MREs (Meal Ready to Eat) have been used by military forces worldwide for over a century. Initially known as the “C-Ration” during the World Wars, the modern-day MRE was first introduced in the mid-1970s.
They were first produced by the US military as a means to feed soldiers in the frontlines where the dangerous conditions and presence of the enemy made the environment unfavorable for military personnel to prepare hot meals. Troops also consumed MREs for nourishment during training exercises.
Today MREs are widely used by civilians, especially campers, hikers, mountain climbers, survivalists, and people who engage in all sorts of outdoor adventurers. They offer a quick, nutritious alternative to cooked meals in the event you are unable to prepare them for whatever reason.
What Are MREs Made Of?
MREs are heavily processed food in a can. Some variants, however, use freeze-dried ingredients to better preserve the food so that it can have the longest possible shelf-life. Though brands may vary, your typical MRE Canada consists of a meat dish together with vegetables, starch, some fruit, and a dessert.
Many products today also come with an energy drink that replaces lost electrolytes, while older variants usually come with a drink mix such as coffee or powdered juice. Modern MREs also have vegetarian meals such as beans, spinach, and potatoes.
How Do They Work?
All MRE packages come with magnesium, iron, sodium chloride, and a flameless heater to help prepare the meal. The concept behind the flameless heater is that it generates heat to warm the meal through a chemical reaction known as oxidation.
Oxidation is the process that causes rust but it usually happens so slowly that the heat produced is too minimal for us to notice.
The heater is activated by mixing the iron, magnesium, and sodium chloride then adding a bit of water to the mix It is a relatively simple process and will only take a few seconds for the flameless heater to reach a temperature of 100 degrees (boiling point).
Benefits of MREs
MREs Are Quick and Convenient
MREs are an entirely self-contained individual food ration. Because of their ability to withstand both extreme heat and cold, MREs can be prepared and eaten virtually anywhere. It could be from a hot desert valley or a snowy mountain peak.
Preparing a fire to prepare a meal can prove disastrous since the smoke produced could give away the position of a squad of soldiers. It could also be that they simply are not in an area where they can secure enough to cook food. For campers and hikers, the smell of cooking food may attract wild animals
With MREs, you do not have to worry about gas, utensils, or cooking ingredients. Each serving comes with a flameless heater and plastic cutlery.
MREs Last for a Long Time
Because of the nature of their application and how they are manufactured, MREs are capable of lasting for a very long time. Provided the package remains sealed, you can store it for several years and it will still be safe to eat when you open it.
The average MRE lasts about 3 years, but some can stretch up to a decade. Their packaging is quite hardy too, designed to be carried around and stored in rough conditions but still maintaining its structural integrity.
You do not have to be a soldier or a person who loves the outdoors to use MREs. You can still store them for an emergency situation such as a pandemic, prolonged conflict, and natural disasters like floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, or any other crisis events.
MREs were handed out by troops to victims and survivors of the destructive 7.0 earthquake. They were also used to feed people who were stranded in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.
Their durability and versatility have been tried and tested time and again on the battlefield and in times of crisis. You can rely on them when things get tough.
They Are Available in Various Versions
Over the years, MRE enthusiasts have seen many new food choices introduced to the menu, as opposed to the early years when the options were limited to just a few staple dishes. Modern MREs include a variety of choices from beef and pork to chicken and lamb, as well as side-dishes like oatmeal, pasta, and rice.
They Are Rich in Calories and Nutrients
Contrary to popular belief, MREs are packed with nutrients. Each serving is calorie-dense and is both filling and nutritious. This makes them very sustainable and well-suited not just for survival in austere conditions, but also for general health and wellbeing.
Where Can I Get MREs in Canada?
Initially, companies that manufactured MREs sold them exclusively to militaries but nowadays there are civilian MREs as well as the military variety. These civilian MREs are more or less prepared the same as those sold to the military; however, they differ in the contents, ingredients, shelf-life, and packaging.
It is important to note that the sale and purchase of official military MREs is illegal, with their packages clearly marked “not for resale”. If you’re looking to buy some MRE, Canada has plenty of online stores that often stock them. You can also consider army surplus stores.
MREs Can Make for an Excellent Addition to Your Emergency Kit
The army has relied on the MREs for sustenance and nutrition in combat zones and some of the most hostile environments you can imagine. They offer a well-rounded and healthy meal in a pinch, are relatively easy to make, and are made to last for a very long time.
They are also used by campers, hikers, scouts, and outdoor enthusiasts who spend long periods of time outdoors. During emergencies, ordinary civilians have survived on MREs while waiting to be rescued, proving they are not just for soldiers and adventurers.
MREs should be part of everyone’s emergency kit. You never know when you might find yourself stranded in a remote, unfamiliar place with no access to food, electricity, water, or any other modern amenities meant to help you prepare food.
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