After the holidays, when I feel like I gained ten pounds, I of course try to loose them. It never seems to work, and every year I feel ten pounds heavier, but I try! I am also limited to indoors since I live by Chicago and we have freezing temperatures this time of year!
So here is what I do:
1. Play lots of Wii – including Wii Fit
2. Clean the house like crazy (cleaning = loosing calories)
3. Chase the kids around the basement
4. Run on our very old treadmill
5. Do sit-ups while watching tv and dreaming of all the Christmas cookies I still have on the kitchen counter
6. Go to the mall and walk around with the kids to get moving
7. Try out some new recipes
8. Throw away leftover Halloween candy I have still been nibbling on, but I can’t seem to throw away Christmas cookies as love and sweat went into them!
9. Try to order something healthy if we go out to eat
10. Try not to sit and snack at the computer. If I want to snack I make myself stand in the kitchen which is boring and I end up eating less!
I wrote this as part of a Twitter Moms Contest called “Your top 10 ways to get fit after the holidays.” You can read more about the contest and details HERE. The giveaway is sponsored by EASports Active, which Santa forgot to bring me this year and I would love to try out!

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