Disney Princess & Me invites your little princess to play with her favorite Disney Princess as her Best Princess Friend (BPF). The beautifully sculpted 18” dolls are dressed in meticulously-crafted ball gowns inspired by their iconic gowns from the beloved films. Each product in the line is thoughtfully designed with the highest quality materials to give your princess a playing experience she will remember forever:
- Silky hair that feels real – hair made of Kanekalon; the highest quality of silky hair
- Eyes that sparkle – Macor eyes features multiple layers of color to give them depth and realistic shine (i.e Cinderella’s eyes are made up of 4 different shades of blue)
- Mark of trust – a Princess & Me “trust mark” can be found on every item in the line that ensures quality and authenticity
- Graceful posing – each doll has 6 points of articulation that allows for more flexibility and posability
- Prefect smiles – each princess’ face is uniquely sculpted and meticulously finished to create a soft, porcelain effect
- Crowing glory – each princess has her own signature tiara with a high-gloss metallic finish and adorned with rhinestones in their signature colors

Need help entering a giveaway? Check out my blog post for some help!
This Giveaway Ends December 20, 2013.
Vicky D says
My granddaughter likes Aurora.
Colette S says
We were just watching The Little Mermaid, so my daughter would LOVE the Ariel too.
trixx says
My daughter would love Ariel
Laura Smith says
She would love the Ariel she loves her.
Jessuca says
My daughter would love Belle.
Krista Grandstaff says
We really like the Belle doll…she’s lovely, and my daughter always picks brunettes because she wants them all to look like her 🙂
Nancy says
We like Belle.
cynthia mahoney says
Cinderella, she’s a blond.
Beverly Metcalf says
My granddaughter would love Ariel, but they are all beautiful dolls. Thanks!
tina reynolds says
My daughter carly would love belle
Virginia Rowell says
All of them are adorable. I think my granddaughter would love Ariel the best.
Nicole C. says
My daughter would love Ariel!!
angelina says
Both of my daughters love Ariel and she was my favorite as a child! This would be amazing if I won this. The Ariel doll is beautiful!
Keisha Gardner says
She liked Ariel.
Lisa L says
My pick would be Ariel for my little girl
Jennifer says
My daughter would love Ariel!!
Gale McCarron says
My Granddaughter would love the Ariel doll. She adores the movie, and has her Uncle Rob sing Part of That World on his guitar all the time 🙂
Shane says
My niece would love the Cinderella one, but she would love any princess doll
susan smoaks says
our daughter would love to get Belle!
i am Tony L Smoaks on rafflecopter
Rachael Forsythe says
She would love bells
Teresa Thompson says
She would like Ariel the best.
christine jessamine says
my daughter would love belle
Keith says
Belle, is my youngest favorite princess
brittney says
my daughter would love ariel or cinderella
kristine eckman says
Ariel. my daughter loves her.
Mandala says
Ariel will be a hit for us. Thanks!
addison kat says
my daughter would love ariel or cinderella.
ellen c. says
My daughter would love the Cinderella doll. Thanks for the chance.
Paula Tavernie says
I like Cinderella!!
Sara Harrah says
Rebecca Peters says
My daughter would love cinderella
Paulette D. says
The Ariel Doll.
Brittney G. says
Ariel 🙂
shawna says
She would like Cinderella
Merry says
She would love Cinderella
kristy thiel says
My daughter would love Ariel!
Anthony says
the Ariel doll.
heather baker says
My daughter loves Ariel!!
Jamie Brigham says
Definitely Cinderella same as me 🙂
betty moreno says
My daughter would love Cinderella and Ariel
trenda t says
She would LOVE Ariel! We are Little Mermaid fans for sure!
Donna W. says
Kristina Wilson says
April G says
My daughter would love Ariel the most!
lissa crane says
My daughter is a huge Ariel fan, I would love to win this for her!
tara darity says
ariel or belle! cant choose!
e michelle says
my daughter loves belle because that is her name. SHe has a little belle doll this would make a great add to her dolls!
Dawn Monroe says
My middle granddaughter is into anything mermaids and princesses so I know she would love Arial.
Alisha Kostiuk says
Mine would love Ariel.
Billie Wilson says
My daughter would love Ariel. It’s one of her favorite princesses.
Tina says
She would love Ariel
Angela says
Lesley F says
I love Cinderella!
Tamar says
I like Cinderella.
Beverly Nelson says
My daughter would totally adore the Ariel Doll!
Brynn says
Definitely Ariel!
Kellie Terwin says
Shanon Meigel says
Jeana O'donnell-Murphy says
My daughter would definitely love Ariel
Susan Chester says
My granddaughter would love Cinderella. It’s her favorite book!
Kathleen says
kport207 at gmail dot com
theresa n says
She’d like Cinderella
Debra F says
My granddaughters would like them all! There hasn’t been a Disney movie out that they haven’t fallen in love with all the characters!
terry maigi says
My daughter is crazy about Cinderella!!!
Jessica Rinker says
kim says
My daughter would love Cinderella
Glenna F says
My daughter would love Belle.
Tina says
She loves Cinderella. all of the princesses are cute thouhg
Pauline M says
My little monkey would love Belle!
Sue Hull says
I think Ariel is cutest one. Thank you 🙂
Victoria Carlson says
My niece would LOVE ariel!
Kristina Valcarce says
These dolls are adorable. I’m hoping they come out with a TINKER BELL one!
Natalie U says
Who doesn’t love Ariel with that red hair….Ariel for sure
Chelsey says
We are into ALL princesses at our house, but I think she may like Belle the best. :]
Rosemarie says
I know a little girl who would love her!
Rosemarie says
My granddaughter would love her!
Monique Rizzo says
Thanks for the chance.
[email protected]
Pietra Cruz says
My daughter LOVES Ariel. She was even Ariel for Halloween! Thanks!
Randi S says
Ariel…or Cinderella….okay, or Belle…these just happen to be the Top 3!!
Jennifer says
susan hartman says
My granddaghter loves Ariel.
Debbie Flood says
We would love Cinderella
Misha Estrada says
My daughter likes Cinderella the best.
Erin Lane says
We love Ariel at our house!
Allison Elizabeth says
my daughter loves Ariel. thanks.
Cindy Ray says
My daughter would absolutely love each Belle!
Melissa Bell says
My girls love Ariel!
Deb K says
My granddaughter would love Ariel,she thinks that she is a Mermaid..LOL
Daniel M says
since I showed her Tangled she now loves Repunzel
Amy says
Definitely Ariel!
Anne Alexander says
The dolls are gorgeous.
jessica hager says
My daughter’s favorite Princess is Cinderella.
Stephanie Gossett says
My daughter would love Belle!
ninigossett at gmail dot com
Jennifer Foster says
Ariel, as she has red hair and is my little girl’s favorite!
teresa null says
fantastic giveaway.. granddaughters would love!
melissaandkeith miller says
Ariel is our favorite
courtney hennagir says
My daughter would definitely love the Ariel doll the most!
Dawn Ganey says
My daughter loves belle.
April Brenay says
Mine would love Ariel!
Sara Wagner says
My daughter would love Cinderella.
Jammie says
My daughter would love ariel the best, I think.
Karen Kelly says
My granddaughter loves Ariel!
Terra Heck says
I think she’d most like Cinderella. Thanks.
Liza @ Views From the 'Ville says
My daughter would love to have Ariel 🙂
Karen O says
My granddaughter would choose Belle. These dolls are so pretty.
Patti Hess says
Like Ariel
pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
thank you
Denise Donaldson says
she would love Ariel
Athena S says
My daughter would love Ariel. She loves watching the Little Mermaid.
Janice Cooper says
My niece would love Ariel 🙂
Kimberly Kihega says
My daughter would love to have Ariel.
Jennifer T. says
My daughter would love the Ariel princess.
Jennifer Rote says
My niece would love the Ariel princess doll.
Amy B says
Love the Aurora doll
Terri Egelund says
My granddaughter would love Aieral.
Lauren E. says
My daughter would love the Belle doll
Tari Lawson says
She would like Ariel.
Rebecca Parsons says
I think my daughter would like Ariel.
harolde says
Ariel would be my granddaughter’s pick!!
Karen R says
Cinderella is the favorite here.
Katrina J says
My daughter would love the Cinderella doll.
Jan Lee says
She would like Cinderella since she has blonde hair like my great niece 🙂
Melanie Montgomery says
Belle, We love her
Lauren O. says
My daughter would like to receive Belle
Amy D. says
I don’t know about my daughter, but I’d love the Ariel doll 🙂
Kristen says
Defintely Ariel!
Denise Welch says
My granddaughter would love cinderella doll
My daughter loves Ariel.
Diane Perkins says
This would make an awesome Christmas gift!
Nicole Lancaster says
My daughter would like the Cinderella Doll the best.
nickie says
I would pick Tiana
ANN*H says
I like the one with the blonde hair best
melissa williams says
my daughter would love belle or ariel the best
Natalie says
We love Ariel
Audra O'Hara says
I think my daughter would like Belle the best; so very pretty.
tracy p. says
She likes Cinderella best from those princesses.
Jessica Cox says
My daughter would love Belle
Carol says
I like the Disney Princess & Me Cinderella Doll.
Debra Hall says
i love belle so is so pretty
Debra S says
I think the the little girl I have this in mind to give to would choose Ariel… but I’m guessing. I suppose I would let her choose! These are quite pretty dolls for sure.
Allison says
Definitely Ariel for my little girl!
Patricia Wojnar Crowley says
Our favorite would be Cinderella!
Dorothy Teel says
I believe that we like this one the “kind and graceful Aurora
she is beautiful and loves nature and her woodland friends
Trisha Burgess says
denise says
Brei H. says
I would pick the Ariel doll!
Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
Kristi C says
My daughter would love Ariel.
The princess in my life would love Ariel.
carey p says
Ariel would be her choice
Talya Gulman says
Ariel she loves the little mermaid!
Lisa K says
My little on loves Princess Ariel. I would have to choose Ariel.
Julie B. says
My niece would like the Ariel princess doll
Sharon Kaminski says
I like the Aurora doll.
Kathy Davis says
Nellie would love Ariel.
Jen says
we would like cinderella
Rebecca says
My daughters would love this!
jenn mcclearn says
I think that she would like Cinderella the best
April says
My daughter would love Bella!
Kerry G. says
My daughter would like Ariel
Stephanie Larison says
She’d like Belle the best. We have a beagle named after her. 🙂
Danielle Cordeau says
My daughter would probably like Belle the most. 🙂 She was my favorite growing up.
Kimberly Schotz says
My granddaughter would like Cinderella
Darlene Carbajal says
I like Ariel. 🙂
shelly leatham says
Ariel would be her fave!
sandra davis says
she would like Cinderella
Karen says
Lately my daughter’s been really into Ariel so I think that she would go for her too! She’d be happy with any of them, though. She’s almost six so Disney still figures prominently into our household.
Amy W. says
She would like Belle.
beckybarrettbeitzel says
Katie Bellamy says
My daughter would love these!!
Sarah Stedman says
Both of my daughters would love Ariel. I bought the movie as soon as it was re released and they absolutely love it, just as I did when I was younger.
Sheryl says
My niece would like the Cinderella doll.
Sue Ellison says
I think my daughter would like Ariel the best.
Prudence H. says
She would really love Cinderella!
Michelle F. says
My daughter loves Ariel.
debbie jackson says
Brea would like ariel
Marj M. says
She would love Cinderella.
Colleen Maurina says
My granddaughter’s favorite Disney princess is Cinderella!
Carrie Phelps says
My granddaughter would love the Ariel doll.
Jessica says
My daughter would love Belle
My children would love Ariel the most.
Michelle Olms says
Kelly Kimmell says
My daughter would like Ariel!
AC Turner says
Angela W says
My daughter would love the Belle doll.
andrea says
Our daughter would definitely choose Ariel!
kim burnett says
My daughter would love Ariel!
Jenn says
My granddaughter would love to have the Ariel doll.
Patricia says
My girls would love Ariel.
Sandra VanHoey says
Cinderella is the one my granddaughter would love
Dani Osenbaugh says
She would like Ariel the best I think because she loves watching The Little Mermaid.
tina m says
Christina says
my daughter would love Belle!
Jeanna says
Ariel is my daughter’s favorite princess!
Leah B says
She’d love Belle!
Darlene Sullins says
I think my little girls would love the Cinderella and Rapunzul ones!
courtney b says
i think the first one is cinderella? thats the one i like 🙂
Maria Iemma says
My granddaughter would love Belle
Sacha Schroeder says
Definitely Ariel. My daughter is a red head and loves her for obvious reasons. 🙂
Kelly D says
My daughter would like Belle.
Patty Jester says
My granddaughter loves Ariel.
Michelle S says
I think my daughter would choose Ariel because of her beautiful dress.
Michelle Weaver says
She would love the little mermaid doll!
Sadie B. says
My daughter would love Ariel.
Melissa says
My favorite is Belle, she’s beautiful! 🙂
Lizz says
Cinderella, but she really likes all the Disney princess
Cynthia R says
would probably like ariel the best
krystal m says
I think she would love the ariel.
Tanya Holland says
I would love to win the Princess Ariel doll. She is my daughters’ favorite.
shelly says
My daughter would love Ariel!
katklaw777 says
My daughter would like Belle…thanks!
Anna-Leigh says
Right now I thin Ariel would be her favorite…of course that could change at any moment 😉
Raina DelRio says
My daughter would love Ariel (she is her fave!)
Mary Happymommy says
My daughter would love Cinderella.
Tracey Byram says
Alyssa would like the Ariel doll.
Heidi Daily says
My daughter likes Belle best, because of her yellow dress.
Renee B. says
My daughter would love Ariel, that’s what she was for Halloween.
Heather says
My daughter would love the ariel doll too – her favorite!
Maralea says
She would love Ariel