(This picture is actually from the second day of school, both boys were so worn out!)
Wordless Wednesday: Happy Birthday to Me!
So my birthday is actually this weekend, but my husband surprised me last weekend with a birthday party! I actually had no clue and it was nice for once not to plan or clean for a party, he did it all! Oh and pay no attention to the number on the cake, the bakery must […]
Wordless Wednesday: Some of my #BlogHer 2011 Swag
Wordless Wednesday: Some #BlogHer 2011 Pics
Wordless Wednesday: Olivia’s First 2 Weeks!
Wordless Wednesday: Swimming at Grandmas
Wordless Wednesday: Welcome Baby Olivia!
Welcome Olivia Jean! Born: July 16, 2011 7.5 lbs. 20 inches Full head of dark brown hair! (my boys only had blonde peach fuzz until they were 2 yrs. old)
Wordless Wednesday: My Little Man Wrote his name!
Wordless Wednesday: Yes That is Underwear in My Chandelier
(We have a landing at the top and Aidan decided it would be funny to throw underwear in the chandelier – Hubby had to bring in our 12 foot ladder to get the underwear out!)