Strawberry Shortcake: The Glimmerberry Ball Movie
Released: August 31, 2010
Studio: 20th Century Fox
Run Time: 64 Minutes
Celebrate winter with Strawberry Shortcake and friends at the Glimmerberry Ball. It’s a delightful, fun-filled time as the girls exchange presents, solve a hollow tree mystery, and set out to carve the most beautiful Glimmerberry lantern ever. Just like Strawberry says, “The whole community will come together and work together and help each other–friends helping friends–during the long months of winter. That’s the real meaning behind it!”
Special Features:
- Never Say Never Sing Along
- Read Along Storybook
- Printable Coloring Pages
This DVD is perfect for the upcoming seasons Fall and Winter. It is a DVD full of Strawberry Shortcake episodes. The first episode is about a secret gift exchange and the girls realize that it is important to give a gift that the giftee would really like, rather than something you would like or something you just want to get rid of. It teaches kids to think of others and how a gift is about being thoughtful and including others. The next episode includes Berrykins and deals with one of Strawberry Shortcake’s friends thinking the others copied off her and realizing they didn’t. They work together and celebrate at the end of the day!
BUY IT: You can buy “Strawberry Shortcake: The Glimmerberry Ball Movie wherever DVDs are sold or find it at Amazon
for $10.49.
WIN IT: (1) US winner will receive the DVD “Strawberry Shortcake: The Glimmerberry Ball Movie”
TO ENTER: Leave a comment about your Strawberry Shortcake memory or who you would give this to!
Extra Entries (Only valid after you answer Main Entry above and Please leave a comment for each):
~ Follow me via Google Friend Connect (bottom of site)
~ Subscribe to Mama’s Money Savers
~ Follow Me on Twitter and Tweet this giveaway (You can Tweet daily! – Or hit the TWEET Button at the top of the post!)
DVD #GIVEAWAY: “Strawberry Shortcake: The Glimmerberry Ball Movie” @mamasmoney (Ends 10/15)
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~ Blog about this contest or send an email to friends/family and CC:[email protected]
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~ Enter any of my other giveaways or tell me how you heard about this giveaway!
Please leave me a comment for EACH entry. This contest ends October 15, 2010. Thanks everyone and good luck! Also, if you just put a generic comment like “I want to Win” then I will have to disqualify you. This contest is only open to US residents and once per household please.
Mama’s Money Savers Disclosure: I received this DVD to review but the opinion is my own. Please see my Disclosure Policy.
Ro says
2 granddaughters, two different households. If I win this I have to toss a coin.
tina reynolds says
facebook fan (mrstinareynolds)
tina reynolds says
i subscribe thanks
tina reynolds says
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tina reynolds says
I would give this to my daughter and I loved playing with strawberry shortcake I always played with my cousin
Jennifer Jozwiak says
I’d give the dvd to my daughter!
Just Coupons says
10/15 tweet
Jennifer M says
My daughter is enjoying the Strawberry Shortcake items so I’d give this to her.
erica k says
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erica k says
Strawberry was my fav as a kid and \i love seeing my little girls love her too
[email protected]
amyd says
my seven month old loves strawberry shortcake
Micki says
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rachel burke says
l had a strawberry shortcake doll when i was little, i think my mom still has it.
Micki says
I would love to win this as a Christmas Present to my 2 little Princessess, age 6 and 5!
joseph n says
I heard about this contest on
josephanewby at yahoo dot com
joseph n says
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josephanewby at yahoo dot com
joseph n says
I have no memories of strawberry shortcake honestly, but my nieces loves her. Thinks she is awesome.
josephanewby at yahoo dot com
Linda says
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Linda says
My niece loves Strawberry Shortcake, I would give it to her.
Jill Myrick says
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Jill Myrick says
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Jill Myrick says
This would be great for my daughter.
Ed Nemmers says
For my niece Hannah!
Katie R. says
I entered the Barney Giveaway.
Katie R. says
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Katie R. says
I would give this to my little cousin who loves strawberry shortcake.
Just Coupons says
10/14 tweet
Melissa B. says
I would give this to my neice because she just got her tonsils out.
HEather says
I would give this to the little girl I babysit!
Erica C. says
My niece would love to have this!
Rebecca says
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Rebecca says
I would give this to my daughter for xmas
Owen's Mom says
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
Daniel M says
my niece would love this one!
Mia J. says
I would give this to my daughter.
Jenna says
Just Coupons says
10/13 tweet
sarah t says
i would give this to my stepdaughter
Melissa M. says
I would give this to my daughter who has started to really get into Strawberry Shortcake. I used to love the way they smelled!
Owen's Mom says
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
meme says
I entered the berrywood contest
meme says
My 4 year old would really enjoy this
Just Coupons says
10/12 tweet
Tammy Darling says
I would give it to my daughter.
MMW says
Follow you on twitter @bsyb
MMW says
GFC follower BUSY BEE
MMW says
My girl is the BIGGEST strawberry fan! She would love to get this dvd for her collection!! great giveaway.
Louis H says
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Louis H says
I would love to give this to my 2 daughters
Jenna says
Just Coupons says
10/11 tweet
Felicia says
daily tweet
felicia.431 at gmail dot com
Owen's Mom says
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
nan lara says
entered berrywood here we come
nan lara says
entered recipe nut
nan lara says
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nan lara says
entered betty crocker
nan lara says
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nan lara says
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nan lara says
entered breyers
Felicia says
daily tweet
felicia.431 at gmail dot com
nan lara says
entered barney
Just Coupons says
10/10 tweet
Lynn Matthews says
this would be a gift to my daughter:)
Owen's Mom says
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
Jenna says tweet
Cassie M says
I follow you on Twitter & I tweeted (cjm92995)
Cassie M says
I would give this to my four-year-old, Angie! She has a Strawberry Shortcake set, and would love this movie!
[email protected]
Just Coupons says
10/09 Big Hit vote!
Just Coupons says
10/09 tweet
Tami Lewis says
Felicia says
entered Breyer’s YoCrunch giveaway
felicia.431 at gmail dot com
Felicia says
entered Crafty Kids giveaway
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Felicia says
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Felicia says
I would definitely give this to my daughter. She has a strawberry shortcake doll that she loves playing with. When I was younger I loved strawberry shortcake.
felicia.431 at gmail dot com
Just Coupons says
10/08 tweet
Owen's Mom says
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
Tami Lewis says
daily tweet
Jennifer says
I entered your other Strawberry Shortcake DVD giveaway; I also heard about this contest because I am an email subscriber.
Jennifer says
I am an email subscriber.
Jennifer says
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Jennifer says
I would give this to my daughter if I won; she loves Strawberry Shortcake.
Jenna says
angie says
I watched Strawberry Shortcake when I was a kid. I had all the dolls. My favorite was Butter Cookie.
Tami Lewis says
daily tweet
Just Coupons says
10/07 tweet
Andria says
email subscriber
Andria says
I would love to win this for my niece. Thank you.
Owen's Mom says
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
Just Coupons says
10/6 big Hit!
Just Coupons says
10/06 tweet
Tami Lewis says
Trisha Lynn says
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Trisha Lynn says
This would be for my daughter!
Owen's Mom says
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
Just Coupons says
10/05 Big HIT!
Just Coupons says
10/05 tweet
Tami Lewis says
MamaCampbell says
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MamaCampbell says
i loved strawberry shortcake as a child & now my daughters love her too. its neat to pass it along & my girls would love this dvd!
Jenna says
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Jenna says
When I was little I had the whole collection of Strawberry Shortcake & friend dolls- each one was scented to match her name!
Kim W. says
I also entered the Conair Blow Dryer giveaway.
Kim W. says
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Kim W. says
I loved Strawberry Shortcake’s cat.
Jaime P says
have button on blog
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Jaime P says
I would give it to my grand daughters
shelly says
I want to win this for my daughters they love strawberry shortcake
Just Coupons says
10/04 daily tweet
Tami Lewis says
Mellissa C says
follow GFC
Mellissa C says
I would give this to my niece.
Kaveri says
Strawberry Shortcakes is awesome!
Just Coupons says
10/03 tweet
Owen's Mom says
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
Patti Hess says
like you on FAcebook
pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
thanks for the chance
Patti Hess says
pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
thanks for the chance
Patti Hess says
google friend
pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
thanks for the chance
Patti Hess says
I remember my early Strawberry Shortcake was when I had a onesie on with her on the side of it…I was about….3 or so….
pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
thanks for the chance
Tami Lewis says
Leslie Hoyer says
I loved all of the videos, cartoons, etc I especially loved her smell. I would give the video to my 7yr old daughter. I think she would love it.
Owen's Mom says
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
Just Coupons says
10/02 daily tweet
Tami Lewis says
Britnee Torres says
I would give this dvd to my two year old daughter she is in love with strawberry shortcake
Erin says
Oh my gosh, i was such a huge fan of Strawberry Shortcake as a child. Suddenly my 3 year old has developed the same love. Thank goodness for McDonalds having mini dolls!! PLLEEAAAASSEEE pick me!! 🙂
Just Coupons says
10/01 tweet
Owen's Mom says
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
Tami Lewis says
Heidi Gail says
I would give this to my “adopted” granddaughter, Shyanne.
Katie says
I found you on
Katie says
I want to win this for my daughter!
Victoria S. says
I follow via GFC as Victoria
vschilke at gmail dot com
Victoria S. says
I loved Strawberry Shortcake as a little girl! I had a ton of the dolls, and I still have a few of them packed away currently! My nieces are into her now, which I love 🙂
vschilke at gmail dot com
Meredith says
I will never forget the smell of the Strawberry shortcake doll!
Just Coupons says
9/30 tweet
Sarah says
tweeted again:
Tami Lewis says
nan lara says
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nan lara says
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nan lara says
when i was a kid a cute little boy called me lemon meringue..don’t know if it was good/bad to be called it..but its a memory
nannypanpan at
Adrienne gordon says
My daughter would get it.
Owen's Mom says
I entered your Old Navy GC giveaway
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
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Owen's Mom says
I must have been about 4 or 5 when I recieved my one and only Strawberry Shortcake doll and the ride on snail. I loved how she smelled! I can’t wait to share her with my daughter.
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
ashley moorhouse says
I would give this to my daughter, she loves strawberry shortcake and is always singing the opening song!
melissa pruitt says
i follow through networked blog!
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melissa pruitt says
this would be for my daghter, rachel, for christmas she loves strawberry shrtcake!
[email protected]
Sarah Bailey says
tweeted again:
Kelly Mistry says
I entered the Old navy giftcard giveaway.
mistry dot kelly at yahoo dot com
Kelly Mistry says
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mistry dot kelly at yahoo dot com
Kelly Mistry says
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mistry dot kelly at yahoo dot com
Denise B. says
I didn’t have any Strawberry Shortcake products when I was young, but our daughter does; and this would go to her.
Susan Ladd says
Follow on Facebook and love this sweep !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!
My only granddaughter would love !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jenn S. says
I would give this to my niece who LOVES Strawberry Shortcake and gang.
Nad says
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Nad says
I just remember the toys smelling like strawberry, orange, etc. I loved it!
Vickie Couturier says
I heard about this from a email from you
Vickie Couturier says
Vickie Couturier says
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Vickie Couturier says
I would give this to my grandaughter Maggie
Marj McClendon says
I entered the Bryton Pick giveaway.
Marj McClendon says
I entered the Angelina Ballerina giveaway.
Marj McClendon says
I entered the Tinkerbell Prize Pack giveaway.
Marj McClendon says
I entered the Conair Infiniti Pro giveaway.
Marj McClendon says
I entered the Yoplait Whips giveaway.
Marj McClendon says
I entered the Suave Naturals giveaway.
Marj McClendon says
I entered the EZ Bat giveaway.
Marj McClendon says
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Marj McClendon says
I would like to give this to the Church’s give to others Christmas Box.
Tonya Filleman says
I have your button!
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Tonya Filleman says
I used to like to smell my Strawberry Shortcake Dolls! I would love to win this for my daughter MaKenna!
Just Coupons says
9/29 tweet
Tami Lewis says
daily tweet
deb c says
entered Strawberry Shortcake Berrywood Here We Come giveaway
deb c says
like you on facebook-debbie coyle
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deb c says
I remember years ago, our mall had had a Strawberry Shortcake promotion and there was a girl dressed up like Strawberry Shortcake. My son(who was about 3 at the time) wouldn’t leave her alone and had to have his picture taking with her. He just kept
saying, “She’s pretty”.
Heather Henderson says
entered Strawberry Shortcake: Berrywood Here We Come
hmhenderson AT yahoo DOT com
Heather Henderson says
Entered EZ bat giveaway
hmhenderson AT yahoo DOT com
Heather Henderson says
Entered Old Navy giveaway
hmhenderson AT yahoo DOT com
Heather Henderson says
entered the You Can do the Rubik’s Cube giveaway
hmhenderson AT yahoo DOT com
Heather Henderson says
entered the Angelina Ballerina DVD giveaway
hmhenderson AT yahoo DOT com
Heather Henderson says
entered the Tinker Bell DVD giveaway
hmhenderson AT yahoo DOT com
Heather Henderson says
entered the Super Why! DVD giveaway
hmhenderson AT yahoo DOT com
Heather Henderson says
entered the Infiniti pro by conair giveaway
hmhenderson AT yahoo DOT com
Heather Henderson says
entered the chicken soup for the soul book giveaway
hmhenderson AT yahoo DOT com
Heather Henderson says
I subscribe via email.
hmhenderson AT yahoo DOT com
Heather Henderson says
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hmhenderson AT yahoo DOT com
Heather Henderson says
I would give this DVD to my little niece who loves Strawberry Shortcake. hmhenderson AT yahoo DOT com
Christine says
My daughter would love this movie! We have one, and it’s one of her favorites.
joanne says
i would give this to the little girl next door. she loves strawberry and her room is strawberry
Jo says
found about this contest through the email newsletter
[email protected]
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Jo says
I would give this to my best friend’s daughter
[email protected]
Joanne Vanderheite says
I follow on facebook. Thanks [email protected]
Joanne Vanderheite says
I subscribe to emails Thanks [email protected]
Joanne Vanderheite says
If I won I would give this to my daughter. Thanks [email protected]
ReggieMann says
I entered your Strawberry Shortcake Berrywood Here We Come DVD Giveaway
ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com
ReggieMann says
RSS feed subscriber via Google Reader
ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com
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ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com
ReggieMann says
If I won I would give this to my niece
ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com
Jackie says
I heard about this giveaway in the email I received from you!
jackievillano at gmail dot com
Jackie says
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jackievillano at gmail dot com
Jackie says
My sister is 12 years younger than me and loved Strawberry Shortcake. I’d love to win this for her five year old daughter (my niece). Thanks!
jackievillano at gmail dot com
Sarah says
I “LIKE” you on facebook via scrw lucy
Sarah says
I tweeted.
Sarah says
I follow on twitter via scrw lucy
Amanda says
I would give it to my daughter Olivia, she LOVES Strawberry!!!!
laura says
entered the other Strawberry Shortcake giveaway!
Sarah says
I suscribe.
Sarah says
This does bring back memories. My mom bought me a collection of the dolls back in the 80’s hoping I would “keep them nice” for my kids. I couldn’t help opening the dolls and gift sets, but I still have some of them!
laura says
Network Blogs!
laura says
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laura says
laura says
I would give this to my daughters!
Lee-Ann says
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Lee-Ann says
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Lee-Ann says
Lee-Ann says
Lee-Ann says
I love the smell of Strawberry Shortcake stuff. I would give this to probably my youngest for Christmas.
Tami Lewis says
i heard about this from my daughter who said “go check your email ” lol
Tami Lewis says
i sub to you
Tami Lewis says
i emailed my friend and cced you 🙂
Tami Lewis says
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Tami Lewis says
i would give this to my dd Rebekah.
Donna Warrington says
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Donna Hufman Warrington
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Donna Hufman Warrington
Donna Warrington says
I follow you on Twitter as 2Cats2See and I tweeted.
Donna Warrington says
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Donna Warrington says
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Donna Warrington says
I would give this dvd to my granddaughter, she loves Strawberry Shortcake
Just Coupons says
I heard about this giveaway from your email today.
Just Coupons says
I like Mama’s Money Savers on Facebook (fb name Just Coupons)
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Just Coupons says
I had a Strawberry Shortcake doll when I was little and it smelled like strawberries.
Sylvia says
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Sylvia says
I would give this to my grandaughter who would love it
dianad says
I am an email subscriber. Thanks
dianad says
I would give this to the little girl across the street. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway
Sarah says
I had almost all of the Strawberry Shortcake furniture growing up, I really enjoyed playing with them,
Marla Y says
I posted on my Facebook page:
[email protected]
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Marla Y says
I would give this to my grown daugther who loved Strawberry Shortcake when she was a little girl. She could then share it with her daughter, my granddaughter. Thank you for the giveaway and chance to win.
[email protected]
april yedinak says
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april yedinak says
I would give this to my niece. I remember playing with Strawberry Shortcake dolls when I was little and I loved to sniff them. They smelled so yummy!
Debbie Price says
Always liked Blueberry muffin one. My daughter who is 6 would love this DVD.
Lara says
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Lara says
My daughter would love this! I used to love Strawberry Shortcake, so it would be great to share this with her.
[email protected]