To the person that smashed my passenger window to steal my GPS, thank you for being so considerate and not breaking the drivers side window. Oh and by the way, you missed my purse which was sitting right there with my $200 iPod Touch, my DVD players which were on the headrests, the $400 in carseats, and the $350 stroller,… but don’t worry you now have my address since it was in the GPS. I also wish terrible karma on you and hope you get caught!
This happened on a date night my husband and I had for dinner. I am still shocked that someone would do that and risk getting caught for a $100 GPS unit! What is even more ridiculous is that the police officer noticed it, told the restaurant manager and then left. The owner was going table to table asking about our car and then as we were paying he told us to call George at the police station, which there is no George!
Why my car, out of a packed restaurant and I was close to the entrance? How can someone live with themselves knowing they broke into a minivan and what if I had my kids with me! It was snowing and there was glass everywhere – front, back, in the car seats. I don’t even know what I would do if I had my boys with us and we had to put them in the glass-ridden car. I guess I should be lucky that they didn’t steal my entire car and that I didn’t leave my wallet in my purse, because if they took my purse and wallet, I would be lost and not even know where to start as far as getting a new ID and reissuing credit cards.
So take this as a warning to put your GPS under your seat and out of view. I had one for three years and have had no problem – never did I take it off my dash, I mean it was an off-brand so I figured thieves were only looking for big brands like Tom Tom and Magellen. So the $100 GPS now is costing me almost $300 for a new window and then a new GPS and dashboard mount.
Heather McD says
I’m sorry to hear that! I have had my car broken into twice in my life and only once was there anything to steal in it. And I have all my christmas presents and lots of belongings from christmas break in there. I never leave anything in the car anymore. People can’t be trusted!
Lorie Shewbridge says
You poor thing, sweetie! I’m so glad you didn’t have the kids with you and that no one was hurt. I’m also glad that you made it home safely.
You also gave some good advice, we always keep our GPS in the glove compartment and cove up our radar detector with a baseball cap.
It really is a shame that we have to do that.
Hope your insurance covered at least some of it.
.-= Lorie Shewbridge´s last blog ..I’m a Total Slacker – Blogger Awards =-.
Kayla says
Aw, damn!
There will definitely be major Karma in the picture-If not now, then in the future.
Man, what is going on these days!? Everywhere I turn, there is bad fortune and negative things happening.
At least nothing else was taken and it wasn’t as bad as it could have been!
.-= Kayla´s last blog ..Slapdash Sunday(3/21) =-.
carol says
I am so sorry. We went to Italy in October and the same thing happened to us. We parked at the train station and the people we stayed with in Rome told us it was safe to park there. So when we came back our passenger window was smashed. Luckily, we HAD taken our GPS with us and only left the cord, which they left. We knew how bad it was in Italy and NEVER left stuff in our car.
Heck, we were picpocketed in Poland, too on a trip.
Had tires stolen from our car when we lived in New Orleans and our radio stolen a different time.
Weive in a good area but crime has increased-alot. People walk around here and check to see if someone is home and then attempt break-ins later.
My son and his friend were attacked outside a large movie theatre a few months ago and his friend was stabbed. (Nevermind they did hand over their cash!) My son then ran and yelled for help when they came after him with knives. The one guy went to jail for seven years and the other trial is still ongoing. And this was not a seedy old theatre in a horrible place, either.
So I am so sorry to hear this. It is costly and very upsetting. I know it can just ruin thngs for a long time. I hope you can get a new GPS and that it doesn’t cost you too much-plus, the cost of the window.
One thing I have learned-be really careful. My son, and he is 25, has also seen-trust no one. Watch out with yourself and family and take lots of precautions always.
Hope you have a good week.
Cher says
That is terrible. I hope everyone is okay now!
JoR says
sorry to hear about this… anyway, what comes around goes around and he’s gonna pay somehow. i DO believe in karma as well…
Lori Z. says
Oh, man! That’s awful! Hopefully everything can get repaired quickly. Given the McDonald’s comment, maybe you guys should just do drive-thru dates from now on?
.-= Lori Z.´s last blog ..Just Jen Contest =-.
Cher says
Yep it going to be McDonalds for awhile now especially because we didn’t have a new window/GPS in our budget!
nan lara says
so sorry about that. some people are so horrible.
i know this doesn’t help right now, but if you get a replacement gps…i learned through an e-mail my sister sent me to never put your home address in the memory, use a point of interest in your town, so that if it does get stolen, they won’t know where you live (instead they’ll head to mc donalds..haha)
Cher says
maybe I will just call my home ‘McDonalds’ since we eat there enough!
Michelle says
Sheesh, that is awful, I’m so sorry 🙁
Melinda says
that really sucks! it’s the worst feeling too that something of YOURS, something that YOU paid for has been taken.
In the future, never put your address in your GPS as HOME. give it a code name or your first name or nickname.
Cher says
Great idea!
Jennifer McC says
So sorry! I know it hurts to have your property stoled. what goes around usually comes back times 10. So, maybe it want take long for this person to get theirs.
.-= Jennifer McC´s last blog ..School Bus Display Hazard or Not? =-.
Aleksandra N says
That’s awful! So sorry to hear that happened to you!
.-= Aleksandra N´s last blog ..Alex and Ani Bracelet Review & Giveaway =-.
Cassie says
That totally sucks! I hope karma pays them back. You are so right, that it was just the GPS and not the entire car itself.
Did you register the unit online? I have a Garmin and so does my BF, when this happened to him, since it was registered, when the theif would try to update the unit, it would be flagged as stolen and then Garmin would capture the information and send police out. But we never did hear from anyone…
So yes, lesson learned, we take our GPS out of the window. I lock mine in my glovebox.
.-= Cassie´s last blog ..Giveaways for 03/21/2010 =-.
Prerna says
Oh.. This is so terrible. I am just glad that you weren’t with your kids and that the rest of the stuff wasn’t taken. Guess am just trying to look at the silver lining on this dark cloud..
.-= Prerna´s last blog ..Book Review: Turtle Dove and an Interview with the Author, Divya Dubey =-.