BUY IT: You can buy “Fantastic Mr. Fox” wherever DVDs are sold or check it out on Amazon
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DVD GIVEAWAY: “Fantastic Mr. Fox” (George Clooney, Meryl Streep) #Giveaway – 3 Winners! @mamasmoney (Ends 3/26)
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~ Blog about this contest or send an email to friends/family and CC:[email protected]
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Please leave me a comment for EACH entry and your email address if it is not in your profile for each entry that you complete above so I can accurately pick a winner. This contest ends on March 26th. Thanks everyone and good luck! Also, if you just put a generic comment like “I want to Win” then I will have to disqualify you. This contest is only open to US residents.
Mama’s Money Savers Disclosure: I was given this dvd to review. This review is 100% my opinion and has not been edited or reviewed by anyone. I was not compensated in any other way for this product review.
Charlene Kuser says
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Charlene Kuser says
I thought the clip was very good.The animation is outstanding
Sand says
This looks like a great movie!
Amy Fedorchak says
entered barney dvd giveaway
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Amy Fedorchak says
i really like the animation in the movie it is awesome. My lilguy has seen previews his eyes are glued
R Hicks says
R Hicks says
dug you
R Hicks says
bookmarked delicious
R Hicks says
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ardy22 at earthlink dot net
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R Hicks says
Ha Ha! This movie is a riot. Love it when he rallies his buddies against the neighbors!
ardy22 at earthlink dot net
Natalie A. says
.-= Natalie A.´s last blog ..Mikarose $60 Gift Card Giveaway =-.
Erica C. says
This definitely looks interesting. I think the adults and kids in the family will enjoy it. What a great cast too!
Susan Smith says
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Francine Anchondo says
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Susan Smith says
My kids would love this
Francine Anchondo says
My daughter would enjoy this movie.
Amy Delong says
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Amy Delong says
Amy Delong says
Amy Delong says
I think it looks like a great movie for the family!
Jules says
I heard about this giveaway on
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Jules says
I love the stop-motion animation style!
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Maja says
entered barney giveaway
Feekoningin says
I think the trailer was FANTASTIC!
Maja says
Maja says
Maja says
it looks so fun and my son would enjoy it a lot
Ani says
It looks different from a lot of other kids’ movies, I think my older son would like it.
Barb says
I’m already a follower and heard about this site through Mcklinky. My grandson and I would love to win this video. Haven’t seen this movie yet but would love to.
My email [email protected]
I would love for you to visit my blog and giveaway at Craft it Wednesday when you have the time.
.-= Barb´s last blog ..Week 31 – Cards and a Two Giveaway’s! =-.
Melissa says
Found this site through my friend and became a fan. My daughter would love this movie.
vivian says
sounds like film my neice and newphew would like ty.
Tiffany says
Sue says
daily tweet:
.-= Sue´s last blog ..Ready for a Spring Vacation? =-.
Barrie says
the animation is flawless.
Badger Mom says
RT 3/26
Joseph Stowell says
etirv says
Entered PBS scigirls giveaway!
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etirv says
Enjoyed the trailer! This is definitely a family movie and for sure a very good one because it was nominated for an Oscar!
oneangel says
The animation is awesome! great family film!
traci s says
tweet ,
gordon says
We saw this quirky, warm film and really enjoyed it. So different than most kids films, and so charming!
Frances Watson says
I would love to win this Thank You for this great giveaway [email protected]
Ed Nemmers says
This was an edgy and fun movie, exemplified by that clip!
damon says
I watched this w/ my kids behind me. They want it becaus ethey said it was cool and cute.
denyse says
My friend told me about this giveaway.
denyse says
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denyse says
Soo sweet. My children would love this movie.
Dddiva says
.-= Dddiva´s last blog ..SYLVANIA halogen light bulb Blog Tour! =-.
Dddiva says
FB fan Sherry Conrad
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Dddiva says
.-= Dddiva´s last blog ..SYLVANIA halogen light bulb Blog Tour! =-.
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.-= Dddiva´s last blog ..SYLVANIA halogen light bulb Blog Tour! =-.
Dddiva says
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.-= Dddiva´s last blog ..SYLVANIA halogen light bulb Blog Tour! =-.
Dddiva says
I think it looks adorable- something we’d all enjoy.
.-= Dddiva´s last blog ..SYLVANIA halogen light bulb Blog Tour! =-.
Sue Farrell says
I think the animated foxes are just adorable–their movements are such a good combo of animation and reality.
Jodi says
I think it looks like a really cute movie.
Angela Winesburg says
I love the animation, its incredible! Thanks for the chance!
Melissa B. says
Now, my whole family wants to see it. Great animation and I love the actors chosen to do the voices.
Badger Mom says
RT 3/25
Natalie A. says
.-= Natalie A.´s last blog ..Davinia’s Birthday Bash in April =-.
Amanda S. says
I think it sounds like a movie my kids would really like!
katie s. says
The stop motion animation looks absolutely phenomonial. Most stop motion movies get tiresome after a while, but this looks like it will hold up thru the entire movie. Thanks.
Lee-Ann says
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Lee-Ann says
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Lee-Ann says
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Lee-Ann says
Lee-Ann says
Lee-Ann says
It looks funny and I love that Mr Fox is done by George Clooney!
Sue says
daily tweet:
.-= Sue´s last blog ..Ready for a Spring Vacation? =-.
sheila veit says
I heard this is really good.
Joseph Stowell says
traci s says
tweet ,
Tiffany says
Daniel M says
looks like a fun one, i wouldn’t have the patience to make even a short never mind a full lenght movie
Badger Mom says
RT 3/24
Jennifer M says
It seems like a great movie we can watch with the kids.
Natalie A. says
James Coyne says
The animation looks great
Jason says
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Jason Nickolay
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Jason says
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Jason says
It made me excited to see the movie. i am a big Ronald Dahl fan
Shellie says
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Shellie says
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Shellie says
Wow, this really looks like a great movie! I was really impressed with the trailer, can’t wait to see the whole movie.
Ramona says
googled into you site
Dave says
I have been looking forward to seeing this film. A friend of mine saw it at the cinema and was very impressed. He said the humor was reminiscent of Wes Anderson’s other film, like Royal Tenebaums and The Life Aquatic. I am also a big fan of stop-motion animation. Such a tedious process! Thank you for the chance to win.
Eileen says
ENtered your Baby Orajel giveaway!
Eileen says
Joseph Stowell says
traci s says
tweet ,
Lucy Schwartz says
Has George Clooney ever made a bomb ?
And the cast of characters – make it a must see.
Chrysa says
I’m a Facebook fan.
Chrysa says
Looks great! Thanks for the giveaway!
Joseph Stowell says
Badger Mom says
RT 3/23
Suzanne Denys says
I would love to see this movie. We tried on Thanksgiving but it was shown too late for my parents and kids.
Christi Trinco says
I heard about this giveaway on Twitter
Christi Trinco says
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Christi Trinco says
I can’t decided if I think this is going to be a cute movie or not based on that trailer
Natalie A. says
.-= Natalie A.´s last blog ..Check Out My Canadian & US Giveaways =-.
Sue says
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kim says
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Jill says
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Jay says
It seems a little strange-don’t know if the kids would watch but I would like to see it eventually.
Kathryn says
I like the modified tube sock bit to be a bandit hat. Looks fun!
traci s says
tweet ,
mariam says
found this giveaway in moneysavingmom
mariam says
looks like my little one will love this!
christopher h says
this looks like a really fun film
Betty says
Became a facebook fan
bmcbroom AT gmail DOT com
Badger Mom says
RT 3/22
Jenna says
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Jenna says
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Michelle L. says
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miss.maxine at gmail
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miss.maxine at gmail
Michelle L. says
This movie looks fantastic. I love Roald Dahl AND I love Wes Anderson.
miss.maxine at gmail
Stephanie says
3/22 tweet:
Natalie A. says
.-= Natalie A.´s last blog ..Check Out My Canadian & US Giveaways =-.
Eileen says
Eileen says
Entered your Perricone giveaway!
Julie says
i follow your blog
Julie says
I think it looks like a cute kids movie
niki says
We have a weekly pizza and movie night at home and sure would love a new flick! My preschooler loves any movies or stories with animals.
ndisilvio @ gmail . com
.-= niki´s last blog ..Review: Busy Mom Bible =-.
Kim says
Tweet on twitter @kim9921
Sue says
Stumbled this post
.-= Sue´s last blog ..Ready for a Spring Vacation? =-.
Sue says
I entered your LYSOL Healthy No-Touch Hand Soap System Giveaway
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Sue says
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.-= Sue´s last blog ..Ready for a Spring Vacation? =-.
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.-= Sue´s last blog ..Ready for a Spring Vacation? =-.
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.-= Sue´s last blog ..Ready for a Spring Vacation? =-.
Sue says
The animation on this looks really unique. My daughter really wants to see this.
.-= Sue´s last blog ..Ready for a Spring Vacation? =-.
Joseph Stowell says
traci s says
tweet ,
Badger Mom says
RT 3/21
Jill says
tweet @jill9921 for the fantastic mr fox dvd giveaway
Kim says
I tweeted on twitter for the Fantastic Mr Fox giveaway @kim9921
Joseph Stowell says
Tiffany says
Natalie A. says
.-= Natalie A.´s last blog ..Check Out My Canadian & US Giveaways =-.
rebecca says
Sounds like a good movie for watching with my granddaughter when she comes for a visit.
This would be great for a snow bound day like today. I am sure it will be a family movie night wannabe.
Lauren @4BabyAndMom says
.-= Lauren @4BabyAndMom´s last blog ..Barney: Egg-cellent Adventures DVD Review + Giveaway =-.
Lauren @4BabyAndMom says
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.-= Lauren @4BabyAndMom´s last blog ..Barney: Egg-cellent Adventures DVD Review + Giveaway =-.
Lauren @4BabyAndMom says
That looked hysterical! I think both of my kids (4 & 7) would love it. My daughter walked in at the end and started chuckling about the electric fence and seeing their bones. LOL! Thanks for the entry!
.-= Lauren @4BabyAndMom´s last blog ..Barney: Egg-cellent Adventures DVD Review + Giveaway =-.
traci s says
tweet ,
Badger Mom says
RT 3/20
angie says
The animation stands out. Looks like a great story.
Abby says
My girls both love Roald Dahl books so this would make them both happy!
Jill says
I tweeted @jill9921 on twitter
Kim says
I tweeted on twitter today @kim9921
Natalie A. says
.-= Natalie A.´s last blog ..Check Out My Canadian & US Giveaways =-.
Joseph Stowell says
traci s says
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jennifer says
I entered the lysol no-touch hand soap system giveaway!
Eileen says
Follow n Tweeted!
Eileen says
Entered your Lysol giveaway!
Kim R says
I follow you on twitter.
Kim R says
I tweeted on twitter @kim9921
Jill P says
I tweeted on twitter @jill9921
Carmen says
Oh, I really want to see this movie! It looks so cute!
Natalie A. says
.-= Natalie A.´s last blog ..Ban T-Shirts Review + Giveaway =-.
Joseph Stowell says
traci s says
tweet ,
Eileen says
Entered your Scigirls PBS giveaway!
thank you!
Jessica says
I entered the Barney Eggcelent Adventure giveaway
Jessica says
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Jessica says
It looks like a really cute movie. The animation is so realistic!
Eileen says
Follow n Tweeted!
Eileen says
I also entered your Ipod Itouch Apps giveaway!
thank you!
Eileen says
I also entered your Bottom Care Diaper Rash giveaway!
thank you!
Badger Mom says
RT 3/18
jennifer says
I entered the First Years Bottom Care Diaper Rash Relief System Giveaway!
Joseph Stowell says
Tiffany Pettey says
traci s says
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Natalie A. says
I follow and tweeted!
.-= Natalie A.´s last blog ..Ban T-Shirts Review + Giveaway =-.
Natalie A. says
My friend e-mailed me about this giveaway and told me I should enter. That is how I heard about it! Thanks!
.-= Natalie A.´s last blog ..Ban T-Shirts Review + Giveaway =-.
Natalie A. says
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Natalie Ahotaeiloa
.-= Natalie A.´s last blog ..Ban T-Shirts Review + Giveaway =-.
Natalie A. says
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.-= Natalie A.´s last blog ..Ban T-Shirts Review + Giveaway =-.
Natalie A. says
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.-= Natalie A.´s last blog ..Ban T-Shirts Review + Giveaway =-.
Natalie A. says
It looks like a good movie and I’d like to watch it! Thanks so much!
.-= Natalie A.´s last blog ..Ban T-Shirts Review + Giveaway =-.
Jill says
I tweeted for this giveaway on twitter @jill9921
Badger Mom says
RT 3/17
paul haddock says
Great dvd
Monique Rizzo says
We saw this in the theater. It was fantastic! Thanks for the chance.
[email protected]
evelyn says
I’d love to win this dvd
Stephanie says
3/17 tweet:
Emily Roesly says
That’s quite a labor of love to make an entire movie in stop action. They did a wonderful job. I can’t wait to see the movie!
Cynthia C says
fb fan (Cynthia Conley)
Cynthia C says
Following on gfc (clc408)
Cynthia C says
Looks like a movie my nephew would love – and me too!
Carol G says
Email subscriber (clynsg at yahoo dot com)
Carol G says
Google friend follower
Carol G says
I couldn’t get the full flavor of it because my sound is not very good, but it certainly made it more likely that I would want to see it.
Shelley Mitchell says
My nephew would love this!!
Joseph Stowell says
Karen P says
GFC follower
Karen P says
It really looks like a cute movie.
traci s says
tweet ,
Eileen says
I also entered your Benihana giveaway!
THANK you!
Eileen says
I also entered your THomas & Friends DVD giveaway!
THANK you!
Eileen says
I also entered your Exergen Thermometer giveaway!
THANK you!
Eileen says
I also entered your Dicks GC giveaway!
THANK you!
Eileen says
I also entered your Barney DVD giveaway!
THANK you!
Eileen says
I also entered your Punkaboo giveaway!
THANK you!
Eileen says
I also entered your WHip It! DVD giveaway!
THANK you!
Eileen says
I also entered your ONline Poster giveaway!
THANK you!
Eileen says
I also entered your Wow Wow Wubbzy giveaway!
THANK you!
Eileen says
I also entered your Amelia DVD giveaway!
THANK you!
Eileen says
I also entered your Carolina Pad giveaway!
THANK you!
Eileen says
I also entered your Whimsical Gourmet giveaway!
THANK you!
Eileen says
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eileen richter
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Eileen says
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Eileen says
Looks very unique and clever…like a fox! I just love Owen Wilson, especially his voice so even if I get to hear him on a voice over… that would be COOL!
Badger Mom says
RT 3/16
Stephanie says
3/16 tweet!
don says
sign me up please
Joseph Stowell says
Joseph Stowell says
I didn’t realize Roald Dahl wrote the book Fantastic Mr Fox. That means that if the movie follows the book, it should very interesting and quirky and very entertaining.
Mike Weisberg says
would like to win this
Jessica (The Unemployed Mom) says
I also entered your Benihana and Thomas the Train dvd giveaway. Thanks!
.-= Jessica (The Unemployed Mom)´s last blog ..A Thorough Inspection =-.
Jessica (The Unemployed Mom) says
I am a twitter follower and I retweeted this contest (Unemployed_Mom).
.-= Jessica (The Unemployed Mom)´s last blog ..A Thorough Inspection =-.
Jessica (The Unemployed Mom) says
Facebook fan.
.-= Jessica (The Unemployed Mom)´s last blog ..A Thorough Inspection =-.
Jessica (The Unemployed Mom) says
Looks like a unique movie. I could listen to George Clooney speak all day long, so I wouldn’t mind this dvd playing in my house. 🙂
.-= Jessica (The Unemployed Mom)´s last blog ..A Thorough Inspection =-.
Rachel says
I subscribe rachelcay (at) aol (dot) com
Rachel says
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Rachel says
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Rachel says
I looks like a very cute movie 🙂
Mia J. says
This looks like a great movie for the whole family.
Denise B. says
Personally, I know my husband and I would enjoy this. However, I don’t feel this is appropriate for younger children based on what I saw in the clip. I would let my two older teenage boys watch this but not our two younger ones.
Kelly says
another winner baby!
traci s says
tweet ,
Marcia says
I am pretty sure from the preview that my almost 5 year old granddaughter and I will enjoy watching it together. I hope she doesn’t grow up to be a chicken-stealer!
Nicole C. says
It looks great. My kids are really wanting to see this.
Tracey Byram says
This looks like a good movie for our Family Movie Night.
erinxduh says
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name:Erin Mize
erinxduh says
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erinxduh says
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erinxduh says
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erinxduh says
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erinxduh says
I think it looks like a smart flick.
Me and my mom both want to watch it! Forget about the little sister here…=P
James says
Riduculously good CGI.
robert reilly says
watched the trailer
saw the movie
loved every bit of it.
ade says
ade says
This movie seems unique. And I love anything w/George Clooney
shannon says
very cute
Jill L says
I entered your Online Poster Printing giveaway.
Jill L says
This is the first preview I have seen of the movie. My son has been wanting to see it, now I do too.
Carol says
entered Whip It giveaway
Carol says
Carol says
Facebook fan Carol P Dziuba
Carol says
follow on Twitter cdziuba and tweeted
Carol says
Carol says
Carol says
I posted your giveaway on my Facebook page Carol P Dziuba!/profile.php?id=752204468&ref=nf
Carol says
It’s a great wholesome movie, and I can’t wait to be able to see it with my little one.
Jaque says
After watching the clip, I have decided this is a great family movie for my children and I.
Thank you. 🙂
Jacob LaFountaine says
I like the unique look of it
Tanya says
I entered your ‘Whip It Dvd Giveaway’
Tanya says
twitter follower and tweeted
Tanya says
Facebook fan (Tanya Riley)
Tanya says
Tanya says
i think that it looks like a great movie for all ages
debp says
I love the animation. I can’t wait to see this movie with my son.
[email protected]
Badger Mom says
I’ve blogged.
badgermomma at gmail dot com
Badger Mom says
I’ve posted this giveaway to Facebook as Jenine Herrell. Here’s a link to my profile.
badgermomma at gmail dot com
Badger Mom says
I heard about this giveaway because I subscribe to your blog.
badgermomma at gmail dot com
Badger Mom says
I have your button on my blog.
badgermomma at gmail dot com
Badger Mom says
I’m your fan on Facebook as Jenine Herrell.
badgermomma at gmail dot com
Badger Mom says
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badgermomma at gmail dot com
Badger Mom says
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badgermomma at gmail dot com
Badger Mom says
I follow you on Google Friend Connect.
badgermomma at gmail dot com
Badger Mom says
The trailer is excellent and it makes me want to see this movie even more than I already do. My husband has really fond memories of Fantastic Mr. Fox from some childhood books of his. He wants to see this movie even more than I do and I’m sure our children will absolutely love it!
badgermomma at gmail dot com
brenda says
follow jemscout425
brenda says
I think george clooney is quite foxy
adrienne gordon says
the style of animation is really different.
valerie mabrey says
This is so cute think it is on my want to see list
Amber G says
I follow your blog with google friend connect!
Amber G says
Wow – my kids watched the trailer with me and now they really want to see it!
Jackie says
I learned about this giveaway in the email I received from you!
Jackie says
I subscribe via email
Jackie says
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Jackie says
I love the animation! This looks like a movie that is good for adults as well as kids. Thanks for the review and giveaway!
jackievillano at gmail dot com
Vickie Couturier says
I entered;Dicks Sporting Goods $50 Gift Card Giveaway & Twitter Contest! (Ends 3/30)
Vickie Couturier says
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Vickie Couturier says
what a cute movie,this would be one that would be good for adults an kids,cant wait to see it
Jennifer T. says
I entered the “Barney: Egg-Cellent Adventures” Giveaway.
Jennifer T. says
I entered the Punkaboo giveaway.
Jennifer T. says
I entered the Whimsical Gourmet giveaway.
Jennifer T. says
I entered the Exergen TemporalScanner giveaway.
Jennifer T. says
I’m a facebook fan under username Jennie Tilson.
Jennifer T. says
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Jennifer T. says
I love how rich and detailed the scenery and colors are compared to animation.
traci s says
tweet ,
Lynette says
I entered your Amelia giveaway.
.-= Lynette´s last blog ..Kids’ Books on the iPhone =-.
Lynette says
I follow you with Google Friend Connect.
Lynette says
This movie looks really fun. I’d like to watch it with my son.
.-= Lynette´s last blog ..Kids’ Books on the iPhone =-.
Stephanie says
3/14 tweet!
traci s says
tweet ,
Annmarie W. says
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Annmarie W. says
I had really wanted to take the children to see this at the theater, but we never got over there to see it. The movie looks wonderful…not full of bathroom humor like so many of the kids movies today! And I love George Clooney’s voice…
Lynn says
I think the movie looks awesome! My nephew would love it. If I win I’m sending it his way!
lynnx512 at gmail dot com
Darcie K says
I entered the Amelia giveaway
[email protected]
Darcie K says
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[email protected]
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[email protected]
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[email protected]
Darcie K says
This movie looks awesome! I would love to watch it with my daughter
[email protected]
Mary says
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.-= Mary´s last blog ..HSA~Health Savings Account =-.
Mary says
I follow you on Twitter 😉
.-= Mary´s last blog ..HSA~Health Savings Account =-.
Rich Hemsley says
I became a fan on Facebook.
Rich Hemsley says
I entered into your Whip-It contest.
Rich Hemsley says
This movie looks like it will be great stop motion. I’m looking forward to seeing it.
Nic-e says
I fanned you on Facebook!
Nic-e says
I entered into the Whip-It DVD giveaway!
traci s says
Nic-e says
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Nic-e says
Here’s my tweet of the contest
.-= Nic-e´s last blog ..Ravelympics 2010 =-.
Nic-e says
I think this movie looks cute. I like the part where the younger fox puts a cut out tube sock on his head…very funny!
Zebrafruit says
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I love these types of movies and my oldest really want to go see it now (she watched over my shoulder)
Tiffany says
ur button
Tiffany says
i am a fb fan of urs too
tiffany b pettey
Tiffany says
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Tiffany says
Tiffany says
i cant wait to watch this with the family
Ann says
Thank you for stopping by my blog..I am now following you too…
Amanda says
This looks so cute!!!! I love Wes Anderson!
dave e says
i heard about this giveaway from the email that came in from your blog
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i am fan on facebook, whodoes cares
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dave e says
we watched the trailer and now we want to watch the whole movie, my son was watching it, now i might have to go rent it
Marla Y says
I am a Facebook fan. Thanks again!
[email protected]
Marla Y says
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[email protected]
Lori Z. says
I entered the Whip It giveaway
.-= Lori Z.´s last blog ..Monkey’s Party, or Why My Family is More Talented than I =-.
Marla Y says
I am an email subscriber. Thanks!
[email protected]
Lori Z. says
I heard about this giveaway from my email updates.
.-= Lori Z.´s last blog ..Monkey’s Party, or Why My Family is More Talented than I =-.
Marla Y says
I had not seen this before. It looks like it’s going to be a cute movie. Thank you for the giveaway.
[email protected]
Lori Z. says
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.-= Lori Z.´s last blog ..Monkey’s Party, or Why My Family is More Talented than I =-.
Lori Z. says
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.-= Lori Z.´s last blog ..Monkey’s Party, or Why My Family is More Talented than I =-.
Lori Z. says
I love the animation. I think this animation is more impressive than Up’s. This is a wonderful Dahl book.
.-= Lori Z.´s last blog ..Monkey’s Party, or Why My Family is More Talented than I =-.
jennifer says
I entered the waterpik giveaway!
jennifer says
I entered the duraflame stax giveaway!
jennifer says
I entered the seagate free agent portable hard drive giveaway!
jennifer says
I entered the cover me strap giveaway!
jennifer says
I entered the chicken soup for the soul- nascar giveaway!
jennifer says
I entered the chicken soup for the soul- true love giveaway!
jennifer says
I entered the whimsical gourmet giveaway!
jennifer says
I entered the carolina pad giveaway!
jennifer says
I entered the wow wow wubbzy go for gold DVD giveaway!
jennifer says
I entered the punkaboo labels giveaway!
.-= jennifer´s last blog ..Summer is almost here! =-.
jennifer says
I entered the barney egg-cellent adventure giveaway!
.-= jennifer´s last blog ..Summer is almost here! =-.
jennifer says
I entered the Exergen Temporal Artery Thermometer giveaway!
.-= jennifer´s last blog ..Summer is almost here! =-.
jennifer says
I have your button on my blog!
.-= jennifer´s last blog ..Summer is almost here! =-.
jennifer says
facebook fan of mama’s money savers!
jennifer says
I subscirbe to mama’s money savers via e-mail!
.-= jennifer´s last blog ..Summer is almost here! =-.
jennifer says
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jennifer says
This looks awesome! I don’t know who would want to watch this more- my kids or Me!
.-= jennifer´s last blog ..Summer is almost here! =-.
Tatjana says
I love the tube sock transformation! This looks like a winner for my girls.
[email protected]
.-= Tatjana´s last blog ..tboardley: RT @mamasmoney DVD Review & Giveaway: “Whip It” – 3 Winners (Ends 3/24) | Mama’s Money Savers =-.
andrea says
current email subscriber
andrea says
It looks great, I don’t remember the book though.
traci s says
sent out emails with a copy to you
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heard about it thru your emails
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traci s says
this looks like its gonna be a really good movie! if i win gonna pop some popcorn turn the lights low and have a good ole family night!
Stephanie says
Following you on Twitter as stlyhu and tweeted here:
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Stephanie says
The trailer is cute and makes it seem like the movie is pretty true to the book as I remember it (though I read it a LONG time ago!). And getting to listen to George Clooney’s voice is a bonus in my opinion! 🙂