“What You Talking ‘Bout?” “I am a scary monster!” “Funny Face!” “Click Back at You!” (taking pictures)
Wordless Wednesday: Look Mom I Got a Tatoo!
Wordless Wednesday: My son and his 3 babies…
Gavin has never been attached to a ‘lovey’ before but all of the sudden he is carrying around all three of these ‘babies’ with him! I have to take them everywhere we go! He even kisses them and tucks them in bed.
Wordless Wednesday: I Miss Those Margaritas!
Here is a picture of my husband and me just over six years ago drinking awesome margaritas in (I think) San Diego, CA. I had mango and it was so good! Just had a craving for one and happened to come across this picture! Don’t think I will be heading back to that restaurant anytime […]
Wordless Wednesday: Why Do I always have to find it like this?
Wordless Wednesday: Up Up and Away!
Wordless Wednesday: Same Ride, Different Year!
Okay so this is Aidan at Chuck E. Cheese on the same ride during the 3 years of his life so far. I think it is cute to see how big he is getting, but also sad! (8/6/2008) (1/26/2009) (8/10/2010)
Wordless Wednesday: My #Blogher10 Swag!
Here are some pictures I took of the sections so I can actually see and remember the products and companies!
Wordless Wednesday: Me in New York City!
(Don’t worry, lots more pics to come from my BlogHer 2010 trip to New York!)