Water is so good for you to drink to begin with, and now there is another benefit – defer the visible signs of aging! By adding Perricone Acai Berry Powder to your water, you will benefit from vital nutrients, minerals, and essential amino and fatty acids. Super Berry Powder with Acai delivers a powerful dose of antioxidants to help protect your skin from aging damage. The powder is a combination of berries, including raspberry, blueberry and Acai. I also just learned that Acai is Dr Perricone’s #1 recommended super food and know to boost energy and overall well being.
I think this powder sounds great. I haven’t had the chance to try it out, but berries and water sound like a good combination to me! I also love that it contains antioxidants, has anti-inflammatory benefits, and fights disease and wrinkles! It is also great for those who don’t like to take pills, as it is just a powder you mix in with your water once a day.
Also, if you have an iPhone or iPod Touch, there is a Free App called Daily Perricone that provides a simple way to get the latest information on how to rejuvate your skin, increase your energy , and look and feel years younger from the #1 bestselling author Dr Perricone.
BUY IT: You can buy Super Berry Powder with Acai for $60 at the Perricone website.
GIVEAWAY: 1 winner will receive a 30-day supply of Super Berry Powder with Acai
WIN IT: Comment on why you want or need Perricone Acai Berry Powder!
Bonus Entries:
~ Follow me via Google Friend Connect (top right on sidebar)
~ Subscribe to Mama’s Money Savers
~ Follow Me on Twitter and Tweet this giveaway (You can Tweet daily! – you can also click the Tweet button above)
GIVEAWAY: Dr Perricone Acai Berry $60 Value (Anti-Aging) #Giveaway @mamasmoney (Ends 4/5) http://bit.ly/b5X4G6
~ Become a Mama’s Money Savers Facebook Fan
~ Blog about this contest or send an email to friends/family and CC:[email protected]
~ Post my blog button on your site
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~ Enter any of my other giveaways or tell me how you heard about this giveaway!
Please leave me a comment for EACH entry and your email address if it is not in your profile for each entry that you complete above so I can accurately pick a winner. This contest ends on April 5th. Thanks everyone and good luck! Also, if you just put a generic comment like “I want to Win” then I will have to disqualify you. This contest is only open to US and Canadian residents.
Mama’s Money Savers Disclosure: This post is 100% my opinion and has not been edited or reviewed by anyone. I was not compensated in any way for this product review.
Melissa says
I need this prodoct because I work soooo much and am always tired! A health boost with this product would be great! Thanks!
Helena Lemon says
Tweeted this! http://twitter.com/melahelen/status/11676602398
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Stephanie Mac Isaac says
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fokxxy says
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fokxxy says
I would like this because it sounds like an interesting product. I have never had anything with Acai and have head its beneficial.. plus.. perricone products are supposed to be awesome. Thank you for the chance.
AndreaT says
entered the kidscraft playhouse giveaway
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AndreaT says
Ooh, I’d love this to perk up my water – seems a bit more natural than the Crystal Light I depend on 🙂
Kim says
I entered the first years give away
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Kim says
I definitely need a power boost!
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Heather Garland says
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Heather Garland says
I want & need Perricone Acai Berry Powder because it helps fight disease & wrinkles, 2 things I’m worried about! I have a family history of cancer, so the antioxidants are something I can definitely benefit from. Also, now that I’m in my 30’s the wrinkles are making more appearances 🙁 Thanks for the chance!!
Anne Taylor says
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tina says
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i think it would be a nice kick start for me after the baby is born
Huguette E. says
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Cynthiia M. says
Lisa says
I entered the Lysol giveaway. tylerpants{at}gmail.com
Lisa says
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Lisa says
I dislike drinking plain water, so this sounds awesome to get me to drink more water in addition to the energy boost! tylerpants{at}gmail.com
Nancy says
I saw this contest on Prizey.
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Nancy says
I’d love to win this because I am trying to eat more super foods and this would be a wonderful addition to my healthy diet!
Cynthiia M. says
trixx says
Entered the Lysol Healthy No-Touch Hand Soap System giveaway!
trixx says
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trixx says
I keep hearing about the virtues of Acai, so I’d love to try this out!
Anne Taylor says
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Huguette English says
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Stephanie Mac Isaac says
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Sarah Osborne says
I would love the anti inflammatory benefits!
Helena Lemon says
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.-= Helena Lemon´s last blog ..An April Fool’s Gag =-.
shanna says
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-Shanna Anderson
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shanna says
I always wanted to try acaiberry products! =]
Sweet! Great Giveaway!
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Anne Taylor says
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Emily says
Entered the Kellogg’s FiberPlus giveaway!
Emily says
Blog follower!
Emily says
I’ve always wanted to try products with Acai berry to see if they actually work! Thanks for the giveaway!
Stephanie Mac Isaac says
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Huguette E. says
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Cynthiia M. says
Helena Lemon says
Tweeted this! http://twitter.com/melahelen/status/11514307016
.-= Helena Lemon´s last blog ..An April Fool’s Gag =-.
Stephanie Mac Isaac says
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Anne Taylor says
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Eileen says
Entered your Sandra Magsamen Bedding giveaway too!
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Entered your John Deere DVD giveaway too!
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Entered your Bob the Builder DVD giveaway too!
Eileen says
Entered your Bio Gaia probiotics giveaway too!
Eileen says
thank you!
courtney says
.-= courtney´s last blog ..Skin Care RX Giveaway at the Beauty Counter =-.
Anne Taylor says
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Huguette E. says
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Helena Lemon says
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Stephanie Mac Isaac says
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@mamasmoney Dr Perricone Acai Berry Giveaway – US/CAN $60 Value (Ends 4/5) http://bit.ly/dvFfZe
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Cynthiia M. says
Helena Lemon says
Tweet! http://twitter.com/melahelen/status/11315632933
.-= Helena Lemon´s last blog ..Great Giveaway! =-.
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Helena Lemon says
I’ve got your button on my blog!
.-= Helena Lemon´s last blog ..Great Giveaway! =-.
Helena Lemon says
I blogged this! http://helena-agalneedsatleast2blogs.blogspot.com/2010/03/great-giveaway_29.html
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Helena Lemon says
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Helena Lemon says
I am undergoing some stressful times right now and a powerful antioxidant would greatly ward off the aging effects of stress. I need all the help I can get!
Huguette E. says
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Anne Taylor says
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Anne Taylor says
I’d love to try Perricone Acai Berry Powder. I already drink pure pomegrantate juice for its antioxidental properties and have heard alot of great things about Acai, but have yet to try it!
This would be great to try!
[email protected]
Elena says
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Elena says
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Elena says
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Elena says
I heard about this giveaway on Prizey.net
Elena says
I would like to try this product because I have heard so much about both Dr. Perricone and acai berries. All good things, too, so I want to see for myself.
megan says
I don’t get enough sleep and could really use the antioxidents and pick me up.
courtney says
3/28 tweet
.-= courtney´s last blog ..Skin Care RX Giveaway at the Beauty Counter =-.
Stephanie Mac Isaac says
daily tweet
martina says
I spend a lot of time outdoors & would like to see if this helps restore my skin.
bluemartini at hotmaildotcom
Eileen says
Eileen says
I entered your Udder Ointment giveaway too!
Eileen says
I entered your Zippity Doo giveaway too!
Eileen says
I entered your Fiber Plus giveaway too!
Eileen says
I entered your Recessionista giveaway too!
Eileen says
I entered your Lysol giveaway too!
Stephanie Mac Isaac says
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Huguette E. says
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Amy says
I’m all for natural energy!
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Everything I Need to Know I Learned from a 16 Month Old IV =-.
Huguette E. says
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Stephanie Mac Isaac says
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etirv says
Entered Benihana giveaway!
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etirv says
I have never tried acai but have heard of its benefits… and I trust Dr. Perricone!
erica says
i would just love to see if it workis!
[email protected]
Diane L. says
I would love to see if this product would help me have more energy as I prepare to run my first 5K!
Huguette English says
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courtney says
got your button
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courtney says
i love perricone! this looks incredible!
.-= courtney´s last blog ..Skin Care RX Giveaway at the Beauty Counter =-.
Stephanie Mac Isaac says
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juau4 says
I found your on Prizey
juau4 says
I have an autoimmune disorder and a diet high in antioxidants is very beneficial.
judy7885 at gmail dot com
Huguette says
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Stephanie Mac Isaac says
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Eileen says
Entered Baby Orajel
Eileen says
Cory says
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Cory says
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Cory says
I need more energy and I’d like to lose weight which I have heard that Acai can help with
nan lara says
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nan lara says
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nan lara says
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nan lara says
after having cancer in the past i love antioxidents
[email protected]
Huguette English says
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Jay says
I would like to win b/c hubby and I try to be healthy. This sounds like a great addition to our diet.
Aleksandra N says
i heard about this giveaway by reading your newsletter 🙂
.-= Aleksandra N´s last blog ..Alex and Ani Bracelet Review & Giveaway =-.
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Aleksandra N says
I’m a lotion and potion junkie so I would LOVE to try this product!
.-= Aleksandra N´s last blog ..Alex and Ani Bracelet Review & Giveaway =-.
Amanda Nicholson says
I really would love to try this product because we dont get enough fruits and veggies and this sounds like it would help us! thank you!
Huguette English says
I need and want this because I just turned 42 at the first of the month and need to take better care of my skin!
Helen says
it is so healthy. i need this!
couponmom says
I shared this on facebook
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couponmom says
I would love this to help with my energy level, and by using this I would get some of my daily water intake.
[email protected]
Kim says
following you on twitter!
Kim says
I am subscribed! xoxo
Kim says
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Kim says
i need more energy! This might be a great product to try! xoxo
Jennifer Q says
I would love to try Acai I have heard of it, just never tried it yet.
Christina says
Now that I work at home, it’s hard for me to resist food, since all I have to do is go into the next room! But now I could try Acai Berry instead, so this is just a wonderful and informative giveaway!
Stephanie Mac Isaac says
I have entered the Exergen Temporal Artery Thermometer giveaway and seen this giveaway on your blog.
Stephanie Mac Isaac says
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Stephanie Mac Isaac says
I would like to win the Perricone Acai Berry Powder so that I could get an energy boost after the long winter
Shelly cox says
I heard about your giveaway in an email from you. Thanks! Will be entering all your other giveaways!
Shelly cox says
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Shelly cox says
I need it because I turned FORTY this year. Nuff said..lol
Karen Thaeter says
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Karen Thaeter says
Anything to improve my energy level would be a great benefit to me!I would love to try this.
[email protected]
Shari D says
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Shari D says
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Shari D says
I need this powder as I an a forty-something woman in need of all the anti-aging help I can get.
alh1203 says
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alh1203 says
Living in gorgeous Florida on the Sun Coast I have plenty of reasons why I need to protect my skin from the inside out – sun, wind and sand, etc. I would love to try this!!
Cynthiia M. says
I stumbled this giveaway
Cynthiia M. says
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Cynthiia M. says
I’d like to try the Acai Berry Powder to give me the energy and nutrients I need throughout the day
Eileen says
I also entered your BUt THat Wasnt THe Best Part Apps. giveaway!
thank you!
Kathy Y says
I buy the Acai Berry juice from Walmart now and then because I like the benefits it offers my body. I bought the yogurt last week; the blueberry was good but expensive. I don’t buy the juice very often due to the cost but I like how I feel when I drink it.
Eileen says
I also entered your Lysol giveaway!
thank you!
Eileen says
I also entered your Fantastic Mr. Fox giveaway!
thank you!
Eileen says
I also entered your THomas & Friends giveaway!
thank you!
Eileen says
I also entered your Benihana giveaway!
thank you!
Eileen says
I also entered your Sci Girls giveaway!
thank you!
Eileen says
I also entered your First Years Bottom kit giveaway!
thank you!
Eileen says
I also entered your Exergen giveaway!
thank you!
Eileen says
I also entered your Dicks GC giveaway!
thank you!
Eileen says
I also entered your Barney giveaway!
thank you!
Eileen says
I also entered your PUnkaboo giveaway!
thank you!
Eileen says
I also entered your WHip It giveaway!
thank you!
Eileen says
I also entered your Online Poster giveaway!
thank you!
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eileen richter
thanks much!
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Eileen says
I totally NEED this. My last year has been a long journey with lots of meds that somehow has affected my skin. I am trying to get on the upswing and use skin care and make up again, even if I am still ‘couched’. i went to a home facial party last weekend and was shocked at what I looked like when taking off all makeup with CLOSE up mirrors. (rare that i even go out). I am turning the big 50 this year as my hubby will turn 41. Ummm…the age seems to be showing more and this is embarrassing to me. Before, people didnt even know about our age difference, or even thought him older. I need a lift from Doc Perricone!
thanks so much!
JoR says
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JoR says
i would like to try it; it seems it has a lot of benefits
Benita says
I found out about this giveaway through your email updates.
Benita says
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Benita says
I need this because I am aging, and I need all the antioxidant protection I can get.