My sons love apples, and they especially love apple sauce! They go through a jar of apple sauce about once a week between the two of them. Since they love it so much I have decided to experiment a little bit with it and let them add in strawberries, raisins, and cut up apples. They love to add-in things as they think they are cooking!
For Thanksgiving we of course had to have applesauce because it would not have been the same without it! I put out the Natural apple sauce with raisins in it and it was a hit! Even the adults enjoyed it as something different, and no one had ever thought of adding to their applesauce before. Now I think apple sauce with raisins is going to be a must at each holiday dinner, but maybe we will mix it up and try something new next time! That is the great thing about apple sauce is that it is so versatile and works with everything! Oh and the Cinnamon apple sauce was a hit when it was mixed with some pieces of turkey for the kids!
Musselmans apple sauce is not just yummy but also healthy! They also offer a wide variety including Natural, Cinnamon, and Home Style Chunky. Now it also comes in easy open plastic jars. And if you are looking for on-the-go apple sauce make sure you check out the single serving cups that come in a huge variety of flavors!
So when you are planning your holiday menu this year or even looking for something fun to eat, I highly recommend checking out the Musselmans flavors and getting creative! My kids really got a kick out of helping mix-in the raisins so if you have a child that really wants to help in the kitchen, what better way to get started than with yummy applesauce! Looking for more recipe ideas, check out the Recipe page at Musselmans!
BUY IT: Check out the Promotions Page at Musslemans for coupons and specials! You can use the Store Locator to find Musselmans at a store near you!
Mama’s Money Savers Disclaimer: I was given two jars of applesauce to review. This review is 100% my opinion and has not been edited or reviewed by anyone. I was not compensated in any other way for this product review.

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