Professional soccer, known as football in most parts of the world, is genuinely an international sport. It is estimated that there are more than 240 million registered players across the world, with billions of fans actively participating in the sport.
The Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) was established in 1904 as the international governing body for soccer and comprises men’s and women’s clubs from around the world. In the U.S., Major Soccer League (MSL) is a member of FIFA. However, it operates as a single entity, contracting players with the league instead of individual MLS teams.
There are many benefits to playing soccer for kids than just getting exercise or having fun with friends. Having a dedicated coach means that kids will benefit from routine, plan, and feedback. These are all great elements to have in a team sport, and with Premier Grassroots Soccer Coaching tools, a coach can provide this for the team, and get them used to a well-planned training session and drills from a young age. Here are some reasons why your child should start playing soccer if they haven’t already and how you can encourage them to do so:
Physical Benefits
Soccer is a great way to get kids to be active. The game is fast-paced and requires constant movement, which makes it an excellent choice for children who may not have much interest in sports that require long periods of sitting or standing still.
As children grow older and develop more muscle tone and strength through playing soccer regularly, they’ll see improvements in their physical abilities and their self-esteem. Regular practice at kicking or dribbling can strengthen leg muscles, running after balls will improve cardiovascular health, practicing shooting accuracy can help develop better hand-eye coordination, etc., all contributing towards overall fitness levels.
The Piedmont Highlander recently reported the CDC finding that physical exercise can be as effective as medication in preventing chronic illnesses. A study conducted by the National Institute of Health found that regular physical activity is linked to a reduced risk of 13 types of cancer, including breast, colon, liver, and myeloid leukemia.
Engaging in sports can also lower the chances of metabolic syndromes by promoting better nutrition and gas exchange while contributing to a decreased incidence of cardiovascular disease and improved cardiac function.
Mental Benefits
Soccer is a great sport for children to play because it helps them develop their mental skills. The game requires a lot of focus, patience, and discipline. These are all qualities that will benefit your child as they grow up.
Soccer also increases confidence in kids by allowing them to show off their skills on the field or court in front of other people (including parents). This can help boost self-esteem if they’re having trouble with something at school or home, such as being bullied by classmates or siblings.
Social Benefits
Soccer is a team sport, and every team has players with different skills. Players learn how to work together as a team and interact with each other on the field.
In soccer, there are many situations where you have to pass the ball or receive passes from other players. This teaches children the importance of teamwork and communication to succeed in life (and score goals).
Encourage Participation
It’s important to remember that soccer is not just about winning. It’s also about learning how to play the game and follow the rules, working with others, being a good sport, and having fun. Encouraging your child’s love of soccer will help them develop these skills at an early age so they can enjoy the sport for years to come.
Attend Games
One of the best ways to encourage your child’s love of soccer is to attend their games. You may not be able to watch every game, but if you can make it out to a few, it will go a long way toward showing them how much you care about their sport and want them to succeed in it.
The more positive feedback and encouragement that kids receive from their parents about sports activities, the more likely they are going to stick with those activities over time.
Help Them Practice
If you have a child who is interested in soccer, why not join them for some practice? You can set up practice with a friend or ask someone from their team to come over and help out.
If you want to take it one step further, take your child to one of the many training centers for soccer across America. MLS soccer training partner, TOCA Soccer, aims to encourage the growing interest in the sport and develop players in North America by building a large number of training centers for the game.
Training centers can provide children with access to professional coaching and specialized training programs that are tailored to their skill level and age. Through regular training sessions, children can improve their technical abilities, tactical awareness, and physical fitness, which can help them perform better on the field and achieve their soccer goals.
Additionally, training centers often provide a supportive and challenging learning environment that can enhance children’s motivation, discipline, and sportsmanship.
Create a Supportive Environment
Moms can help their children enjoy soccer by creating a supportive environment. This includes providing the necessary equipment and gear and ensuring that their child is well-rested and nourished before games. Your encouragement will encourage your child to continue playing the sport they love so much.
Keep It Fun
According to a report in Los Altos Town Crier, a survey by Aspen institute highlights that there has been a decline in youth sports participation in the United States. The survey results indicate that the current percentage of children participating in team sports is 38%, which is down from 45% ten years ago.
The “Don’t Retire Kid” commercials from the Aspen Institute’s “Project Play 2020” campaign, which aired during the Little League World Series, featured young athletes expressing their frustration and decision to quit youth sports.
Moms should keep soccer fun for children to promote their long-term engagement in the sport. When kids enjoy soccer, they are more likely to continue playing and reap the numerous physical and mental benefits associated with regular sports participation, such as improved health, teamwork, and self-confidence.
Soccer is a great sport for kids, and it can have many benefits for them. If your child loves soccer and wants to play more, you should encourage him or her by going to games with them and providing encouragement on the field. You should also practice with them, so they feel prepared when they take on their next challenge.
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