Nothing can ruin highly anticipated summer plans quite like an unexpected and unwanted illness. However, colds and flu are not limited to specific seasons and can strike throughout the year.
It may feel unnatural to get sick with a virus primarily associated with the cold winter months. Still, many people experience cold-like symptoms in summer, which can feel heightened thanks to the hot and humid weather. The best way to protect yourself and your family is by prioritizing cold, flu, and immune system support through a healthy and balanced diet, dietary supplements (if needed), and regular exercise.
What is a Summer Cold?
There are more than 200 different known viruses that cause colds. During winter, most colds are triggered by rhinoviruses, which thrive and survive best in cooler temperatures. In comparison, the summer cold is typically due to non-polio enterovirus.
There are over 60 types of non-polio enteroviruses. They are the second most common type of virus that infects the human body, trumped only by their winter counterpart. However, roughly half of those with enterovirus infections display no symptoms at all.
Common Cold Symptoms
Summer cold symptoms don’t differ from the cold symptoms you can experience at any other time of the year. However, the heat and humidity that come with the warmer weather typically heighten the effects of the symptoms, making you feel worse. The high temperatures can also cause you to sweat more, increasing the risk of dehydration.
The most common cold symptoms people experience are a runny nose, sneezing, coughing, a fever, body and muscle aches, and mouth blisters. In addition, people tend to struggle more psychologically with summer illnesses when they prevent them from enjoying outdoor activities and good weather. In comparison, catching a cold in winter is widely accepted as being inevitable.
If your symptoms are significantly different from those listed above, it is likely that you are suffering from a different illness. In this case, it is essential to consult your medical practitioner or local GP to receive a proper diagnosis and subsequent treatment plan.
Cold Vs. Allergies
A summer cold is often mistaken for seasonal allergies, as the main symptoms, which include congestion, a runny nose, and sneezing, are shared by both ailments. However, there are a handful of noticeable differences between them.
Cold symptoms typically include aches and pains, a fever, and a cough. At the same time, allergies produce itchy, watery eyes, itchy skin or a rash, and symptoms that typically persist for longer than two weeks.
Summer allergies, more widely known as hay fever, are traditionally caused by weeds, including goldenrod, sagebrush, and tumbleweed. According to the CDC, less than 8% of children and adults are officially diagnosed with hay fever, with many people going undiagnosed.
Causes of Summer Colds
Viruses rely on the cells of other organisms to survive and replicate. They are transmitted from person to person when infected respiratory secretions reach the mucous membranes of a healthy person.
This transmission can be done in multiple ways. Direct person-to-person contact is the most common way, like hugging, touching, and shaking hands. Other causes include inhaling small droplets in the air, touching items that have the virus on them, such as doorknobs, toys, and craft supplies, drinking water that has the virus in it, or changing the diaper of an infected child and touching your eyes, nose, or mouth before washing your hands.
Viruses that cause summer colds are more easily transferred in large, crowded environments, which is expected due to the warm and inviting weather. These gatherings include public places like swimming pools and the local park for family gatherings and barbeques, where people tend to share food, drinks, and utensils.
Amusement parks, outdoor concerts and festivals, airplanes, and cruise ships often see large numbers of people confined to a smaller area. This makes it more challenging to avoid close contact with others, allowing infectious diseases to spread much quicker.
Additionally, air conditioning is believed to contribute to summer colds, as viruses tend to spread more easily in cold and dry air. Along with making a room cooler, air conditioners reduce the humidity in a room, creating a favorable environment for viruses to thrive.
Prevention Tips
While there’s no magic cure for the common cold, you can empower yourself by focusing on prevention. Although it’s not always possible to shield yourself completely from illness, there are numerous steps you can take to significantly reduce the risk of catching a cold.
Wash your hands with soap and water as often as possible, particularly after using the toilet or playing outside and in public areas. If you don’t have access to soap and water, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer instead. Avoid close contact, like touching or sharing, with others who are sick, and frequently clean and disinfect touched surfaces and toys.
Furthermore, you can boost the immune health of yourself and your family year round by eating a healthy and balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits and vegetables, staying properly hydrated, spending time outside, regularly exercising, and getting enough sleep.
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