For a snack, Aidan loves pudding so one day I slipped in a Yoplait yogurt and ever since he is hooked. I think he loves it because he sees me eating it and he thinks it is junk food, since I snack a lot! So practically everyday I let him snack on a Yoplait kids yogurt, his favorite is the Trix kind. I love that I can feel good about letting him have the Yoplait since it is actually healthy for him.
Yoplait for kids helps build strong bones since it contains just the right amount of Vitamin D and Calcium. So there is no more trying to sneak in extra vitamins here and there into his diet and since he loves the Trix yogurt he is eating less junk food. I also read too that “Research has shown that fewer than half of all kids ages two to 12 get the calcium they need each day.” Wow, that one really surprised me! Luckily, Aidan is at least eating his yogurt and getting calcium and Vitamin D, I can’t say much about any other food though!
What’s so great about Yoplait Kids? Well not only does it have a smooth texture that is perfect for sensitive eaters also, but it comes in lots of yummy flavors. Worried about sugar? Yoplait kids has 25% less sugar than the average leading kids yogurts. It even has DHA for your child’s growing brain development. Finally, another aspect of Yoplait kids is that it does have a “spoon-hugging” texture, which means it actually sticks to the spoon long enough for him to get it to his mouth and not drip it everywhere. I never really thought about how important thickness consistencies were until I started letting Aidan feed himself and thanks to Yoplait when I start Gavin on yogurt he can work on him himself too!
Thanks to My Blog Spark, I received an awesome Yoplait for kids coupon for a FREE pack of yogurt and a Yoplait Get Active Prize Pack. So not only can I get some more yogurt for Aidan but he can also play and since the yogurt builds strong bones, enabling healthy and active bodies, Aidan can go outside and play with his prize pack. He doesn’t quite know how to jump rope, but he is loving the outdoor game set! With summertime coming up, I can’t wait to get him back outside and active as I feel like we’ve been cooped up for so long, that we are forgetting what the sun feels like!
Guess what!? My Blog Spark has teamed up with Yoplait to offer Three (3) of my readers:
- Coupon for free 6 pack of Yoplait for Kids yogurt
- Travel cooler (to of course take your yogurt on the road with you!)
- Jump Rope
- Water bottle
- Outdoor Game Set ( includes beach ball, paddle ball, Jai-Ali, and a Frisbee)

Extra Entries (Only valid after above entry is done!) :
1. Subscribe to Mama’s Money Savers
2. Follow me (let me know if you already do)
3. Blog about this contest or send an email to your friends/family and CC: [email protected]
4. If you have EntreCard, drop your card on me (or advertise on my site!)
5. Post my blog button on your site
6. Add to Technorati Favorites
Please leave me a comment for EACH entry and your email address if it is not in your profile for each entry that you complete above so I can accurately pick a winner. So you have a total of 7 entries to win and 7 possible comments. This contest ends on April 13th. Thanks everyone and I good luck to everyone!
Also, check out my other giveaways! (I have a link to current giveaways posted at the top center of this blog.)
wendy says
we stay healthy by going to the market together to try to buy healthy snacks and we stay active by hitting street fairs and festivals when the weather is nice.
madamerkf at aol dot com
yellowlabs says
We walk our dogs several times a week and try to eat healthy.
Jammie says
we camp and hike and also play in the yard
Jinxy and Me says
I’m a follower!
Jinxy and Me says
We walk and bike.
dddiva says
We do the Wii Fit, dance, play on the trampoline.
Becky says
We like to spend alot of time outdoors playing.
JenniferB says
got your button on my site
JenniferB says
JenniferB says
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JenniferB says
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JenniferB says
we stay active outside- play sports on church leagues, work outside in yard, play in yard with dog, walk to mailbox (our drive is long)
Anonymous says
Me, my kids, and husband all love the outdoors. Were constantly outside running around or camping out. Or going to the beach. we just love to do stuff. we stay pretty active.
[email protected]
chromiumman says
we go bike riding together
Susieqtpie says
I Technorati favored your site!!!!! love it!
Susieqtpie says
I posted your cute blog button on my blog! It is so cute!!! lol Thanks
Susieqtpie says
I sent an email out and did a CC for you!
Susieqtpie says
I am following your blog!!!!
Susieqtpie says
I subscribe to Momma Money Savers via email! arteachersusan at gmail dot com
Susieqtpie says
What a fun giveaway! Our family loves walking! So we walk and ride bikes. My youngest is in TaeKwonDo M-F. That is great for her. We even walk her there on nice days! We live about 1 mile in a small town.
Kt says
We do our best to get our daily servings of fruits and veggies in every meal! (we don;t always succeed 🙂 )
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
saragillman says
We are lucky, we have a park across the street, we go play every day =)
[email protected]
Heather says
We like to play sports and hike as a family!
AmyW says
We go hiking a lot
[email protected]
Molly K says
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Molly K says
I am a subscriber.
Molly K says
We walk or ride our bike to the school near our house to play on the park equipment.
imaclutz89 says
imaclutz89 says
imaclutz89 says
We love to play kan jam and tennis.
Skybluefusion says
I subscribed via email
bleuteam at gmail dot com
Skybluefusion says
I follow your blog.
bleuteam at gmail dot com
Skybluefusion says
My family stays active by going to Disneyland often and spending lots of time chasing each other around our backyard.
bleuteam at gmail dot com
Lavendot says
There are a lot of parks where I live, so we go walking around each one. We also walk to museums. You can do a lot of walking in a museum as well! Albeit, not that fast ;P
Michelle M says
We love to play tag and hide n seek in the hilly field behind our apartment; my 2 yr old son just stands next to a tree and thinks he’s hiding! Enter me!
[email protected]
sissy76 says
Soccer and Swimming keep us busy! We have four kids and limit video games to weekends for 1 hour and We watch very little TV!
giggling kids says
I walk around my neighborhood,I love to do yoga, and ride my bike. When my nephew is with me we throw a beach ball around, he likes to ride his little bike, and he loves to run around in the yard and let me chase him.
[email protected]
Anonymous says
There are 6 in my family, 4 boys, myself and my husband. So, you can imagine that with 4 boys we can not sit still. We play tennis, ride our bikes, go to the park, go fishing, play volleyball, basketball, football, you name it, we play it. LOL! Thank you. [email protected]
Princessleyva says
we take walke in the jungle and hunt bugs
[email protected]
sandyy456 says
We play in the park and/or walk the dog.
Anonymous says
We walk, we play kickball, we go to the park, we go to Pump It Up and jump and slide on the inflatables, and sometimes we even shop till we drop!
[email protected]
Theresa C says
we bought exercise equipment and converted a room in home into an exercise room. in the spring we can bike and walk outside but summers here in Ohio on the river have very humidity and make exercise outside in the evening impossible. We both work full time jobs and have to be at work in the early mornings
Brooke says
We walk the dogs as a family.. play games in the backyard and have WII family night
targetmom says
We stay active by taking family walks around the neighborhood.
Gabriel J. says
We eat more chicken.
Eric and Katie says
My family and I stay healthy by biking and swimming together and spending time outdoors.
Katie Brown
z. Smith says
My family (my dh & I) stay healthy and active by exercising everyday – usually either a hike or swimming!
Candie says
I am a follower. Thank you.
Candie says
I am subscriber in a reader. Thank you.
Candie says
We stay fit and active by going hiking and camping during most of the summer. Thank you.
cvdmvega says
my family has started bike riding and walking together.
Thank you for the chance to be blessed by this offer.
Carol Jo
[email protected]
Diane says
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Diane says
I subscribed to your Mama’s Money Savers newsletters
Diane says
Well aside from us doing martial arts and cheerleading, we stay healthy and active by walking on the trails here that lead to a beautiful beach (or we ride our bikes). It is probably a half hour walk each way and then we play frisbee or go swimming at the beach!
Ingrid says
We try to eat healthy and walk.
JFK says
Our family takes walks together and we like to play volleyball too
Ginny says
dropped on your entrecard
Ginny says
Ginny says
Ginny says
During the nice weather we try to go to the beach and parks as much as possible. During the fall & winter, my girls dance to stay active.
gkstratos says
Faved (gkstratos)
[email protected]
gkstratos says
[email protected]
gkstratos says
[email protected]
gkstratos says
Baseball, hiking and lots of yoga
[email protected]
CAT0927 says
My family stays active by taking a walk around the neighborhood after dinner each night.
The Martone Memories says
And I’m a follower
[email protected]
The Martone Memories says
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[email protected]
The Martone Memories says
We are committed to limited TV so they will get up and play. I can’t keep them inside enough!
[email protected]
mom2gabnnat says
We stay active by walking to nearby parks and the library instead of driving. The kids also enjoy riding bikes.
Randominities says
We stay healthy by setting up a badmitton court in our yard. We don’t take it down often (mowing) and so it’s there on the spur of the moment. Also, we take long walks with our dog. She also loves to chase us around the yard. Our dog is really the key to us keeping active.
Anonymous says
In the Summer, we spend a lot of time at the lakes, playing on the beaches. In the Winter, we ski.
[email protected]
mom2gabnnat says
We walk a lot. We live within walking distance to 2 parks, a school playground, and the library so when school is out, we don’t have to drive much.
Brandy says
I subscribed!
brandyblurbs at yahoo dot com
Brandy says
My kids love their bikes and scooters. I LOVE the Wii Fit!
brandyblurbs at yahoo dot com
pattycake says
We like to walk to stay healthy
samsakara says
We take walks together and bring bring the kids to the playground.
[email protected]
Anonymous says
We stay active by gardening, walking on the treadmill, doing yoga, lifting weights, and we eat a vegetarian diet to give us the energy to do these things!!
[email protected]
Starryphate says
we swim, in lakes, our pool and the ocean
mearat says
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mearat says
We stay healthy by eating right. We have a veggie garden in the back that we eat fresh organic produce from, we take walks and of course we run around in circles because thats what happens when you have a 2 year old 🙂
mogrill says
We love taking nature hikes! Thanks for the chance.
[email protected]
Pam says
We like to ride our bikes together and are trying to increase our dietary intake of fruits and vegetables. Thanks.
pamelashockley at netscape dot net
Meredith says
Meredith says
Go for walks, bowl and eat our veggies.
Jenndiggy says
We play Wii Fit
Jenndiggy says
We play Wii Fit
Qwill says
My family does a lot of hiking. This weekend we are going to Yosemite to enjoy the waterfalls.
EDRing says
We do as much walking as we can. as the weather gets better we’ll start riding our bicycles. Then when summer gets here we swim.
[email protected]
Anonymous says
We like to walk to the park in our neighborhood.
plsneath at
iggysaysno says
we walk the dogs together every day
Princess Golden Hair says
we enjoy biking together on the weekends and going for walks after dinner.
teechbiz at gmail dot com
Shiva says
we love to go to the park and play hide and seek
Sue D says
We like to hike, ride bikes and garden.
slrdowney at hotmail dot com
mverno says
walking 3 miles a day 5x a week and we play a lot of lawn games [email protected]
MAC Mom says
Subscribe via email.
MAC Mom says
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MAC Mom says
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MAC Mom says
Our family stays healthy by doing some sort of outdooer activity on the weekends. We can go bike riding, play at the park, swimming etc.I also watch the foods we eat.
boojmer says
We walk and swim.
Heather says
we like to ride our bikes, go swimming and walk
Schlauberger says
we go swimming
llinda29 says
We play in the pool
vboackle says
we go to the park and run around.
jennem says
We hike, bike, and kayak.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
denyse says
We take family bike rides to the park. We also take long walks on the beach and look for treasure:)
Dree says
We walk the dogs together.
Shannon says
go for long walks.
Angie says
We love to go on family bike rides.
tutugirl says
We spend a lot of time outside. We walk to school every day, even in the pouring rain. We also like going to the state parks and go on hikes. It’s great getting out and just runing around.
kathy55439 says
We like on a farm and we are always outside playing, checking on animals, and seeing what Dad is doing. We live outside as much as we can….
deedleweedle says
My kids frequently take rec center classes like tumble, skating, ballet, etc. We also go hiking when we can.
agordon10 says
my kids love to hike.
Sonya says
We walk the neighborhood and swim. Thanks
Prpldy says
I dropped EntreCard
prpldy (at)
Sue says
We’re a pretty active family – but with four boys, that just might be all of them in a pile wrestling each other. We ski, hike, bike, raft, walk, run and camp together.
Thanks for sharing~
Prpldy says
I follow your blog publicly
prpldy (at)
Prpldy says
We try to stay healthy by eating right… lots of fruits and veggies. Drinking a lot of water and swimming daily in the Summer.
prpldy (at)
jceko77 says
I am a subscriber
[email protected]
jceko77 says
we take walks together as a family
[email protected]
chazvgo says
I take my kids on a wagon ride to our community park and them let them play out all their energy before dinner.
bison61 says
as a family we enjoy riding our bikes and hike through the park by the river
tiramisu392 (at)
mom2gabnnat says
We stay active by going on walks/bike rides in the nice weather. When it is crummy outside, we have silly dance parties in the living room.
Gertie says
My family stays active and healthy by our farm. We run a fruit and veggie farm, so we get to have the wholesomeness of fresh fruit and veggies and then we get to exercise by working on the farm! Lol! We also plan out our meals so they will be nutritionally sound. 🙂
[email protected]
EllyBean says
I dropped my entrecard on you.
EllyBean says
Your button is on my blog.
ellybean (at)
EllyBean says
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ellybean (at)
EllyBean says
You are a favorite on my technorati.
EllyBean says
We make sure to eat healthy and exercise every day whether that be outside or using our wiifit!
gkstratos says
Faved (gkstratos)
[email protected]
gkstratos says
[email protected]
gkstratos says
[email protected]
gkstratos says
Baseball, Hiking and Yoga
[email protected]
one frugal lady says
I subscribe!
one frugal lady says
How we stay active? I always thought that we always were, until I stopped working. That’s when I realized how much time the kids stay inside in front of the t.v. We have since cancelled our satellite, and we are practically outside all the time. (except nap time when I try to win these giveaways!)
We love to garden, fish, take walks, play football, swim, etc. as a family! Plus, the kids sleep better at night after being in the sun!
Jay says
Walks, flying kites, playing catch! Thanks! rbjj32825[at]lycos[dot]com
Whitney says
I subscribe.
[email protected]
Whitney says
We walk around a local lake in the evenings. It’s great family time and it’s three miles.
[email protected]
King J's Queen says
We play outside on the swingset, or go to a local park on a regular basis. My daughter plays some kind of organized sport year-round. We ride bikes and dance. Oh, and we do a lot of walking, but not just walking through the neighborhood. We like to take walking tours.
Jill says
I’m a New Follower 🙂
Jill says
Our Family reserves Saturday mornings for a family bike ride 🙂
Everyone looks forward to the Weekly Ride!
Thanks for a Great Giveaway 🙂
Spooky says
We Wii Fit as a family, and we bicycle and ride scooters 😉
Gina (Caleeo) says
I am a follower.
Gina (Caleeo) says
We try to spend as much time outside playing as possible. In the bad weather, my daughter and I play with the Wii Fit.
JRG says
We two adults take a walk every evening after dinner; our “constitutional.”
Tiffani says
My family and I dance or take a walk after dinner.
[email protected]
Taylor says
I just Subscribed to Mama’s Money Savers. skyxsky27(at)
Taylor says
By eating more Vegetables, increasing water intake and more more more Fiber. Please enter me, ty. skyxsky27(at)
JamericanSpice says
I have your button
JamericanSpice says
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JamericanSpice says
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JamericanSpice says
My family and I stay healthy by eating well. I ensure to good well rounded meals at home and offer wide variety of all the food groups.
We also exercise…we include dancing in our routine as this keeps the kids excitedly involved.
The kids gets regular check ups, but we the adults not so often.
Blakesmom says
I subscribe!! Thanks.
[email protected]
Blakesmom says
Our family has been eating less meat and more turkey. Thanks for the chance!
[email protected]
Tamara B. says
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Tamara B. says
I am a subscriber.
Tamara B. says
We try to stay healthy by watching our sodium intake, eat more fresh vegetables,fruit, whole grain breads, cereals, pastas. We exercise by riding our bikes through the neighborhood and playing ball at the park on the weekends.
April says
I have 2 boys myself, and we love to go in the backyard and kick the ball, or I get to push them down the hill in a dump truck! We also go to the park…it’s up and down those stairs all to see a smile on their face when we go down the slide.
[email protected]
CAF says
We like to go biking to stay active.
wigget says
wigget says
i try to stay active by going to the gym. when the weather is warmer, we take the kids on bike rides. says
i am a follower
[email protected] says
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[email protected] says
My husband and I and our two very young kids stay healthy by spending lots of time outside. Even when the weather isn’t perfect. We also try to keep unhealthy snacks out of the house because if it isnt here we cant eat it. My son’s idea of junk food is strawberries. We love to play soccer with our almost 3 year old son and strap the baby to our chest and go for hikes together.
We play basketball, football and soccer. Also we swim daily in the summer.
Jennifer R says
My family loves to play indoor soccer together. We are not great at it but we have fun running around after the ball and it keeps us all active, including our 2 year old. Thank you for the chance to win this great prize. We love yogurt at our house!
Heather R says
We love to take walks together as a family.
[email protected]
HeatherMama says
Faved ya on Technorati!
HeatherMama says
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HeatherMama says
I subscribe via email!
HeatherMama says
My hubby and I take our 3 kids and 2 dogs out for a nice walk around the pond in the evenings. While hubby and I walk the dogs, the kids usually ride their bikes or skateboard ahead of us.
valerie2350 says
valerie2350 says
valerie2350 says
valerie2350 says
email subscriber
valerie2350 says
my family likes to go hiking 🙂
AmandaSue says
I’m a follower thanks.
AmandaSue says
My family loves to go for walks with our dog, or spend time playing tennis. Great giveaway 🙂
gahome2mom says
Button on blog: Mommy Savers Club Listing:
gahome2mom says
gahome2mom says
I tweeted it.
Win Yoplait Kids: @mamamoneysavers
gahome2mom says
The girls and I are exercising with Wii Fit and walk. Thanks.
Karin says
Turning off the TV and getting outdoors! Playing games on the lawn, yardwork, running, jumping, etc.
Karen P says
Here is my blog post.
cooparkes at gmail dot com
Karen P says
Hi- My husband and i take our kids on bike rides when we can, and every sat, we walk a 5k.
cooparkes at gmail dot com
susan says
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susan says
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susan says
We try very hard to walk daily.
Jennifer says
My kids love to bike as I walk our dog along our dead end road. Theres only 2 other houses down our road and it borders a pretty fish Hatchery with lots of ponds. 2 laps up and back the road makes a mile. We do it 7 days a week weather permitting. Its got my 11 year old boys off the couch and off the video games.
Anonymous says
I subscribe!
[email protected]
Anonymous says
We take long walks at the lake and play soccer in the backyard!
[email protected]
Beth says
I subscribe
Beth says
We walk to the park and play there a long time. This tires everyone out and we get a lot of exercise.
Liza767 says
faved you
we tend to walk and go to the park and feed ducks but the walking of dogs is good exercise or go shoot hoops
Liza767 says
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Liza767 says
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Liza767 says
we walk swim and i do portion sizes now
YZgirl4 says
YZgirl4 says
YZgirl4 says
we stay active by riding bikes and making healthier choices with eating
VickeC says
I follow an the name is vickiecouturier
VickeC says
I subscribed
VickeC says
IVe been walking the grandchildren to the park on nice days an buying more fruit to eat an not as much junk
Danielle says
We take family walks after dinner, weather permitting. Otherwise,we play together on the Wii Fit.
ldsmom2201 at yahoo dot com
The Dreamer says
We go for walks and to the park whenever time and weather allows and on other days we play ‘active’ games instead of watching tv or stationary games
addeviant006 at gmail dot com
Amy says
We are always taking bike rides and playing outside. In the winter we wrestle, play indoor games, go swimming and go snowboarding. It is so much more fun to be healthy and active than the alternative!
veronica says
Hi! first of all my boys LOVE yogurt. During the summer we like to go on family walks and we go camping often. My boys also enjoy riding their bikes and flying kites at our local lake. We also play at the park as well..
[email protected]
veronica says
Hi..first of all my two boy LOVE yogurt! During the summer time we like o go on family walk and we go camping often. My boys love to ride their bike or play basketball. We also go to our local park to play or to our local lake to go fly kits. Thnaks
[email protected]
Alayna says
Every evening once my husband and I get home from work, we make sure we spend time together walking our dog up to the park and play for at least an hour! We are excited to be expecting our first little one, so we have set a good exercise routine in place for his arrival in Aug 09!
Jawan says
Every afternoon between 3-5p.m., I go outside with my children and we play HARD! Ride bikes, throw water balloons, pull the wagon on a walk, scavenger hunt around the neighborhood, and play tennis/t-ball in the culdesac. We go to the park ALOT, too!
Tj and Amy says
I subscribe. [email protected]
Tj and Amy says
I follow. [email protected]
Tj and Amy says
WE love to walk around green lake. It’s so pretty there. [email protected]