Every time you try to apply for a loan, there is another person busy checking the credit score which is known as a hard inquiry. Unfortunately, hard credit inquiries do make a difference to your credit score since each inquiry can take off about 3 to 7 points from your score. The credit inquiry can also appear on your credit report for about two years. Thus, a negative credit score can deprive you of the opportunity to get a new loan.
However, one thing that you do not know about hard credit inquiries is that financial institutions do not need your consent to access your credit. The law, however, compels the companies to seek your consent first before pulling your credit. All the same, there is a cheaper and easier way to remove hard inquiries from your credit score.
How to Remove Credit Scores
If a company pulls the information on your credit without seeking your permission first, then it would be violating the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). This is a federal law that is designed to protect the interests of debtors. To get the credit inquiries removed from your account, you can file a dispute against the company involved. A dispute leads to the removal of inquiries by the three credit bureaus that include, Experian, and TransUnion. If the company that has pulled your credit fails to provide documentation that shows authorization for the hard inquiry, then the three credit bureaus must remove the inquiries.
What is the Easiest Way of Removing Hard Credit Inquiries?
The easiest way to get the credit inquiries removed from your credit report is to start a dispute with Equifax, TransUnion, Experian, or DisputeBee online. These services are easy to use since all you provide is your credit reports online and you can dispute the inaccuracies. To do this, you can click here to learn more about DisputeBee and you’ll find services that will aid the removal of hard credit inquiries. The advantage of using an online platform is that it is easier and faster than the traditional credit repair firms that also offer the same service.
Steps Involved in the Removal of Hard Inquiries
When you open a dispute online, the credit bureau sends an automated response that requests you to directly engage the creditor which is not true. Instead, you should send a certified letter to the bureaus for credit asking for the documents to be authorized. If you do not get these documents within 30 days, they must remove the hard inquiry from your report.
Using the online platform to open a dispute is pretty easy. You can follow the simple steps below:
- Sign up with the service provider
- Retrieve your credit report
- Choose the credit inquiries that you want to dispute. The automated dispute letter is generated
- Print the letter and post it via certified mail to the credit bureaus
- You are done and should wait for a response within 30 days
Hard credit inquiries negatively impact your credit score and this can result in your application for a loan being denied if you have more than six inquiries within a period of six months. Lending companies have no right to pull your credit though, they do it without your consent. What you should know is that these undesirable inquiries can be removed easily by just following a few steps.
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