So I am totally addicted to EntreCard. If you have not noticed on the left side of my blog towards the bottom (but I may be moving it) is a box with a “E” and a website icon picture. How EntreCard works is: You drop your blog icon, think of it like a Blog business card, on other blogs and people drop there icon on yours. You earn credits and then can buy advertising space on other blogs. It is a way for you to get your Blog out there to readers who otherwise might not have seen your Blog and it helps me show off Blogs that I think are interesting. It is completely free, you can buy credits with real money, but I like earning them and then it gives me a chance to look at other Blogs in the same category as me or check out random Blogs. So if you have a Blog then check out EntreCard or if you don’t and want to browse some Blogs, but I am warning you it is addicting!!
ModernMommy says
I love entrecard too! I love seeing everyone’s blogs.