Creative passions needn’t just be a hobby. In many cases, they can be a source of income. Below are just some of the creative passions that you can make money from.
If you have a talent for drawing or painting, there are many ways in which you can make money from this talent. You could sell your own original works through local art shops or via sites like Etsy. Alternatively, you could take up work as a freelance illustrator – this could include illustrating books or designing album covers. Sites like Fiverr can be a great place to pick up digital art odd jobs.
Crafts like woodworking, knitting and pottery can be turned into money too. Etsy has become a very popular site for buying and selling home-made crafts. You could also consider taking your crafts to craft fairs. It’s worth working on your own unique style or ‘brand’ of crafts – this will help your crafts to stand out from the crowd and will get you more attention.
There are lots of jobs that involve writing such as commercial copywriting and journalism. A great way to get your foot in the door is to start contributing to blogs for free in order to build a portfolio. You can also try launching your own personal blog, which could be themed around any topic. If this is successful, you could even make money out of this blog via ad revenue and sponsorships. For those that want to get into fiction writing, it could be worth looking into how to write a book and get it published. Writing and publishing a book isn’t easy, but there are more ways of marketing a book than ever before.
If you sing or play an instrument, you could make money by creating original music. While creating the next big radio hit isn’t easy, you may still be able to make some money by uploading music to Spotify and playing local gigs. You can pick up jobs on Fiverr making music for adverts and indie video games.
You can also turn a creative passion for gardening into a money-making career. Gardening and landscaping is a job that is in demand. Use your close network to build some initial clients – initially you could volunteer your services or charge very little. From here you can build up your reputation.
You can also find ways to make money from cooking and baking. If you’ve developed a few signature recipes, you could consider starting your own restaurant. You could even begin as a home takeaway service or food truck business and then build from here. When it comes to baking, consider starting your own bakery business. Cakemaking is very popular and can be very profitable if you’re able to build up your reputation and target the right clients.
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