With two kids, I worry about chemicals, saving money, and try to do thinks efficiently yet effectively. To help me with all of those I have found the Complete Laundry System by Mystic Wonders Inc. The Complete Laundry System costs $49.95 and takes the place of detergent and fabric softener for 3 years! It also uses no chemicals so there will not be a chemical residue left on our clothes. Finally, it saves me the time of buying laundry supplies and lugging them into the house and down into the basement.
The Complete Laundry System comes with a Wonder Ball that you can keep in the washer and two dryer balls to keep in your dryer. So I was skeptical at first thinking how can these three balls actually clean and soften my clothes, but it works! I have used this set for about 2 weeks now with about 8 loads of laundry and I have had no problems. You do have to pre-treat stains, and if you have kids like mine that means every article of your kids clothing! For my husband and my laundry I haven’t even had to pre-treat anything; I just throw in the clothes on top of the Wonder Ball that is already in my washer and set my washer! Yes it is that easy!
Complete Laundry System Features:
• Saves on machine wear, electricity, time, and water.
• Your clothes will no longer have harsh chemicals from detergent forged into your clothes fibers. It is also hypo-allergenic for skin sensitive people.
• The ‘natural’ whiteness of your clothes will be brought out and colors will not bleed or fade near as much.
• Little or no ironing.
• Can be used in hard, soft, warm, and cold water.
• Helps lessen and eliminate organic odors.
• Can be used and is safe for any type of clothing or bedding.
• Environmentally friendly.
So my first thought was: How does this thing work? From their website here is how it is described:
The Wonder Ball is a safe pvc/vinyl ball with a frequency enhanced mineral blend inside for use in your washing machine allowing you to use less (to none at all) laundry detergents. There is a special frequency enhanced mineral formula in the ball. When the ball is agitated in the washing machine, there is an energy field created within the ball. It appears when the water molecules meet up with this the surface tension disperses. The water now can do the best in cleaning the fibers of any fabric. It is the water that does the cleaning. Through physics, not chemicals, you will get outstanding results.
The Wonder Ball will last three plus years or about 2,000 washes and the dryer balls will last forever. Once your Wonder Ball finally quits working, you can send it back to Mystic Wonders Inc. and for only $28.85 you can get it recharged for 3+ years! If you just want the Wonder Ball itself it is only $39.95, but I think it is a better deal to buy the complete system with the dryer balls with it.
If you are skeptical, like I was, you can use some detergent if you would like, you be the judge. I actually have been using it with no detergent and just some stain remover. Fern Gunderson, the inventor, suggests using just some basic dish detergent for stains and for white she recommends Hydrogen Peroxide. Yeah I was completely surprised by using Hydrogen Peroxide instead of bleach but it makes sense. She explained to me the difference between bleach and Hydrogen Peroxide and when you think about it, of course Hydrogen Peroxide can clean your whites!
I am super impressed with how awesome this set is. It does say it takes several washes to get all the buildup of detergent out of your clothes. All of our clothes have come out perfect, soft, and clean. I have noticed that my clothes do seem nicer and are not wearing out as much as with the cheap detergent I used to use. I was worried that my clothes would come out stiff and bad smelling from the dryer, but they came out clean smelling and just as soft as if I used fabric softener. This is going to be my new gift idea! Even my husband didn’t notice a difference at first and just recently asked me if I changed detergent because his clothes don’t feel scratchy or dull anymore.
The most important aspect of the Complete Laundry System is that it is chemical free. By washing your children’s clothes and lovey’s especially with this system you are really cleaning the items. For example, think of your child sucking on his favorite blanket and ingesting all those old detergents and fabric softeners!
It really is amazing how these three little balls have changed my life. I am only buying stain remover and Hydrogen Peroxide now. I feel better knowing I am not using chemicals on the items that my family wears or sleeps with. I am not buying those bulky laundry bottles that are not good for the environment. And I don’t have to worry about running out of detergent or fabric softener for a long time!
BUY IT: You can check out and purchase the Wonder Ball at the Mystic Wonders website.
Also, if you just put a generic comment like “I want to Win” then I will have to disqualify you. Sorry! Also, this contest is only open to US.
Extra Entries (Only valid after above entry is done!) :
2. Subscribe to Mama’s Money Savers
3. Follow me (see Follow link on the left)
4. Follow Me on Twitter and Tweet about this giveaway (You can tweet once a day for additional entries): @mamasmoney Win a Complete Laundry System (Ends 6/8) http://bit.ly/rxFiI
5. Blog about this contest or send an email to your friends/family and CC: [email protected]
6. If you have EntreCard, drop your card on me (or advertise on my site!)
7. Post my blog button on your site
8. Add to Technorati Favorites
9. STUMBLE it or any other social network!
Please leave me a comment for EACH entry and your email address if it is not in your profile for each entry that you complete above so I can accurately pick a winner. So you have a total of 10 entries to win and 10 possible comments. This contest ends on June 3rd. Thanks everyone and good luck!
Also, check out my other giveaways! (I have a link to current giveaways posted at the top center of this blog and a permanent linky under my Giveaways tab above!)
Lauralee Hensley says
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Lauralee Hensley says
It would be the Prill Beads.
Heather says
Stumbled: choochoo428
Heather says
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Heather says
The Prill Beads sound awesome!
*Heather* says
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*Heather* says
Faved on Technorati! (twifanheather)
*Heather* says
*Heather* says
Following your blog!
*Heather* says
*Heather* says
I like the Wonder Microfiber Cloths!
Maja says
Maja says
wonder patches
liliesrnice says
i would love to try the wonder balm.
rhonjerm says
I would like to try the wonder balm!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
[email protected]
Brittany says
i subscribe
[email protected]
Brittany says
I want to try the wonder patches
[email protected]
Pam says
I'd like to try the wonder balm on my dry skin & my husband's psoriasis.
kngmckellar says
I twittered.
[email protected]
kngmckellar says
I subscribed.
[email protected]
kngmckellar says
The Wonder Goat Milk Soap sounds cool and the Lip Balm!
[email protected]
kngmckellar says
The Wonder Goat Milk Soap sounds cool and the Lip Balm!
[email protected]
Naddez says
Follow on twitter &tweeted @ http://twitter.com/Naddez
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Naddez says
I like the Toilet Tank Conditioner.
[email protected]
Heather says
Toilet Tank Conditioner
rbailey1958 says
[email protected]
rbailey1958 says
Wonder Balm
[email protected]
momof3dolls says
Daily tweet,
Tammy says
The lave diamond looks neat
Miranda says
lip wonder in vanilla
Gonzo6669 says
I follow on twitter, linked to your blog ( which I always share)
And really need those laundry balls
[email protected]
Betty C says
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Betty C says
I subscribe in google reader.
Betty C says
I really want to try the Prill Beads. They sound fantastic.
Ardy22 says
have your button
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follow on twitter
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subscribe to mamas money savers via google reader
Ardy22 says
I like the feng shui frogs!!!
carolpie says
Follow on Twitter and Tweet! mamasmoney @mamasmoney Win a Complete Laundry System (Ends 6/8) http://bit.ly/rxFiI
carolpie says
carolpie says
carolpie says
The Lave' Diamond sounds like it would be wonderful for our baby laundry!
pms3237 says
I would like to try the toilet tank conditioner
ladcraig says
I think I'd like to try the Wonder Patches.
auntrene says
I follow you on Twitter and I tweeted.
auntrene says
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itsjustmerene2003 at yahoo dot com
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itsjustmerene2003 at yahoo dot com
auntrene says
I subscribe via email. Thanks!
itsjustmerene2003 at yahoo dot com
Lauren says
I'm a follower 😀
Lauren says
I'm subscribed.
Lauren says
The Jesn Massage Ball sounds great (thanks for the reminder, can't believe I forgot to enter this one!)
judybrittle says
auntrene says
I would like to also try the Wonder Goat Milk Soap.. The Willard Water has me fascinated.
I would love the laundry system. Thanks for the chance.
dandmrobbins says
lave' diamond
Nessa says
I think the BennLu Stick looks cool! Thanks for the chance to win!
ramblingsofatxhousewife at gmail dot com
notworthwriting says
i suscribed
notworthwriting says
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notworthwriting says
i would like to try the lip wonder….
dddiva says
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dddiva says
dddiva says
Sub via Google Reader
dddiva says
I dropped an entrecard – My Loonyverse
dddiva says
I like the Feng Shui Frogs
ladyt64 says
I like the Duct Tape magnets.
yomomma says
I would like to try the Wonder Balm. Thanks for the giveaway!
Henrietta says
Tweet Tweet!
georgie c says
got your button http://electriccislandd.blogspot.com/
georgie c says
Following you on Twitter (id- electricisland) & a Tweet!
georgie c says
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georgie c says
Subcribe! electricisland(at)gmail.com
georgie c says
Wonder Microfiber Cloths. Really neat products they sale.
samella says
the duck tape magnets look interesting
[email protected]
Anonymous says
The toilet tank conditioner sounds like a godsend!
luckymegs1981 AT yahoo DOT com
Bakersdozen says
I am interested in how the Lave` Diamonds perform. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com
Gianna says
The toilet tank conditioner 🙂
Jinxy and Me says
I'm a follower!
Jinxy and Me says
Tweeted http://twitter.com/ThriftyJinxy/status/2072661433
Jinxy and Me says
I would like to try the Wonder Microfiber Cloths.
jayne says
I would love to try the goats milk soap
lezanac says
follower [email protected]
lezanac says
I like the Toilet Tank Conditioner [email protected]
Dree says
Technorati Favs http://technorati.com/faves/DreeG?show=blogs
Dree says
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Dree says
I like the Jesn Massage Ball.
kathy pease says
subscriber [email protected]
kathy pease says
following your blog as klp1965
kathy pease
kathy pease says
id love to try the Wonder Balm
Gabriel J. says
I like the Toilet Tank Conditioner.
nomorecages says
I have your button.
nomorecages says
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nomorecages says
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nomorecages says
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nomorecages says
I love the Feng Shui Frogs!
coriwestphal says
You are in my Technorati faves: coriwestphal
coriwestphal says
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coriwestphal says
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coriwestphal says
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coriwestphal says
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coriwestphal says
I'd like to try the Toilet Tank conditioner. Thanks!
k-team says
I would try the toilet tank conditioner because I don't like stinky toilet water. Thanks!
Beverley says
I really want the laundry system most, but I would also like to try the toilet tank conditioner.
Aisling says
I'd like to try the Wonder Microfiber Cloths too.
Susieqtpie says
I gave you a thumbs up on Stumble!!!! Susieqtpie
Susieqtpie says
You have been faved on Technorait!! Susieqtpie is my user name
Susieqtpie says
I have your cute button on my blog http://cafescrapper-scrapsoflife.blogspot.com/
Susieqtpie says
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Susieqtpie says
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Susieqtpie says
I'm a subscriber to Mama's Money Savers via arteachersusan at gmail dot com
Susieqtpie says
I love the Duck Tape Magnets! I've seen them before and they really work!
kkmartin says
I would like to try the Duct Tape Magnets. Thanks for the chance!
[email protected]
[email protected] says
Tweeted- http://twitter.com/joannagiveaway/status/2068507359
SeahorseLady says
I also follow your blog.
SeahorseLady says
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SeahorseLady says
I also like the Prill Beads.
cindiizzy says
I subscribe
mercsmercado at yahoo dot com
cindiizzy says
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mercsmercado at yahoo dot com
cindiizzy says
I would like to try the Duck Tape Magnets.
mercsmercado at yahoo dot com
live42day says
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live42day says
I like the Jesn Massage Ball. It looks and sounds interesting. With six people in our home we do a lot of laundry, these laundry balls would be wonderful to own!
Kate says
The JESN Massage Ball sounds great!
[email protected]
Sarah Z says
I want to try the Lave Diamond!
believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com
tlcfromtn says
The Prill Beads sound interesting. Thanks!
braaisjo at gmail dot com
brieannapt says
i am interested in the Pascalite clay. really like the multiple uses for it. and i am into the natural healing items.
brieannapt says
i am interested in the Pascalite clay. really like the multiple uses for it. and i am into the natural healing items.
Michael says
I've been shopping around for a good alternative to sponges and paper towels, and the Wonder Microfiber Cloths sound like just the product.
P.S. Love the hydrogen peroxide tip! 🙂
[email protected]
dhunt says
judybrittle says
Becky says
I think the massage ball looks wonderful…
A Family Completed... says
tech fave
A Family Completed... says
dropped on EC
A Family Completed... says
I follow
A Family Completed... says
I would like to try the toilet tank conditioner as well.
thanks for the entry
Tonyamcrain [at] aol.com
wendy says
I like the duck tape magnets.
madamerkf at aol dot com
Sheila R says
I subscribe!
[email protected]
Sheila R says
I would love to try the Wonder Mircofiber cloth it looks awesome!
[email protected]
demmi says
the wonder balm con5459(at)gmail(dot)com
Allison says
I've used the Goat Milk soap (love it!) and now very curious about the Bennlu stick.
Deborah says
I'd also love to try their Prill Beads. asthenight at gmail dot com
carolasar says
The Pascalite Clay sounds very useful. Thanks
judybrittle says
Tweet for today
Marianna says
Tweet! http://twitter.com/mannabsn/status/2059054125
Marianna says
I follow!
Marianna says
Lave Diamond!
justicecw says
I tweeted at http://twitter.com/justicecw/status/2058111055
thanks, [email protected]
justicecw says
I am a follower. thanks, [email protected]
justicecw says
I am a subscriber. [email protected]
justicecw says
I would love to try the wonder balm. thanks, [email protected]
Martha says
i'm interested in the Prill [email protected]
Rachel says
the Feng Shui Frog look so strange I would love to see what they are all about
Brooke says
The Wonder Goat Milk Soap looks/sounds great.. ok and about half the other stuff on the site…
Christina says
Christina – [email protected] – I like the Wonder Balm by Mystic Wonders. Thanks for the chance to win the unique Laundry System!
NesieBird says
I would really love to try this out. I have heard a little about it and it sounds great. Thanks for the chance.
kneecree at gmail dot com
Suzanne says
I would like to try the Pascalite Clay Powder particularly for the zillions of bug bites we get camping.
Happi Shopr says
I'd love to try the Wonder Patches. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
Shelly says
I subscribe.
Shelly says
Your button is on my blog.
Shelly says
I am a follower.
Shelly says
I would try their microfiber cloths- I love microfiber for natural cleaning.
Tracy says
I want those Feng Shui Frogs, my home could use some extra help in the prosperity/wealth sector! 🙂
taxchyk says
I'd also like to try the wonder balm. My skin would like to be happy…
Senior on a fixed income says
Toilet Tank Conditioner
talymfranc says
I would love to try these laundry balls, my children and I have sinsitive skin so iit is hard to find good detergents that dont irritate. Also, I would try the Jesn massage ball for my hubby he is a carpenter and is always having problems with his back. Thanks [email protected]
Smooshy says
i want the wonder balm!
judybrittle says
Christina says
Christina – [email protected] – I'd like to try the Wonder Patches from Mystic Wonders! Thanks for the chance to win the Laundry system, which sounds incredible!
makeetis says
I am a follower with google.'
makeetis says
I like the Wonder Microfiber Cloths.
Danielle says
I like the Wonder Balm!
Pat says
I like the Jesn Massage Ball.
pkildow at gmail dot com
heather says
I like the Toilet Tank Conditioner
judybrittle says
Tweet for today
idahomom says
I would like to try the toilet tank cleaner.
coriwestphal says
Twittered: http://twitter.com/coriwestphal/statuses/2024936628
Timothy Sternberg says
Have seen this before and wondered if they really work.
Erika*Coffee says
I stumbled:
Erika*Coffee says
You're one of my faves on technorati: Emmy Coffee
Erika*Coffee says
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Erika*Coffee says
I'm a new follower
Erika*Coffee says
I would like to try the Lave Diamond
judybrittle says
Janna @ Feed Your Pig says
blog follower
Janna @ Feed Your Pig says
I love the fung shie frogs!
Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!
Janna Johnson
[email protected]
[email protected]
tawnda says
tawnda says
rss subscriber
tawnda says
these are incredible! I really want to try the lave diamond!
Shelly T. says
The Lip Wonder looks great!
jeanine says
[email protected]
i subscribe.
jeanine says
[email protected]
i like the 1 year laundry balls. those would save us so much money!
[email protected] says
lave diamond would suit me.
Felicity says
Besides trying your laundry products, I would love to try your Toilet Tank Conditioner. I hate using harsh chemicals.
Sunnyvale says
Jesn massage ball would be nice to try.
judybrittle says
6/2 tweet
deedleweedle says
I really like the feng shui frogs.
elkaye says
I follow you on twitter and tweeted: http://twitter.com/Elkaye/status/2006848328
elkaye says
I follow your blog.
elkaye says
I’m interested in the wonder patches.
tatertot374 says
I also like the Wonder Balm. Thank you for the chance
[email protected]
oneinamil23 says
love the duck tape magnets!
autumn398 (at) yahoo.com
hminnesota says
I would like to try Toilet Tank conditioner
cstironkat says
I like the Duck Tape Magnets. These would come in so handy around the house.
scarlette10 says
willard water sounds interesting
denyse says
I’d love to try the Wonder Patches.
clynsg says
I follow.
clynsg at yahoo.com
clynsg says
Would like to try the toilet tank conditioner.
clynsg at yahoo.com
Alison says
I also like the sound of the Wonder Goat Milk Soap.
carolyn says
follower of Chicken Nuggets new recruit to your blog. Love this idea abit sceptic like you but willing to give it a try….with a pre-teen and teenager washing just jeans alone uses all my detergent. Thanks Laura Thanks Cher………it’s a Good(en) kinda day.
linda a says
Very Interesting. Most of the products they sell are pretty interesting in face. I think I would try the Willard Water, although I am a bit perplexed by the whole thing 🙂
Thank you
[email protected]
oceanrena says
I like the Lip Wonder
cathiem says
I thought the Wonder Balm looked interesting . Looks like it would feel great. I like the tin that it is packed in.
Carol Lawrence says
Technorati fav. jelly15301
Carol Lawrence says
Blog follower.
Carol Lawrence says
Yahoo reader subscriber.
Carol Lawrence says
WILLIARD WATER is aproduct I found interesting.
mmentor says
unique idea
heatherzilla says
The Prill Beads sound amazing.
Mama of 3 Munchkins! says
The Jesn Massage Ball looks nice, thanks!
Sue says
I’d like to try the Prill Beads. Thanks for the giveaway~
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
Valerie says
I would like to try the Jesn Massage Ball. Seems like the perfect two second getaway for a busy mom in between screaming kids and cleaning up spills… LOL
vjwilson27 at gmail dot com
Shawna says
I stumbled. My stumble username is Couponladyonline
shawna at couponladyonline dot com
Shawna says
I have your button on my “Other Great Savings Sites” slideshow at http://www.couponladyonline.com
shawna at couponladyonline dot com
Shawna says
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shawna at couponladyonline dot com
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shawna at couponladyonline dot com
Shawna says
I’d love to try the JESN Massage Ball, too. I sounds wonderful!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
shawna at couponladyonline dot com
Maria D. says
Your button is on my page.
mariadelgado32302 at yahoo dot com
Maria D. says
I tweeted.
mariadelgado32302 at yahoo dot com
Maria D. says
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mariadelgado32302 at yahoo dot com
Maria D. says
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mariadelgado32302 at yahoo dot com
Maria D. says
That would be amazing!
mariadelgado32302 at yahoo dot com
coriwestphal says
Twittered: http://twitter.com/coriwestphal/statuses/1987252032
Nad says
Blogger Follower.
treflea4 at gmail dot com
Nad says
Email suscriber.
treflea4 at gmail dot com
Nad says
I’d love to try the Wonder Goat Milk Soap.
treflea4 at gmail dot com
judybrittle says
Sunday tweet
Toilet Tank Conditioner…i would like something that would really help with the chore of toilet cleaning
I want to Win
judybrittle says
Karen says
I’m intrigued by the Prill Beads….
coriwestphal says
Twittered: http://twitter.com/coriwestphal/statuses/1966680632
Ingrid says
I follow
[email protected]
Ingrid says
The toilet tank conditioner
[email protected]
rebecca says
Feng Shui Frog are my pick!
[email protected] says
Tweeted- http://twitter.com/joannagiveaway/status/1955120616
Nanana says
i like the Wonder Balm
judybrittle says
5/28 tweet
Tj and Amy says
tweeted. [email protected]
Tj and Amy says
I have your button. [email protected]
Tj and Amy says
I follow. [email protected]
Tj and Amy says
I subscribe. [email protected]
Tj and Amy says
I like the wonder patches. [email protected]
Larky Lady says
Have your button!
Larky Lady says
I follow.
Larky Lady says
Larky Lady says
I’d like to try the Toilet Tank Conditioner!
Marla says
I am also a follower. thanks again!
[email protected]
Marla says
I am a subscriber via email. Thanks!
[email protected]
Marla says
I would like to try the Lave Diamond. Sounds like this would be great for hand-washables. thanks for the entry.
[email protected]
momof3dolls says
Just added your button!
momof3dolls says
Just followed.
momof3dolls says
Already following & tweeted,
momof3dolls says
Just subscribe via google.
momof3dolls says
I like to try the Wonder Goat Milk Soap.
nightowl says
I follow you through Blogger.
nightowl says
I subscribe by email.
nightowl says
I’d like to try the Lip Wonder in Vanilla.
coriwestphal says
Stumbled: coriwestphal
coriwestphal says
You are in my Technorati faves: coriwestphal
coriwestphal says
I have your button: http://asahmlookingforadeal.blogspot.com/
coriwestphal says
Blogged: http://asahmlookingforadeal.blogspot.com/2009/05/win-mystic-wonders-complete-laundry.html
coriwestphal says
Twittered: http://twitter.com/coriwestphal/status/1939006605
coriwestphal says
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coriwestphal says
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coriwestphal says
I am very curious about the Toilet Tank conditioner. I HATE cleaning the toilet!
[email protected] says
Stumbled- joannaprice
[email protected] says
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[email protected] says
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[email protected] says
Blogged- http://pricemommysense.blogspot.com/2009/05/giving-it-all-away_26.html
[email protected] says
Follower on Twitter & Tweeted- http://twitter.com/joannagiveaway/status/1937532121
[email protected] says
[email protected] says
[email protected] says
I would love to try the microfiber cloth
judybrittle says
Dwalline says
I like the duct tape magnets and the lip wonder
Sara says
I have your button on my blog.
Sara says
I follow on twitter and tweeted! http://twitter.com/Emsmama30/status/1935419988
Sara says
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Sara says
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Sara says
The feng shui frogs are cool!
GabbyLowe says
i subscribe
[email protected]
GabbyLowe says
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[email protected]
GabbyLowe says
[email protected]
I like the Lavé Diamond.
Simply Being Mommy says
You’re in my Technorati Faves!
crystal_reagan at hotmail dot com
Simply Being Mommy says
I have your button on my site.
crystal_reagan at hotmail dot com
Simply Being Mommy says
Dropped Entrecard.
crystal_reagan at hotmail dot com
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crystal_reagan at hotmail dot com
Simply Being Mommy says
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crystal_reagan at hotmail dot com
Simply Being Mommy says
I’d like to try the Wonder Balm.
crystal_reagan at hotmail dot com
Krystyn says
I favorited you.
Krystyn says
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Krystyn says
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Krystyn says
I like the Jesn massage balls.
Jackie says
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Jackie says
I’d loveto try the Wonder Balm. My daughter has extremely dry skin on her back, and I’d love to find something that could help.
Whitney says
I have your button
[email protected]
Whitney says
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Whitney says
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Whitney says
I like the mircofiber clothes.
[email protected]
JamericanSpice says
I have your button
JamericanSpice says
JamericanSpice says
JamericanSpice says
JamericanSpice says
I would like the Toilet tank conditioner
Dree says
I subscribe.
Dree says
I like the Jesn Massage Ball.
Jessie Lynn says
& I am a happy e-mail subber!
Jessie Lynn says
Wow. I admit I’m a teeny bit skeptical, but if it’s all true, how amazing! We do so much laundry, this would be a God send! I want to try everything from the web-site, but I’m really drooling over the Lip Wonder. My lips are always dry… hm.
judybrittle says
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judybrittle says
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judybrittle says
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judybrittle says
I would really like to try the Toilet Tank Conditioner. Thank you so much!
Lori says
I subscribe
Lori says
The Toilet Tank Conditioner would be great, too!
Baba says
I have your button:
Baba says
Baba says
Posted here:
Baba says
Following on twitter and tweeted:
Baba says
Baba says
Baba says
The vial for spray bottle really sounds interesting. I would love to try it in many areas.
spitfyr323 says
I’m a subscriber!
spitfyr323 at hotmail dot com
spitfyr323 says
I’d love to try the Wonder Balm!
spitfyr323 at hotmail dot com
Cindy says
Oops! I meant to put this in a separate post.
I also subscribe to your blog by email! Thanks for a great giveaway!
[email protected]
Jessica says
Your button is on my site: http://fringies.blogspot.com
Jessica says
I Entrecard dropped.
Jessica says
I follow you on twitter and RT’ed.
Jessica says
Following! 🙂
throuthehaze says
hsve your button
Jessica says
I have subscribed via email.
throuthehaze says
Jessica says
I think this technology is awesome! I would also like to try the Wonder Microfiber Cloths.
throuthehaze says
throuthehaze says
i like the Lip Wonder!
Jena says
I like the Lave Diamond–same technology, basically… (I wonder if it’s just repackaged as a marketing thing, or whether they really did design something purposefully, usefully different for handwashables.)
Cindy says
I follow your blog!
I subscribe by email too.
[email protected]
Cindy says
What a neat site of items! I was fascinated by the Feng Shui Frogs. Those would be a conversation piece and good luck for your home too! I also like the Wonder Balm.
Thank you for a great giveaway!
[email protected]
Mrs. Fish: aka Two Fish says
Today’s Tweet
karieherring (at) gmail (dot) com
Mrs. Fish: aka Two Fish says
I follow you on Twitter!
karieherring (at) gmail (dot) com
Mrs. Fish: aka Two Fish says
I already follow your blog!
Mrs. Fish: aka Two Fish says
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karieherring (at) gmail (dot) com
Mrs. Fish: aka Two Fish says
Oh the goat milk soap looks awesome!
samantha says
I subscribe to your blog!
samanthajocampen at gmail dot com
samantha says
I follow you on twitter and I tweeted:
samamthajocampen at gmail dot com
samantha says
The toilet tank conditioner!
samanthajocampen at gmail dot com
Dana says
[email protected]
Dana says
faved on Tech
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Dana says
have your button
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Dana says
follow on twitter
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Dana says
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Dana says
subscribe through google #2
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Dana says
subscribe through google
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Dana says
I like the Jesn Massage Ball
[email protected]
Henrietta says
Following you on twitter and tweeted
Henrietta says
Added to my Technorati faves! username: HensNest
Henrietta says
and your button is on my blogroll
Henrietta says
I also Follow
Henrietta says
i subscribe via Google Reader
Henrietta says
This looks really interesting! I would love to try the Pascalite Clay Powder and Lave` Diamond as well.
Jenny says
And I’m a follower. Thanks for the giveaway!
Jenny says
I’m subscribed!
Jenny says
The Wonder Balm sounds neat. I have very sensitive skin that heals slowly, this sounds like it might be nice for me.
Sherry says
I follow your blog. 🙂
Sherry says
I love the feng shui frogs! 🙂
Lily Bean Designs says
I have your button on my blog.
Lily Bean Designs says
Added to my Technorati Favorites
Lizzie says
I follow your blog. 🙂
Lizzie says
I think the Toilet Tank Conditioner would be neat to try!
Lily Bean Designs says
I follow you on twitter and I tweeted the giveaway!
Lily Bean Designs says
I follow you.
Lily Bean Designs says
I subscribed via google reader
Lily Bean Designs says
I also like the Lip Wonder!
lilymaree at yahoo dot com
Delia says
I’m a follower!
Delia says
I’d love to try the Wonder Patches.
Diane C says
Have seen this before and wondered if they really work. Glad to know they do. Like the Duct tape magnets also. They stick to anything. I follow your blog.