According to a recent Scrubbing Bubbles survey, eight in 10 moms begin multi-tasking as soon as they jump out of bed. I know in my house this is true as I am trying to feed the kids, dress them, throw laundry in, pack my son’s snack for school, and check my email – and that is just for starters! Well to help out with mom’s cleaning routines, Scrubbing Bubbles has released the Extend-A-Clean Power Sprayer to work hard so mom’s don’t have too!
The Extend-A-Clean Power Sprayer contains a formula that actively cleans to keep bathroom surfaces cleaner, longer for up to four days! It uses a one-touch continuous sprayer to make cleaning easier since you don’t have to repeatedly pull the trigger. It is perfect for cleaning your sink, showers, tubs, tile and chrome to a shine and like-new clean! Also, the Scrubbing Bubbles Extend-A-Clean Power Sprayer’s uses a innovative battery-operated power sprayer that is re-useable using the Scrubbing Bubbles refills.
Some Fun Facts:
- Morning Madness. 81 percent of moms admit to multi-tasking right from the start, early in the morning. And 79 percent are looking for solutions that would save them time in the morning.
- The Need for Clean. Almost all moms (98 percent) agree it’s important to have a clean bathroom. 91 percent confess that keeping the bathroom clean is a never ending task. And 9 out of 10 are also looking for solutions that would help them clean less often!
- Go-Go-Gadget Arm! It’s unanimous – moms need some help around the house. Eight in 10 actually admit to multi-tasking more now than ever before, with over one-third wishing they had a third arm to help them clean the bathroom.
- Chocolate Schmocolate. When asked what they’d give up in order to keep their bathroom cleaner longer, a surprising 24 percent said chocolate, while 23 percent would trade in their morning coffee and 35 percent would say sayonara to a dream date with their favorite actor.
I hate cleaning to begin with so any product that extends the time between that I have to clean something, is a plus in my book! Right up there with cleaning the toilet, I hate cleaning the shower. It is a small shower with glass doors and it always looks dirty to me. It is also hard to clean because it is small and I hate brething in the fumes. What I think is nice about the Scrubbing Bubbles Extend-A-Clean Power Sprayer is that I am no longer constantly pulling the triger to spray my shower, but I can now just go back and forth with one squeeze. I also love that it lasts to keep my shower clean so I can spend less time cleaning it.
I sprayed my shower in just a few seconds and then I forgot about it. When I came back, it was so white and clean, and I didn’t even scrub like it says to do. So even if you don’t have time to scrub, it is nice to know that Scrubbing Bubbles will still work on its own. This is my kind of cleaner because when we have people over I always like to clean the bathrooms since many of our friends and family have not seen this house yet, so they always want to go room to room, so now I can spray and walk away! I will say though it does say to scrub after allowing Scrubbing Bubbles to soak in so keep that in mind if you have extra build-up on your tile. I also used this on our bathroom counter and sink and they both came our sparking!
I do realize that this product is more than typical cleaners but it does offer refills and use batteries so it is something that you will hopefully have around for awhile. It does make cleaning go a little faster and I do love how the Scrubbing Bubbles foam seems like it is eating away the dirt!
BUY IT: Scrubbing Bubbles Extend-A-Clean Power Sprayer is available in the home cleaning sections of food and mass merchandise stores such as Target, Wal-Mart and more! The manufacturer suggested retail price is $8.99 for the starter sprayer and $3.99 for one refill.
GIVEAWAY: (1) winner will receive a “Minimize Morning Madness” gift basket including the Extend-A-Clean Power Sprayer, Starbucks Via, mug, travel alarm clock and AquaNotes.
WIN IT: Leave a bathroom cleaning tip!
Bonus Entries:
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#GIVEAWAY: Win a Scrubbing Bubbles Extend-A-Clean Power Sprayer Prize Pack! @mamasmoney (Ends 6/7)
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Please leave me a comment for EACH entry and your email address if it is not in your profile for each entry that you complete above so I can accurately pick a winner. This contest ends on June 7th, 2010. Thanks everyone and good luck! Also, if you just put a generic comment like “I want to Win” then I will have to disqualify you. This contest is only open to US residents.
Mama’s Money Savers Disclaimer: I was sent a “Minimize Monday Morning” Pack to review. I was not compensated in any other way for this product review.
Danielle says
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Brandie says
use vaccuum before washing he floors
smk says
I use Clorox to clean my bathroom. Don’t think it’s a tip.
Michelle H. says
Email subscriber.
Michelle H. says
My best bathroom cleaning tip is to clean the tub before it looks dirty. Then you won’t have to deal with serious stains.
Veronica Garrett says
Keep plenty of wipes in the bathroom to clean up little spills.
Nancy S. says
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Do something every day so that you’re not stuck with a huge mess.
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Charlene Kuser says
My tip is you can get rid of a stubborn bathtub ring with a paste of cream of tartar and hydrogen peroxide.
Casey Allen says
i do a lil but everyday so i am not overwelmed
Casey Allen says
I clean a lil everyday so i am not overwelmed
hannah says
kimbly says
Schedule 8 minutes per day to keep the bathroom clean – it’ll get and stay clean without huge stress
kimbly at g mail dot com
Jen says
vacuum the floor first before scrubbing!
Shawna OBrien says
Gianna says
Clean a little daily so you’re not overwhelmed.
DanV says
My tip is to spray the shower with cleaner and then wash down with water
Angela Winesburg says
Break up different cleaning tasks, assign different ones to different members of the family, thanks!
melissa says
Dust down any blinds and other window treatments. Dust down and wash windowsills and corners.
Erica C. says
Clean little areas of the bathroom every other day. It’ll seem like a lot less work than cleaning the whole bathroom at once.
AmyDelong says
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AmyDelong says
no matter if it looks clean,I clean the bathroom floor/sink toilet every day!You let it go to long and it takes forever to clean!
Susan Smith says
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wipe down the shower right after you are done using it
Susan Smith says
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pat jasmin says
use an automatic shower cleaner saves time.
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Joanne Schultz says
After you take a shower or a bath, don’t just rinse the tub or shower stall, wipe it down with the towel after you’ve use it on your hair and body. That will help eliminate those ugly water spots.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Deborah Wellenstein says
Wipe down the shower right after you use it. Thanks!
Melissa B. says
Bar Keeper’s Friend works great on hard water stains.
Jennifer barr says
I use clorox wipes on the counter for quick clean ups
Darcy B says
My bathroom doors are all on slopes, so when not in use the doors are almost closed–so they would get mold and mildew–because they would never air out–the worst is my husbands bathroom the ceilings are crazy high and always grew mold–so I went to the hardware store and got suction cups for the doors–now the bathrooms air out moisture dries and no more mold and mildew! It makes cleaning the bathrooms so much easier–and the towels never smell mildewy.
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Break it down trash, sink, tub, stool, floor, then reward yourself with a bubble bath : )
kim e says
I try to get the family to wipe the shower doors when their finished in the shower. Helps keep the water stains off.
hannah says
christopher h says
start at the top, and clean down
Madonna says
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my tip is one that is probably already here but here goes. I always clean the tub as soon as I get out the shower. Its so much easier. Another great way to clean it is to use dishliquid for bubble bath.
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use an automatic shower cleaner – saves scrubbing time
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Ashley says
i try to clean anything noticably dirty every night
Shawna OBrien says
Eileen Burmester says
To keep the shower clean and prevent mildew, I dry the walls with a towel
Kate says
Clean up as you go along your day, little by little. When you get around to scrubbing it in, let the tile soak in your cleansers…it will be easier to clean off that way!
Karen says
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Karen says
clean often so you never have to scrub, it makes it much easier and you save time in the end
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I entered the scrubbing bebbles toilet cleaner
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taylorbagels says
Pour a box of baking soda down the tub drain to clean and deodorize it
Geena F says
I do a baking soda and vinegar clog cleaning once a month to avoid toxic drano later.
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A hook for each person to hang up their towels.
Laura C says
Katie R. says
My tip is to do a little bathroom cleaning everyday so you don’t get overwhelmed and have to do a lot at one time.
Melanie says
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Paula Michele says
I keep cleaning wipes in the cabinet in the bathroom in order to quickly wipe down the bathroom before company comes over.
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Erin E. says
My bathroom cleaning tip is that if you wipe down the shower after each use it will keep soap scum away and you’ll need to deep clean it much less often. Thank you for the lovely giveaway!
Jill Myrick says
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Jill Myrick says
My best bathroom cleaning tip is to spray everything down well, leave it for ten minutes and then rinse and wipe.
To me it is a lot easier to remove dirt and grime that way.
Thank you so much for the chance to win.
Cynthia R says
Kim H. says
I like to do a little bit here and there and by the end of the week it all adds up.
kelly wakefield says
To help keep the shower stall from getting mildew we wipe it down with a towel after every use!
Marcia Goss says
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My tip is dont wait to long to clean it. The dirtier it gets the harder you have to scrub.
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Sharon A says
I’ve heard that if you use car wax on your tiles twice a year they stay clean.
Brittney says
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Brittney says
if you spread your shower curtain out after showering, instead of leaving it pulled to the side, it cuts down on mildew.
Jenn S. says
Baking soda and warm vinegar make quick work of slow draining/clogged drains.
Marcia Goss says
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angie says
I let all of my cleaners sit for a few minutes before wiping them off to give them more power.
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One cleaing tip is to always wipe down the shower before you get out each day.
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Marcia Goss says
Mya Brooks says
corners in the bathrooms are hard to get to. Use Q-tips with alcohol to clean these hard to reach spots!
Shannon says
Let the toilet cleaner sit in the toilet for a few minutes for extra cleaning power, before scrubbing. Kinda like letting pans soak before you wash them!
Shawna OBrien says
I entered your “Being A Friend” DVD Giveaway.
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I entered your Luster 1 Hour White – At Home Teeth Whitening System Giveaway 6/11
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Entered your Luster Teeth whitener giveaway!
thank you!
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i use comet to clean with but i bet these are better than comet
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I don’t really have a very good bathroom cleaning tip..I am not a good cleaner! I guess mine would be a keep a magic earaser handy to clean up in there!
Jennifer Short says
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Jennifer Short says
Swish the toilet each morning and it won’t be as difficult to clean when you do the big clean of the week.
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i entered the hatley giveaway
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Brandon Ralston says
Use a green scrubber and comet to clean around the toilet.
Monique Rizzo says
Put a bowl of lemon water in the microwave for 5 minutes to loosen everything up.
Thanks for the chance.
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my mom showed me how to clean a toilet with a pumice stone
nannypanpan at
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Christine says
just clean weekly
Marcia Goss says
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Marcia Goss says
I dry the shower door after I shower. It keeps soap scum and hard water stains to a minimum.
Linda Lansford says
Clean the sink daily
Meredith says
I love the tic tac toe travel set.
Meredith says
Baby wipes are great for cleaning the counter every day!
Angela J says
Clean on a schedule so the grime doesn’t build up
Amy says
Use white vinegar to remove scum and hard water marks!
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Do You Hoover? =-.
Lynn Matthews says
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Denise B. says
Keep and extra towel in the bathroom just for wiping down the tiles after showering. It keeps it cleaner much longer by preventing buildup.
Sharon Harmon says
To clean the bathtub, spray it down with bathroom cleaner, then use a Swiffer Mop to clean it! It works very well on the walls of the shower too!
Tari L. says
I wipe my toilet down with Lysol or Clorox wipes.
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Spray some paper towel with multi purpose cleaner and wipe along the edges of the tub, toilet and sink stand. Even if you mop your floors, dirt and dust will remain along these edges, and this tip keeps them fresh and clean looking.
Shawna OBrien says
I let the cleaner sit in the sink overnight before i rinse. It really makes a difference.
Jaque says
Since I have marble bathroom counter tops, I didn’t want to use an abrasive cleaner on them….so, for stains I use alchohol to remove them.
Thank you.
Laura C says
I like to double bag my trash can.
Denise says
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Keep paper towels and cleaning supplies under the bathroom sink for easy quick clean-ups in between major cleanings.
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I find that cleaning your bathroom at least once a week really helps to keep it clean and not have build up that’s so hard to get rid of.
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Keep all your Bathroom cleaning supplies together so when your ready to clean your bathroom, you can just Grab all your needed supplies quickly instead of having to run downstairs, in the middle of cleaning your bathroom, to grab something you need and then getting distracted from the job that your doing.
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using the 2 min wipe down from flylady keeps down bathroom ickies!
Eileen says
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Eileen says
After cleaning the shower, use a light coat of car wax or the Rain x products to repel the water and will stay clean & wont build up deposits NEARLY as fast!
ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
Lynn Matthews says
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My bathroom cleaning tip is to do it early in the morning before the kids get up an spray let it soak a bit an then clean up,its so much easier to do when the kiddos arent there saying hurry mom I gotta go!
Jenna Wood says
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Jenna Wood says
Clean up after you use it, this helps maintain the cleanliness and cut down on the elbow grease required during regular cleanings.
six_one_nine_girlie86 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Ale O says
Ale O says
Ale O says
Toothbrushes & QTips
Susie B. says
Entered the Visa gift card giveaway.
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I entered the other Scrubbing Bubbles giveaway.
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Susie B. says
I use Lysol or Clorox wipes and just give the sink a quick wipe after the kids brush their teeth- they usually leave toothpaste behind.
.-= Susie B.´s last blog ..Five Question Friday =-.
Tracy Robertson says
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I use sanitizing wipes for quick and easy spot cleaning in the bathroom
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clean your mirrors after taking a steamy shower!
Lynn Matthews says
i entered the scrubbing bubbles toilet giveaway
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sandra says
sandra says
vent the bathroom as much as possible to lessen the fumes you breathe in
Cynthia R says
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keep bath tub unclogged by proing baking soda and vinegar, set for 10 minutes, and pour hot water down drain
crystal says
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crystal says
use vinegar to clean your showerhead put it in t plastic bag and wrap it around the shower head
Lynn Matthews says
i entered the pantene giveaway
Lynn Matthews says
i entered the crayola giveaway
.-= Lynn Matthews´s last blog ..Two of a kind, working on a full house: Scrubbing Bubbles Extend-A-Clean "Minimize Morning Madness" Gift Basket Review And Giveaway =-.
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i entered the wild creations giveaway
.-= Lynn Matthews´s last blog ..Two of a kind, working on a full house: Scrubbing Bubbles Extend-A-Clean "Minimize Morning Madness" Gift Basket Review And Giveaway =-.
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i entered the rock n learn giveaway
.-= Lynn Matthews´s last blog ..Two of a kind, working on a full house: Scrubbing Bubbles Extend-A-Clean "Minimize Morning Madness" Gift Basket Review And Giveaway =-.
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Lynn Matthews says
i entered the help end childhood hunger giveaway
.-= Lynn Matthews´s last blog ..Two of a kind, working on a full house: Scrubbing Bubbles Extend-A-Clean "Minimize Morning Madness" Gift Basket Review And Giveaway =-.
Lynn Matthews says
i entered the salsa giveaway
Lynn Matthews says
I entered the handmade ABC’s giveaway
.-= Lynn Matthews´s last blog ..Two of a kind, working on a full house: Scrubbing Bubbles Extend-A-Clean "Minimize Morning Madness" Gift Basket Review And Giveaway =-.
Lynn Matthews says
I entered the photo book giveaway
.-= Lynn Matthews´s last blog ..Two of a kind, working on a full house: Scrubbing Bubbles Extend-A-Clean "Minimize Morning Madness" Gift Basket Review And Giveaway =-.
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Lynn Matthews says
My bathroom cleaning tip is to do all the cleaning while my daughter plays in the tub (the bathroom is pretty well venelated) so i can do two things at once! Im in there allready so why not do a little cleaning too !
.-= Lynn Matthews´s last blog ..Two of a kind, working on a full house: Scrubbing Bubbles Extend-A-Clean "Minimize Morning Madness" Gift Basket Review And Giveaway =-.
Aleksandra N says
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Aleksandra N says
I have wipes under each sink and encourage my family to wipe the sink/counter 1-2 times a week
Margie says
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Heard about this giveaway through my email subscription. Thanks!
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Margie says
Bathroom cleaning tip….wash the shower curtains in the machine with a towel, detergent, and some bleach. Don’t put in the dryer, just hang up when finished.
Jana says
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I keep disinfecting wipes in all bathrooms for easy clean-up. At the end of the day one wipe to clean the toilet keeps it clean and smelling fresh.
Larry @ Cakeblast says
I subscribe to your feed via Google Reader cakeblast [at] gmail [dOt] com
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Larry @ Cakeblast says
I entered the Suave Naturals Mango Mandarin Body Wash Giveaway.
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Larry @ Cakeblast says
We keep a bath mat in our tub so our children don’t slip. The bath mat, as with most bath mats can be cleaned in the washing machine (warm or cold water) and then tumble dryed at a low temperature.
.-= Larry @ Cakeblast´s last blog ..Two Giveaways Concluded =-.
Pat says
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Pat says
Annually I give the interior of the shower at our house a coat of car wax (not on the floor, though). Then I leave a squeegee in the shower at all times. Last person who
showers for the day uses the squeegee to wipe down the shower’s walls.
Darcie K says
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I like to spray down my shower doors in advance and then wait to clean them until I take my shower.
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i use comet to clean with
Marj M. says
I entered your Pantene giveaway.
Marj M. says
I entered your Strider giveaway.
.-= Marj M.´s last blog ..I’m an official great grandmother. =-.
Marj M. says
I entered your Suave Body Wash giveaway.
.-= Marj M.´s last blog ..I’m an official great grandmother. =-.
Marj M. says
I entered your French’s Honey Mustard Dipping Sauce giveaway.
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Marj M. says
I entered your “Higher Education” book giveaway.
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Marj M. says
I entered your Mrs. Wages Salsa giveaway.
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Marj M. says
I entered your Play to Learn giveaway.
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Marj M. says
I follow you on GFC as frugal tumbleweed acres.
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Marj M. says
I use baking soda and peroxide to clean the bathroom drains.
.-= Marj M.´s last blog ..I’m an official great grandmother. =-.