My boys are constantly saying things that I wish I wrote down. They constantly amaze me and make me laugh with what they have learned and repeat. It is especially nice for me when my boys talk because both of them have speech delays so anything they say I have learned not to take for granted. My 4 year old is starting with Knock Knock jokes and trying to repeat funny phrases that he learned in school.
Well since this is the age of technology, there is a new social media website that allows you to capture conversations and then share them with family members, friends, and followers. Bnter.com can be accessed from a laptop, iPad or smart phone. It is a free website that is very simple to use and then share your conversations through Twitter or Facebook.
I added a conversation and it literally took me a minute. It is nice because I usually have my laptop open and I can rarely find a pen and paper (and if I do then I usually loose the paper!) I am definitely curious to keep adding conversations and seeing what my friends and family see! You can also easily add friends from your Twitter or Facebook accounts and follow their conversations, it allows for some great laughs or just a break! You can check out Staff Favs which are also great to read!
Here is an example of a conversation I added, short but sweet!

Mom and More Disclosure: I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of the Bnter Campaign and received a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.
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