When you are cooking for a family there are so many different things to consider. There may be allergies in the family, as well as picky eaters and even some food aversions. But have you thought about the foods that you eat as a family that could lead to acid reflux? The challenge with this is that there are no foods that induce it particularly, but there are some food groups that can have an impact.
There are some people who can get heartburn, which is a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) when they have any foods that contain citrus. There may be other people who feel the impact after having drinks that are carbonated or caffeinated. In fact, some people can experience reflux when they have coffee or chocolate. It is worth paying attention to what can impact your family, because otherwise, you may need to look into surgery for Hiatal hernias at somewhere like safesurgery.com.au, which can occur as a result of acid reflux. Regardless, there are still a few tips and tricks that you can do to make sure that you can serve a healthy meal to your family that it’s filling, tasty, and heartburn-friendly. Here are some things to think about.
Foods that can induce acid reflux
There are a number of foods that can induce acid reflux, but as webmd.com/heartburn-gerd/ will tell you, you should look out for the triggers in your family. Some food groups are the leading cause, though. These can be foods like tomatoes and sauces that have a tomato-based. As mentioned above, citrus and chocolate can be a trigger, as well as mint. If you have someone in the home that can get reflux quite often, then make sure that you try the following:
- Serve juice that isn’t the most citric. Apple juice would be better compared to lemon or orange.
- Drink tea instead of having coffee, as caffeine can be a trigger for some people.
- Use less tomato-based sauces in your cooking. There are plenty of recipes online for meals like pizza, lasagne, and casseroles that aren’t full of acidic tomato sauces.
- If you offer dessert, fruit-based desserts can be a better option than rich chocolate-based desserts.
- When cooking, it is best to bake food or broil them, rather than fry them, if you are looking to reduce acid reflux.
- If a recipe requires using cream as an ingredient, then try using a substitute, such as a yogurt that is low-fat, as that can be easier to digest and mean less chance of reflux.
- Eating a diet that is heavy in meat can lead to acid reflux compared to one that is full of vegetables. So reducing how much meat you eat, and replacing with more vegetables can be a good idea.
- Make sure that you include a lot of whole grains in your diet, including brown rice, instead of having grains that are white and refined.
- Almonds and other nuts can be great to eat if you or a family member are experiencing acid reflux or heartburn after eating.
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