I am really impressed though with how cheap their prices are now as I remember paying a few hundred round trip to Las Vegas from Chicago and you can fly to Paris for $500 roundtrip! Not that we can afford to go anywhere now since we just moved, but I would really love to go to Paris or London.
The sale though does end on November 19th but you have until March 28, 2010 to travel.
British Airways is calling it their ‘world sale’ to promote that they fly not only to Europe, but also the Middle East, India, and Africa and that they provide both flights and packages from the US and Canada.
You can also upgrade your experience with 200+ On-Demand Entertainment Options, Complimentary food and cocktails on flights, World Class service, and Convenient and relaxing lounges at Terminal 5. They also offer a Comfortable in-flight experience which includes ergonically-designed seat complete with lumbar support, adjustable headrests and recline, and they also provide blankets, eyeshades, and flight socks!
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