Many of us regularly redecorate the interior of our homes. But when was the last time you spruced up your home’s exterior? Every few years it could be important to keep on top of various maintenance jobs and replace parts of your home. Below are a few prime examples.
Your roof
Eventually every roof needs to be replaced, but just how long does a roof last? Depending on the material and how well looked after it is – anywhere from 15 to over 100 years! For most types of roofing, you can expect to replace them after 25 years. With asphalt shingles (which are the most popular option), wear and tear typically starts to set in around this time. Wooden roofs also typically start to run into problems around this time. As for metal roofs, these can last 50 years or more without needing to be replaced. Slate roofs are some of the most long-lasting – they can last well over 100 years (in fact, it’s usually the supporting timbers that go first). Rainwater leaks, visible missing tiles and drafts are usually the biggest signs you need a new roof. It’s best to call a roofing expert to assess your roof to determine whether it needs repairing or replacing.
Your siding
Siding can also get damaged over time. When it comes to timber and vinyl siding, the average life is usually about 20 to 40 years. Stone veneer meanwhile can last up to 75 years if it is well-maintained. A window and siding contractor will be able to tell you if your siding is in need of replacing. Large cracks, warping or rotting are usually telltale signs you need new siding.
Your front door
An old and worn front door can be a security risk. It’s therefore important to know when to replace it. Traditionally, many front doors would last around 30 years before needing to be replaced, but many modern options are now being built to last longer – a well-maintained timber door can last up to 60 years, while fiberglass doors can last up to 70 years. Warping, sticking and cracks are signs that you should replace a door.
Your driveway
You may need to eventually lay a new driveway once you start to notice cracks or poor drainage. Asphalt driveways are some of the first to experience wear and tear – you can expect major damage to start occurring after 15 to 25 years. Concrete driveways will usually last longer – around 25 to 35 years – before needing to be replaced.
Your garage door
Garage doors typically last between 15 and 30 years. Rust, dents and misalignment are all signs that a garage door has reached the end of its life. It’s worth noting that the operating mechanism of a garage door will often break before the door itself. In these cases, you may be able to still keep the same door and replacing the operating mechanism, however many people typically replace both at the same time.
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