Keeping your teeth healthy is essential, as we all learn from a very young age, from brushing regularly, to flossing – but did you know the foods that you eat can have an impact on your overall oral health? It’s important to ensure you’re getting enough in the way of vitamins and minerals each day so that your mouth can remain healthy, and your teeth can remain strong. We’ll take a look at some of the minerals you should be prioritizing, and how to add them to your diet to keep your teeth healthy. Sometimes, as we age, our teeth can become discolored, chipped, or broken, which can have an impact on our self-esteem. Thankfully, there are modern ways to improve, like having a Hollywood smile Turkey procedure to create a dazzling smile.
What are vitamins and minerals?
When we refer to vitamins and minerals, we’re talking about nutrients that are essential for your body to help it work properly, and function as it should. There are so many vitamins and minerals that we can benefit from, that help different parts of the body specifically – so it’s important that we get as many as we can to help us remain healthy. Usually, most of the vitamins and minerals we need come from the food we eat. Making sure you eat a balanced diet means your body can benefit from strong bones, a healthy immune and digestive system, and strong teeth. Some of us may find that we have a deficiency in a specific nutrient, with iron and calcium deficiencies being some of the most common. If you think that you’re not getting enough of a certain vitamin in your diet, you can take supplements each day to help you get your recommended dose, so you can live happily and healthily.
Teeth and nutrients
It’s essential that we all know how to keep our teeth healthy throughout our lives, with brushing flossing, and regularly visiting the dentist – but have you ever thought about how nutrients can have an impact on your teeth? We need to make sure we’re getting enough of the correct vitamins and minerals to keep our teeth strong and allow our oral health to remain in good condition. It’s important that we get enough of these nutrients to enhance our overall oral health. Here are some of the most essential nutrients that you need to keep your teeth strong and healthy:
This won’t come as a huge surprise to many of us, but calcium is one of the most important nutrients when it comes to mouth health. Calcium helps to build bones and maintain support throughout your body. But when it comes to your teeth, this essential nutrient helps to harden enamel and strengthen your jaw. This means you’re less likely to suffer chips, broken teeth, and cavities. You can get your dose of calcium from milk, cheese, and even green leafy vegetables.
Vitamin D
This nutrient works in conjunction with calcium to help carry and deposit it around the body, and into the teeth. You’ll need to get a sufficient amount of vitamin D so that your body can take advantage of your calcium intake. You can add vitamin D to your diet from oily fish, egg yolks, and fortified foods like cereals. Making sure you get enough vitamin D in your diet can have an impact on the health of your teeth, mouth, and bones.
Much like vitamin D, potassium works in your body to help you get the most from your recommended dose of calcium. It helps to improve your mineral density and works to prevent acidity in the blood. This is important as it takes away calcium from your teeth. Making sure you have enough potassium in your diet means you can give your teeth the best chance of getting as much calcium as possible, to remain strong and cavity-free. You can get your potassium from foods such as dried fruit, beans, potatoes, and bananas to keep your levels up, and your oral health in the best condition.
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