In early October I posted a review (read here) and Giveaway for the book Great Games! 175 Games & Activities for Families, Groups, & Children!. It is an awesome book with so many creative ideas for games with tons of variations!
Well now Matthew Toone (the author) has decided to giveaway 3 more copies of his book! Here are the details:
Christmas is here, and as we all know, that means trying to find gifts for family and friends. If you are looking for gift ideas that are different, fun, and meaningful – then I have the perfect solution for you. My friend Matthew Toone just published a book entitled: “Great Games! 175 Games & Activities for Families, Groups, & Children.” This book is literally full of fun game and activity ideas for people of all ages, groups of all sizes, and there are games for any category or setting. You can check it out at:
3 lucky people, however, will get a free copy of ‘Great Games.’ In order to be entered into the contest to win a free copy, simply send me a one paragraph response about a time where you played games with your family or friends and it created a fun memory, strengthened relationships, or simply brought your family closer together. The deadline to send your story in is Dec 15th. If your story is chosen, you will win a free copy of ‘Great Games.’

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