Frucall is a great price checker when you are out and about or just can’t get to a computer. You can call Frucall (1-888-DO-FRUCALL) or text (FRU11 which is 37811) or use the mobile web on your cell phone ( If you decide to call FRUCALL you will enter the bar code or ISBN of the product and after searching the shopping sites and Frucall will read the prices back to you! If you text message a bar code number or ISBN then Frucall will text you back with the lowest price. If you decide to just go online on your phone then you can search yourself for the lowest price quickly.
Okay so I just tested Frucall and I am in love! I can see this becoming extremely useful when you are Christmas shopping and trying to determine if the store you are at has the lowest price, especially for those of us that don’t have internet on our phones! So I grabbed the nearest book to me, sorry I don’t have any other actual products or toys with a bar code, and I text just the ISBN and no sooner did I set the book down but I received a text message with 3 prices and places to purchase the book. Now of course they are online stores to purchase from, but still it was nice to know! You can also then log into and see your search history and send yourself a text with product notes about the item. The example on the web page uses a Black and Decker Grill and Waffle Baker and shows ratings, price, and stores.
Finally, Frucall is of course FREE and they promise not to send unsolicited messages.
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