Sometimes, okay basically every time, you remodel your house whether it is a big or small project, comes stress. Well now thanks to interior designer Kristan Cunningham, as seen on HGTV and The Rachel Ray Show, there is a computer program to make projects a little easier.
Weekend Project is a computer program that is designed to help you get started and finished quickly with your project. Kristan Cunnigham offers tips and more in-depth how-to articles from other professionals. Just load the software on any Windows XP and higher computer and you are good to go. There are even pre-defined projects such as: Adding a new sink to your bathroom, Updating your kitchen appliances with the help of an extensive object library, Check out a new paint color for your room with a click of the mouse, Use PhotoView to check out a new landscape design, and Add new lighting and turn on those lights to see the end result.
I know I am a visual person and for the $39.99 this home design software program seems definitely worth it. Right now, I am actually struggling with picking colors for our rooms so I am really considering this program. We also want to update one of our bathrooms and this would be a nice way for me and my husband to agree on a design.
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