I received the product below in exchange for sharing my honest opinion.
American Girl constantly amazes me with launching new and current dolls. The newest doll is 2018 Girl of the Year Luciana Vega. Luciana is an 11-year-old girl who dreams of being the first person on Mars. Her out-of-this-world storyline is an inspiring tale for girls to relate to. With STEM being such a popular subject today and more and more girls becoming interested, it is fitting that there is an American Girl out who loves science.
As parents, we all want our kids to dream about what they are going to be when they grow up and follow those dreams as they grow. Genders are mattering less and less as both boys and girls are doing jobs that were typically for one gender or the other. Boys should be able to be dancers just like girls can be engineers. Luciana is a great example of what it means to be a strong, confident and creative girl, who also loves all things science.
My daughter is young still but she is one of a kind already. She is a girl who plays hockey but also loves her dolls and princess dresses. I want her to grow up and realize that she doesn’t have to do just stereotypical girl jobs.
Since American Girl is a company that always goes the extra mile with their dolls, Luciana is no different. American Girl actually worked with NASA, including a task force of advisors (scientists, astronauts, and more below) who helped ensure the accuracy and authenticity of Luciana’s world—from her story and products to a STEM-based educational program in partnership with Scholastic and Space Camp.
My daughter loves her new Luciana doll and even at 6 years old, she understands what the big deal is about a girl going to Mars. Luciana is a beautiful doll on the outside but definitely someone who is confident.
From her beautiful, almost hidden, purple streak in her hair:
To her amazing silver boots, which honestly I wish I had:
Luciana rocks her appearance and owns it. I tell my daughter every day that she doesn’t have to ever conform to what is normal and she should always be herself. Luciana might be my favorite doll so far. Something about her self-confidence, curiosity and creativity is just amazing and inspiring.
You can also find super fun accessories for Luciana at American Girl:
Get to know Luciana Vega
Now you can get to know Luciana Vega and introduce her inspirational story to your girl today!
My granddaughter loves her “babies
Julie Hawkins says
My kids love to design and create art.
Candace says
My daughter loves her “babies”!!
Trisha Musgrave says
My girls love arts and crafts!
Tammy iler says
Tammy Woodall says
She loves anything related to Disney.
Brian Soderston says
my granddaughter would love this
Gina Ferrell says
My daughter loves soccer!
Nicole Lancaster says
My child loves Cheerleading !
carrie miyake says
My daughter loves karate, I love that American Girl makes sport outfits like this for their dolls. Teaches young ladies they can do anything
Kayla Klontz says
My daughter absolutely loves Playing with her dolls and painting!
Julie Waldron says
My daughter loves books! She reads all the time.
rosemary says
love too win
kathy pease says
My granddaughter loves Paw Patrol
donna porter says
My niece loves playing with dolls. She has been wanting an American Girl Doll.
Leah Shumack says
My daughter loves playing mom with her baby dolls!
Amy Deeter says
My daughter loves baby alive and american girl dolls
Brenda Elsner says
My kids love exploring the outdoors.
David McCormick says
I’d love to win this for my daughter!
ger says
My niece loves dolls!
gala says
Nowadays my daughter is so into space — she reads books, plays as if she is in a space etc
leisl gering says
My daughter loves working on crafts and other projects.
barbara brown says
My G-Daughter love dolls and she would love to have an American Doll.!!
Ang Alford says
She loves to do crafts!
elizabeth miller says
My daughter loves collecting dolls and anything science.
Deeneen Hill says
I love these dolls. I gave my daughter one when she was young.
Edye says
We love animals 🙂
Jacqueline Daly says
My niece likes to shop and create videos.
shanna says
Dolls and Barbies
Samantha B says
Right now, we are in full-on Paw Patrol overload.
Linda Trinklein says
My daughter loves american girl dolls, she likes to craft and make things for her dolls! My son loves Pokemon! thanks for the chance!
Terri S. says
My granddaughter loves to draw. Right now her favorite things to draw are animals, flowers, fairies and unicorns.
rosemary says
wow-our child would love her.
ellen beck says
My daughter likes things she can use her imagination, drawing and reading and of course animals and the outdoors.
Cheryl Chervitz says
I have 3 granddaughters who all love to play with dolls. My 2 grandsons like to play video games and ride their bikes.
Laura W. says
My sons are into scouting and Diary of a Wimpy Kid, of course, haha.
Lana Simanovicki says
My kids like looking for bugs
Sandra McFadden says
My Granddaughters all very in different age groups right now……….the older ones are into their music and their hair and make up and the younger ones love the latest trend in toys and games.
Robert S says
Our daughter would love this. She doesn’t have any yet. She loves learning about the planets
Dawn Monzu says
Wow…let me see. My granddaughter loves so many things! She loves playing with Barbies. We spend so much time playing with them, of course, I’m always Ken! haha, she gets to be the pretty mommy or sister. She would love to play with this doll though. We like playing with baby dolls too.
Sue E says
My granddaughter loves dolls! Especially American Girl Dolls!
My grandkids love games: Board games, XBOX ONE games, electronic games, Puzzle games
Michele McDonnell says
I have 2 niece’s that would love this doll along with 2 granddaughter’s.
Jessica Waters says
I have 4 little girls who love dance AND American Girl!
Antoinette M says
She loves to read and play with her dolls and dollhouse.
Leela says
My kids love to play restaurant and cook and bake goodies.
Barb Detra says
I know several girls that would enjoy such a beautiful doll as she is.
Jan Lee says
My grear niece loves to go to the library. She really wants to learn to read, so I think that’s a good sign that she likes the library too, lol 🙂
Jeane Campbell says
My granddaughter loves to read.
Mel says
I absolutely love the theme for this years GOTY. It encourages girls to become more interested in science
Hanna D. says
I would love to win this for my niece. What a beautiful doll and a wonderful story.
lisa says
Love her name!
Julie Bickham says
My daughter loves stuffed animals and anything that has to do with animals.
marissa anderson says
My daughter luna is obsessed with dolls, especially barbie and all her teeny tiny accessories.
Cheryl Jones Smith says
My Goddaughter would love this this. She has been asking for one, but they are too expensive for my budget.
Ashley S says
My daughter LOVES dolls, especially American girl dolls. Thanks for the giveway 🙂
Kat says
My 10 year old still loves to play with American Girl dolls. Nice to see a doll that encourages our girls in STEM.
Eileen Boyce says
My sweetie loves these dolls and she was in a bad car accident and this sure would cheer her up.
Charla says
My daughter loves playing with dolls.
MaryAnn says
My daughter loves dolls and my son loves trains.
Rosanne says
I have 5 grandchildren 3 girls and 2 boys. The boys love action from video games to toy weapons to Buzz LIghtyear. The girls like makeup, space and coloring depending on their age.
Darlene W says
My daughter loves to color~
Jacquelyn Cannon says
My daughter loves playing with dolls and cooking.
shannon fowler says
Our girls are really into dolls and anything disney right now.
Janet Woodling says
When our girls were small one loved books and the other loved dolls.
Lesley F says
She loves making things and I love her imagination
Dana Matthews says
My Effie loves her dolls. She spends hours changing clothes and feeding her babies.
Margaret Smith says
My daughter loves making crafts and cards for people.
sandra says
my child loves building things
Cynthia C says
One of my nieces loves puzzles and art and the other one loves her dolls, shoes and fashion.
Pauline Milner says
Our kids love to help in the kitchen. We have so much fun making interesting and delicious creations. Thanks for the super giveaway opportunity.
Abigail Gibson says
My nephew loves robots.
Erica B says
My girl loves dancing next to American Girl dolls
Abigail says
My daughter loves cats above all else and my son loves to read and play basketball
heather b says
My daughter loves dance and wrestling!
Victoria Scott says
My daughters loves American Girl and loves Science. We are from North Alabama, where Space Camp is located, so this would be amazing for her to have!
Heidi says
My daughter loves science, Girl Scouts, and crafting.
Angie says
My daughter
Christina Foley says
Aside from American Girl Dolls… my daughter loves anything to do with Arts and Crafts and Soccer.
Jessi Housel says
My daughter loves discovering new and creative things- we do alot of painting, multimedia art, nature art and science experiments. Violet also enjoys learning about different cultures, history and places. She wants to travel around the world someday and go to the moon.
One daughter LOVED teddy bears specifically the Coca cola bears and the other LOVED carusels
Christine Weary says
She loves playing pretend she will entertain herself for hours playing with her dolls.
Jeanna says
My daughter loves to dance!
shelly dixon says
My daughters love dolls!
Jennylyn Gross says
My granddaughter loves music!!!!
Brynn Dexter says
My child loves my little pony right now 🙂
vickie couturier says
my grandaughter has been begging for a American Girl Doll,,she loves the books too,
Heather S says
My daughter loves American Girl dolls. She calls them her “babies” and loves to play with them .
BusyWorkingMama says
My daughter loves to sew! She is very crafty.
Laura Collins says
Granddaughter likes karate, drawing, and reading. She Loves American Girl dolls.
Nancy says
She loves to read books. We love to read together.
Heather! says
Right now it’s all Peppa Pig!
Kathy Stevenson says
My daughters love American Girl!
Stephanie Phelps says
Mine loves her dolls and right now her Moana doll is number one in her eyes!
heather says
The kids love Sesame Street so much.
Cheryl B says
My Granddaughter loves anything American Girl.
mami2jcn says
My daughter loves drawing and writing stories.
Linda Madden says
My granddaughter loves to play basketball for her school and she loves to draw. She’s great at both! ?
laura feist says
I graddaughter loves sports
Chuck says
My niece loves ballet and would really love this doll!
Laura G says
Our granddaughter loves science and math.
Mia says
My granddaughter loves music and dance.
Karen says
My daughter absolutely loves Luciana’s outfit, and I don’t blame her! It’s such a cool nod to her love for space!
Ilona says
My granddaughter loves her princess dress and accessories.
Katherine S says
My daughter loves reading and dolls
Peggy Nunn says
My granddaughter loves to read.
jenny says
My daughter loves everything to do with outer space!
Angelica C Dimeo says
My daughter loves doc mcstuffins and paw patrol
Anita Duvall says
My child loves to read and color most of all.
Marilyn says
Any American product.