Taking care of the body is a full-time job and much of the time we don’t give a lot of thought to the amount of work going on beneath the surface of our skin. Our bodies are well-oiled machines, running with the precision of a Formula One race car on race day. For those who are health conscious, the idea might enter the mind that the body does a lot of work and could use a little help. This is where cleansing and purification enter into the equation.
Keep Your Gum Barrier Strong
Microbes, such as germs and viruses, can’t usually enter the body directly through the skin. Instead, they look for weak points, particularly the gumline. Here, the soft nature of the tissue means that it is much easier to get into the body and cause infection.
The trick here is to make sure that you have adequate defenses – and the best way to do that is to speak to your dentist about oral hygiene and implants.
What is implant dentistry? It’s essentially a technique used to replace your original teeth with equivalent prosthetics. New teeth create a tight seal around the gum line, preventing microbes from getting in and causing damage to your body.
Body cleansing and purification: two organs on the front line
Body cleansing and purification happen in two major organs in the body: the liver and the kidneys. These two do the heavy lifting of making sure that waste of food, pharmaceuticals, and the environment is carried out of the body systems before it can do any harm. Though numerous articles detail the best ways to cleanse and purify these two organs, the use of everyday herb tops that list. Microbe Formulas teaches in the article, 6 Herbs to Enhance Kidney and Liver Function, parsley and ginger are two common herbs that helps liver and kidney function. Both of these herbs are rich in vital nutrients and act as both a stimulant and a diuretic, helping these organs to flush toxins more efficiently. For the overall healthy functioning of the liver and kidney, these two herbs cannot be beaten.
The blood is the circulatory system that keeps the body running. Carrying everything from oxygen, hormones, fats, cells, and clotting factors, the bloodstream is like a superhighway within the body. Along with transporting these vital items, the bloodstream is also responsible for the protection of the body and the regulation of bodily systems.
Protection from invaders
Blood is the second line of defense against invasive microorganisms (the first is the skin)and carries white cells to help aid in healing after an injury. Sending white blood cells quickly to the cite of distress, the blood promotes healing and keeps nasty microorganisms at bay lessening the chance for infection.
Regulation function
Keeping the body regulated and in balance is also under the function of the blood. Making sure an optimal temperature is maintained is a very important function. When body temperature fluctuates up or down, a host of illnesses can ensue. Keeping the PH level in balance is another regulatory function of the blood. Ferrying out acids that can impact other vital organs is crucial for optimal health. The bloodstream superhighway does an effective job of carrying away waste but, sometimes, a little help can go a long way.
Cleansing and purifying your blood naturally
Though the bloodstream is very efficient at self-cleansing, some powerful, natural foods, herbs, and spices can help give your body just the edge it needs to run more efficiently for optimal health. Before getting into these powerful natural resources, there is one resource that will clean and purify the blood quicker and more efficiently than any other: water.
Water, the miracle cleanser
The body requires a lot of water for optimal functionality and most people are not drinking enough. Optimally, a healthy body needs about 8, 8 oz. glasses of water every day. This is the minimum and can vary based on weight, level of activity, and lifestyle.
When water intake is at this level, the cells and organs of the body are more open and fluid. This allows the flow of blood to be more efficient through the organs, keep the waste moving out of the body, helps the skin stay clear, and moves vitamins and nutrients more efficiently into the body. Water makes the blood purer and cleaner and is the most natural purifier of them all. But keep in mind that the water you drink should be clean and safe. See to it that you always test your water for TDS to make sure that your water at home is free from harmful chemicals.
Apple cider vinegar
This cleanser is known for balancing the PH in the blood and, when combined with baking soda, removes uric acid from the body and in the regulatory function of the blood. Apple cider vinegar, also known as ACV, works by removing excess blood sugar from the bloodstream. In doing so, ACV helps to slow the process of carbohydrates turning into sugars which allow the blood to work more efficiently.
A relatively “new” spice on the scene, Turmeric has gained a reputation for being very good at many things and its use dates back centuries. The active ingredient that brings blood cleansing and purification properties into the body is called curcumin. This ingredient reduces inflammation, which allows blood to flow more efficiently, and generates new blood cells in the body. Putting new cells allows the work of purification to be more efficient and effective.
Known as the most powerful antioxidant of the colorful array of antioxidant foods, Blueberries provide superior cleansing properties to the bloodstream. Sought after for their ability to fight free radicals by cleansing and purifying the blood, Blueberries also help regulate blood sugar, prevent toxins from crossing the blood-brain barrier, and aid in the reduction of blood pressure. Blueberries are a small but powerful superfood that is an almost perfect, natural purification and cleansing machine in one small bite.
Cruciferous vegetables
This family of vegetables include broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts. What makes this category of vegetables an option for aiding in the purifying of the blood is that they actively pull toxins from the bloodstream. Other vegetable groups work to cleanse the blood, but this group does it regardless of how they are consumed. Whether they are raw or cooked, the benefits are still the same.
Purification and detoxification of the body dates back millennia. As progress is made in the health field, the desire to use supplements to help the body more efficiently has gained momentum but the potential side effects may not be worth the risk. Choosing natural ways for these purifying and detoxing is just as effective now as before and many want a more natural way. With many options available, keeping the blood clean, healthy, and running efficiently is as easy as a trip to the grocery store or the local farmer’s market.
Tony Platz says
Inrver knew about the Turmeric thanks.