I have so many people to buy for at Christmas time that it is ridiculous, it doesn’t help that everyone in my family also have their birthdays from August-January, and since I have 2 kids under 2 I don’t get out much. I have always been a big advocate for shopping online, as it is easier, you are less impulsive (sometimes?!), and you get sometimes get a better deal online than in a store!
Last year even though I had only one baby, I really stepped up my online shopping because the thought of dragging him into a store in snowy weather was not at all appealing. Now with 2 kids, I think I will do 90% of my shopping online, well it depends on what deals there are for Black Friday as it is a must that I go out for that! Anyways, I know there are a million sites that you can shop thru to earn points or cashback, but one of my favorites is Ebates. Last Christmas I earned $53.05 and was paid via PayPal. You receive a payment every 3 months as long is your total is over $5.00 (sign up bonus does not count), otherwise your money is rolled over. I actually have $.34 sitting in my Ebates account now since I always seem to forget to go to Ebates before my purchase. Normally I just use purchase items online and my Upromise toolbar automatically credits my account if that store is part of the Upromise contributors, but the cashback percentages in Ebates are more usually. For example, I am purchasing a new office chair because the one I am sitting on now is about 6 years old and with my an my husband both computer junkies it has definitely gotten its use. Anyways, with Upromise I will get 2% from Office Max online, but from Ebates I will get 4%. It does vary from the different online stores, from 1%-10% with 4% being the average.
I know it is extra steps to go to a website to then click thru to go to another site, but believe me its worth it, even if you don’t shop online all the time it will add up and be a nice bonus. Oh and did I mention that they have online coupons too that you can use along with getting your cashback percentage!
Felicia says
I love Upromise! We even have the credit card and just pay it off in full every month!
Go Graham Go!