I just read an article somewhere that said that most people would rather be without anything else, other than their cell phone. I too used to be attached to my cell phone, Bluetooth headset and all. Throughout college and even two years into my first house, I lived without a landline phone, only a cell phone. I figured why should I pay for a landline phone when I was mostly out working, at classes, or just out and about most of the time. Now I do have a house phone and barely use my cell phone since I became a stay at home mom. I can’t even remember how it was not to own a cell phone and with technologies advances, cell phones now offer so much more than just making phone calls.
My husband on the other hand would be lost without his cell phone. He uses his phone both for business and personal, and it has everything on it from photos, music, apps, emails and more. Now many phones allow you to sync them with your computer but if your phone doesn’t have that option then you need some other way for mobile connection management.
With technology today, it would be so convenient to have all your photos, videos, and music available, especially with Smith Micro’s mobile connectivity cloud. It is a web-based program that allows access to virtually any multimedia content in your Cloud and it is shared throughout anyone in your network. You do have to subscribe, but you would be able to choose whether to access everything in a specific media library or just specific files. So basically you would have a mobile connection manager where you could access what you need, when you need it! So now for people like my husband who need certain files, they can now get it right away without a problem. Pretty soon I will be a more on-the-go mom (now my kids are young so we stick around home a lot) and I know that it even sounds appealing to me!
This is a sponsored post, but it is 100% my opinion.
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