In “The Bat Jar Conjecture” (episode 13 from Season One) from The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon and Leonard compete against each other. The episode features Sheldon as being an arrogant sore loser who gets kicked off Leonard and the gangs Physics Bowl team. So in the episode, as a consolation prize for kicking Sheldon off the team, they give him a Bat Man Cookie Jar. Sheldon then gets mad and starts his own team, which then competes against Leonard’s team.
Thinking of two such good friends competing against each other makes me think of when my best friend and I were competing for a guy back in high school. She really liked a guy and for whatever reason I decided I wanted him too. I didn’t even like him that much (not nearly as much as her) but I was jealous that she was going to get him. It was stupid to let a guy come in between us and we luckily quickly realized it. We ended up buying each other the same CD (a Cake CD) to make up for each being so dumb! It was hysterical that we each knew each other so well and got the same CD for each other!
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Mom and More Disclosure: I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote The Big Bang Theory in Syndication. Please see my Disclosure Policy.
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