I received product in exchange for sharing my honest opinion.

There are not that many games that make my kids laugh now that they are getting older but Drone Home from PlayMonster is one of them. Seriously it is a fun and easy game. No reading is reaquired and no crazy instructions.

First off make sure you have four AAA batteries (or give with if you are giving as a gift) and plug adapter to charge the drone. No screwdriver required either as you can just click the piece in place. You do get the cord but not the adapter to plug into the wall.

After charging for just ten minutes you are ready to play and set up takes literally a minute. Up to four players can play and really one kid could play just for fun of launching aliens.
Here is a quick video of Drone Home in action:
The game reminds me of Hungry Hungry Hippos but with aliens and a drone. It is a game that can be played for a few minutes or over and over. It is a game for all ages and a game that won’t go out of style since you know aliens are always gonna be cool!
Check out Drone Home
You can find Drone Home on Amazon or wherever games are sold.
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