Last month I attended my husband’s work Christmas party and the dress code was cocktail attire. I immediately searched my closet for what to wear as I had no desire to shop for a dress (and accessories) with all the Christmas presents I was already buying. I was also way overdue for cleaning up my closet and organizing it. My closet is a walk-in but has a low angled ceiling and no shelves so I have these mismatched cubes in there.Luckily though cleaning up my closet let me take stock of what I had and what I needed.
Here is my list of 5 fashion must-haves:
Good pair of black heeled shoes (or flats) that work for any occasion. I recommend as well a pair of shoe cushions to make the shoes more comfortable and wearable for all-day occasions. I found a good pair of ball of foot cushions can really make a pair of shoes a pair you can wear all day.
At least two purses – one for everyday and one for dressier occasions. I was lucky to find a nice brown one to use for the holiday party I was attending that went well with my dress. I used to collect purses but now that I am more practical I found a few more reasonable priced ones do the trick and are easily updated.
A pair of shaping underwear or shorts. I actually have a nice pair of shaping underwear that is high-waisted and keeps me nicely contained in dresses as well as a pair of boy shorts so my thighs don’t rub together.
A nice shawl or cardigan. The party I attended was in winter and I needed something dressier to keep me warm with my dress since sometimes places are colder inside than I’d like. I have a black one that works with any dress I have.
Some go-to jewelry. I am not a big jewelry wearer but I do have a nice bracelet and necklace I wear for special occasions. I feel like some dresses look lonely without some kind of jewelry plus it is a nice way to dress up different for occasions.
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