I received tickets in exchange for sharing my honest opinion.

Growing up I loved basketball and it was literally my world. I played on my school’s team, collected basketball cards and watched every game I could. While it was a big time here in Chicago for the Chicago Bulls, I did always want to see the Harlem Globetrotters. I remember seeing commericals starring them and they not only played a basketball game but used comedy in it.
Well now that my kids are grown I was excited to see that the Harlem Globetrotters were coming to my area. Did you know that the Harlem Globetrotters have been playing since 1926? I had no clue and can’t beleive it took me so long to see them! This new world tour shows the Globetrotters as they go head-to-head against the Washington Generals who will stop at nothing to try and defeat the world’s winningest team!
The Globetrotter stars are bringing out their amazing basketball skill, outrageous athleticism and a non-stop LOL good time in this new show and it is the perfect family night out. My 11-year-old daughter and 14-year-old son are not basketball fans and did not want to go at first. I promised the show would be something to remember and they agreed to give it a shot.
When we got to our seats, which were on the floor, my kids were imediately impressed seeing the basketball court and watching the players warm up.

So the show is basically a basketball game but throughout the game the players act out silly hijnks and “malarcky” as one of the opponents said! They inlcude the crowd and keep everyone entertained from start to finish. I honestly laughed and smiled the whole time and my kids were just as enthralled. My husband had said he always wanted to see them and they did not disappoint. They even have an awesome mascot who does tricks!

The players are pretty impressive too as far as their basketball skills go. From their crazy shots to dunks and passing.

Honestly their passing skills were probably my favorite because they made it look so effortless.
The show runs about 90 minutes but I highly recommend getting their early to watch warmups and get situated for when the show starts. You don’t want to be a late arrival and walk in front of everyone. After the show the players stay for a “5th quarter” to sign autographs. It does get pretty crowded down there but it is such an awesome thing the players do for the fans. You can bring something for them to sign or buy a basketball there for the players to sign.

So overall do I recommend the show?
Yes! It is an experience you won’t forget and whether you are a basketball fan or not, it is a great show! So much entertainment and sillyness!
Find The Harlem Globetrotters 2023 World Tour events near you: https://www.harlemglobetrotters.com/world-tour/schedule
Use the code USFAM to save 20% through April 2023.
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