure he drinks lots of liquids so he does not get dehydrated.
Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity. ~Pauline
Francine Anchondo says
Take a luke warm bath and medicine.
Joana A says
medicine rest and hugs!
Kristy H says
Lots of fluids, oodles of noodles, and snuggling while watching movies!
tami p says
lots of water and lots of rest
Katie R says
I eat lots of fruits and vegetables
christal c says
I use ibuprofen and a cool bath
Lori S says
Medicine and rest.
Regina says
cool bath.
tarter95 at hotmail dot com
susan varney says
plenty of liquids,usually tylenol or night quill whatever the sickness calls for
Christina lanphere says
Lots of baths and tylonal
sassy says
We bundle up in blankets, rest, lots of water and plenty of soup
Luna S. says
I find a nice luke warm bath,Lots of liquids & a nice back rub help my daughter when she isn’t feeling well,Sleep also helps.
Rachel G says
Sleep and cold fluids!
nannypanpan says
i use childrens chewable tylenol
Denise S says
I tackle it with lots of fluids and rest.
Rebecca Niehaus says
Lots of hugs and snuggles, fever reducer, Popsicles and gatorade. We also like the triamenic strips. Lots of rest and chicken soup.
Rebecca Niehaus
stephanie rowe says
rest, cold cloths and tylenol!
Katie Smith says
I use Tylenol
Tabathia B says
I usually start off with ibuprofen depending on the temp and then add oj or water
Cynthia R says
medicine right away, to bed rest, soup
Lisa @ Oh Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy says
I have to say that the only time my boys ever stop moving is when they are sick. So as much as I HATE to see them sick, I soak up the snuggles when they are. A little medicine, lots of fluids and they run the tv while we cuddle either in my bed or on the couch
Jennifer Short says
Tylenol and popsicles.
brenda says
i run and hide
haha… okay.. i wish i would run and hide. patience, rest, and lots of love
Les Johnson says
Plenty of rest, medicine, and cool towels on the forehead.
Karen Gonyea says
Luke warm tubs
Irene says
A cool bath and an ice pop helps
Mallory bordelon says
Keep hydrated
christie kammerer says
I usually tackle it with nyquil and lots of sleep.
Fawn H says
Plenty of fluids, rest and childrens tylenol
polly says
when our grandson is feeling bad we give him fluids and and lay down with him & read books….falls asleep which he needs the extra rest!
tricia dunkle says
Lots of sleep and tea
Michelle Macaluso says
Alot of fluids and rest. Usually we use tylenol for the fever
JamericanSpice says
Lots of rest and liquids.
And I make them eat too so their body has fuel to fight with.
Jennifer Marie says
I tackle illness by making sure my kids get plenty of rest and fluids during those times!
BusyWorkingMama says
We use ibuprofen to reduce it and drink plenty of fluids.
Julie Grimberg says
I tackle sickness through hugs, love, and medicine
Louis says
I let them rest on the couch and watch their favorite videos, keeping an eye on their symptoms
Thank you for hosting this giveaway
pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com
Glenna F says
Tylenol and lots of snuggling, also a cool bath helps.
Sharon says
Tylenol, sprite and a cool rag!
Sarah Walker says
I tackle fevers with tepid bathes and Tylenol.
Alicia Chandler says
Tons of lysol!!! lol I have, also, found that the ‘strips’ for cough, cold or allergies work well for our family. The kids, when they were younger, would just spit out the liquid medications, getting them all over me and everything else… everywhere but in their mouths! lol One year, my youngest son (about four then) and I got soooo sick, and NOTHING was helping. That’s when I discovered the strips, thanks to the local pharmacist in a tiny town we lived in. Been a loyal buyer since that day, and they knocked our illness out in a couple days, when we had tried everything else to no avail!
Patricia Wojnar Crowley says
Plenty of fluids and rest!
jodi lasher says
I tackle it by getting lots and lots of rest lol
carla garcia says
we watch it and don’t treat til close to 102. we give lukewarm baths. if it gets higher, we give tylenol and motrin
Mare S says
Lots of sleep and fluids.
Gina Ferrell says
I make sure I have plenty of juice and children’s Advil.
Karen R says
Plenty of fluids, chicken soup,and a cold compress on the forehead are some of the things I do.
Jennifer B says
Tylenol and Popsicles
cool bath for fever
Jennifer says
I make my kids wash their hands like crazy, keep hydrated and get plenty of rest!
Sandy VanHoey says
we keep both ibuprofen and tylenol in the house
sandra says
with ibuprofen or tylenol
Brandy says
Liquids, wet cloths, and distractions!
debbie says
I usually use cool washcloths, a cool drink or popsicles, and fever reducer.
Susan Salerno says
Lots of fluids and rest!!
Valerie Taylor Mabrey says
rest and baths
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Harmony B says
fluids, cool wash cloth and hugs of course
tess says
i give baths, tylenol and motrin, popsicles and cold wash clothes
tcogbill at live dot com
ColleenMarie82 says
Thankfully my kids do not get sick too often. When they do I usually just use tylenol.