I received the product below to review in exchange for sharing my honest opinion.
Did you know that 2.7 million healthy pets remain in shelters each year with only 30% of pets in homes coming from those shelters and rescue organizations? Well a NYC marketing powerhouse, Laurie Brown-Nagin, started a non-profit to inspire the next generation to make a difference. After she spotted an Animal Control Office carrying a puppy to a pro-bono veterinarian, she fell in love with Jingles, the shelter pooch who desperately needed a warm, loving home.
Operation ResCUTE packages an inspiring boxed set that features a book and plush to foster the development of empathic and proactive young citizens. Laurie started Operation ResCUTE to shift conversations from let’s buy a dog to let’s rescue/adopt one.
Operation ResCUTE Book & Plush Set • $29.99 • Ages 3+
Jingles the dog, the first in the Operation ResCUTE series, shows youngsters the value of opening their hearts and helping someone/something less fortunate. Each boxed set includes an illustrated book and huggable plush pup. Animal shelters give it two paws up!
During the holiday season, parents and grandparents can give a pawsitive present with 100% of profits going directly toward helping shelter dogs get adopted. The profits will be used by shelters for marketing/outreach efforts for placement of dogs with families. Her company has already donated to 11 shelters.
I love that Operation ResCUTE not only brings attention to shelter dogs but also gives profits to help out shelters themselves. For kids who cannot have a dog due to allergies or family circumstances, Operation ResCUTE still allows them to participate in compassion for animals. Jingles is just the first puppy set but more sets are coming.
In the set you get the adorable Jingles plush, a book and a sticker. The book is paperback but tells a great story. This would make a great gift for any child or even adult animal lover!
Stay Connected with Operation ResCUTE:
Operation ResCUTE WEBSITE | Operation ResCUTE FACEBOOK | Operation ResCUTE TWITTER | Operation ResCUTE INSTAGRAM
WIN IT: (1) US winner will receive an Operation ResCUTE Book & Plush Set
Need help entering a giveaway? Check out my blog post for some help!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This Giveaway Ends November 6,2015.
shea balentine says
Yep! I’ve adopted two dogs in the past few years! Both give us so much joy!
Valerie Schlicht says
We adopted our kitty from our local shelter.
Annie fajardo says
Yes I adopted our Jack Russell Italian greyhound mix and two rotwhieler named Layla and Zeuss! I love adopting rather then buying from a pet shop it gives animals a second chance! My little girl absolutely loves helping animals when she can. She donated her birthday gifts to a local shelter!
rosemary says
marie Cantelli says
My daughter is obsessed with dogs and the fair treatment of dogs. She is 6 and this would be a great Christmas gift.
kim keithline says
I have adopted all my dogs from shelters I think they are more loving pets
Terri Irvin says
My little” Zoey” was rescued from a dog hoarder who had over 200 dogs in his unheated cabin in the desert. she is part beagle and part chihuahua. We adopted her on my birthday two years ago.
Leah Shumack says
I currently have one kitty who was rescued and one we adopted as a kitten. In the past any dogs that we have gotten had been rescues!
John H. says
We have adopted a kitten.
Elizabeth H. says
Yes, my dog Rex is adopted!!
Jennifer H. says
Yes- we have with a kitten.
Jess says
I have adopted 2 dogs and 2 cats from shelters. My 4 cats that I have now were all strays that I brought in and adopted.
Jess says
I have adopted two dogs and two cats from a shelter. The four cats I currently have were strays that I took in and adopted.
Lesley F says
All of our dogs have been adopted from our shelter!
Gabrielly says
Not yet!
trixx says
Yes, all my pets have been adopted from the shelter
Lisa L says
Yes, we have adopted all out pets
Leela says
Yes, we have.
Sally Wilsey says
Yes, all my animals were adopted. 4 cats, and 1 dog. I have always adopted all my animals since I was a child.
mel says
Yes, more than one. I highly recommend it.
allison says
I have yes, Ginger, a miniature pincher! Thanks so much for the chances to win.
Laurie Nykaza says
I have 3 shelter dogs and one cat right now but have done many over the years.
Kim Crawford says
This is a great prize! I think if people want a pet, shelters are a great place to get one!
nannypanpan says
all of our cats have come from shelters
shelleyb says
We have not adopted an animal, yet. Although, our puppy came from a home of not so great conditions so we feel it was a type of rescue.
bn100 says
not yet
Heather Poindexter says
I have adopted several.
Suzanna Hocq says
We have always taken in our dogs from people who needed to relocate them for one reason or another. Our Charley is a 6 yr old Golden Retriever gifted to me from our son. All of our others(there have been many) weren’t adopted from a shelter, but adopted nontheless. What great dogs, the whole lot of them!
Brenda Elsner says
I have never adopted from a shelter, but we have talked about possibly adopting a dog.
Carrie Smith says
The most recent was a Kittie named Pepper, about 3 years ago!
Nikki garrett says
Over the years my family & I have adopted many cats.I even found a nighthawk when I was in third grade & tried to adopt it but at one point the poor little guy wouldn’t eat anymore & the vet had said he had passed on.My family have always had a soft spot for animals
Patrycja Chudziak says
I adopted my dog 11 years ago and we lover dearly! She is truly our first baby and now my 6 year old son’s best friend! I also adopted 3 cats years ago.
Linda G. says
I have never adopted an animal but my niece did.
Julie Waldron says
I’ve never adopted an animal.
Lula Ruger says
I have adopted a dog years ago she was the most wonderful companon and so well behaved the whole family loved her
Pam H. says
I have adopted lots of pets including dogs, cats, lizards, and rabbits.
Sharon Kaminski says
We want to adopt a kitten soon after we are settled in our new home.
Kay says
Yes, I have adopted many pets throughout my lifetime! When I was younger, we’d foster puppies in our home, had over 200 puppies through the years in addition to our own rescued dogs. We currently have three dogs living with us and some other assorted pets as well.
samantha wagner says
We have adopted a couple throughout the years.
heather says
We have adopted animals all my life and they are part of the family and smother loved forever.
Stacy Renee says
We have not officially adopted an animal but we will be doing so in 2016 after we fix our fence! We have rescued many cats over the years but we want to give a lucky dog a forever home.
amy tolley says
yes we have two rescue kitties
Denise S says
I’ve adopted lots of animals and now I have too many!
Michele M says
I have adopted 1, rescued a stray and currently have 1 foster!
Natalie Brown says
I have adopted an animal. Currently I have a rescued boxer boy named Neo. I’ve had him for four years and he just turned 8. In 2007 I adopted an adult cat and had her until March of this year when she passed from kidney failure. I fully believe in adopting not shopping. 🙂
Crystal E. says
I’ve never adopted a pet from an actual shelter, but I rescued my last dog from an unfavorable situation in a big city. He was an awesome dog, but sadly passed almost two years ago now.
mycraftingworld says
I have gotten pets from the shelter before. They make the best pets.
Shannon says
Almost all of my animals are adopted. I love this giveaway!
Patty wright says
Yes I have
Nancy says
Yes, we have adopted a pet.
Tiffany Banks says
Yes! We adopted our cat from a shelter!
tabbi mcknight says
Yes, we adopted a cat when I was younger from the shelter. We adopted a stray cat when I was younger and a friend was giving their dog away a few year ago and we took her and still have her, my dad has the cats.
Julie Lundstrom says
Yes all my dogs have been from a rescue center. I like to give dogs a home that needs one.
Suzanne Greene says
We have had 3 dogs and they have all been rescued.
Richard Brandt says
Yeah, we adopted a cat that was abandoned at our apartment complex.
Shelley P says
Yes, I currently have 5 adopted dogs 🙂
Wendy Caddy says
Yes, I have adopted several.
Kristen says
Yes I have adopted animals.
Mia says
We have adopted many lovely and wonderful cats from our local shelter.
sandra says
we have adopted and fostered
vickie Couturier says
yes i have several in fact,the one we have now came from the shelter and is very loved
Abigail says
We havent but if we ever get another dog it will be from a shelter.
Tara O. says
Yes, I have adopted a couple of animals!