As summer begins to wind down, homeowners are beginning to consider making HVAC upgrades for next year. The best time to install a new AC unit is in the fall through the spring when residents don’t have to worry about the heat and HVAC technicians aren’t busy repairing existing AC systems.
Some homeowners assume that installing an air conditioner is a simple job that could be undertaken at home. Unless they have experience in the HVAC industry, that’s likely not the case. Homeowners who want to know what it takes can read on to find out about the steps taken by professional HVAC contractors to install new air conditioning systems.
Step One: Choose the Right System
Air conditioning systems need to be sized appropriately to ensure that they will be able to keep the entire home comfortably cool even on the hottest days. Installing an over- or under-sized unit can cause premature wear and tear, reduce efficiency, shorten the system’s usable lifespan, and leave residents dealing with uncomfortable indoor temperatures.
AC technicians conduct load calculations that take into account not just the home’s size but also its age, location, how it was constructed, and even whether there are nearby trees that could provide shade in the summer. Homeowners who want to install their own systems will need to gather and analyze all of this information themselves.
Step Two: Check the Ductwork
Before installing a new air conditioner, homeowners should check the ductwork. If the ducts are dirty, damaged, or uninsulated, the increased performance and efficiency of a new AC system won’t make much of a difference. Homeowners should repair or replace ductwork as needed before beginning the AC installation.
Step Three: Choose the Right Location
Most AC units have both indoor and outdoor components, so it’s important to determine where they need to go in advance. Take careful measurements of the space and consider using spray paint or chalk to mark out where the unit will go before it arrives.
Step Four: Install the Unit
If the AC unit is a simple, wall-mounted system, it may be relatively easy to install it. Unfortunately, more efficient central-air systems are complicated to install. The exact specifications vary based on the manufacturer and the specifics of the unit being installed. Be sure to follow all of the manufacturer’s installation instructions carefully, especially when it comes to connecting ductwork, piping, and electrical elements.
Homeowners should note that improper installation of an AC system can void its warranty. In many cases, manufacturers require professional AC installation Kingston. Check the warranty terms before breaking out those tools to be sure the equipment will still be covered after a DIY installation.
Step Five: Check the System
Incorrectly installed AC systems reduce efficiency by up to 30 percent, so homeowners should always perform a final check before turning on that new air conditioning unit. If everything is installed according to the manufacturer’s specifications, it’s still important to pay attention after flipping the switch to ensure that airflow and temperature are consistent and the unit is not producing any unusual noises.
When to Hire a Pro
Most homeowners who attempt to install their own air conditioning systems will quickly find themselves in over their heads. Remember that there is no shame in hiring a professional to complete the installation. HVAC technicians receive years of training and are industry-certified to perform this kind of specialized work.
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