With Facebook being such a powerful social networking community, Pine-Sol has launched an easy-to-use application called Powerful Difference. This application allows you to display on your Wall the five women who have made a powerful difference in your life, helping inspire others to do the same. There is also a “Make a Powerful Difference Action Kit” you can download that is a .PDF full of great tips, questions, and ideas.
Now I know we all don’t have oodles of time or resources, but like the webpage says, “A powerful difference can be as simple as a hug timed at just the right moment…as grand as launching a movement that changes the course of history…as personal as opening your home to a stranger…as important as raising money for an earthquake-ravaged country.” Powerful Difference by Pine-Sol recognizes and supports the women in our lives who make a difference, big or small!
When I first heard about this application, I thought it was strange to be sponsored by Pine-Sol but after 80 years of making a powerful difference at home by cleaning touch grease and grime, they decided they wanted to encourage women everywhere to make a powerful difference outside their homes as well!
You can check out the website Powerful Difference and check out the Facebook application here!
Mama’s Money Savers Disclosure: I was entered for a chance to win a gift card in exchange for this post. No monetary exchange took place.
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