Pocoyo: Super Pocoyo
Released: January 11, 2011
Studio: NCircle Entertainment
Running Time: 90 minutes
Pocoyo explores, discovers, encounters, laughs, questions and celebrates. Join Pocoyo and his friends Duck, Elly, Loula and Sleepy Bird as they play hide and seek, fly an airplane and go on a camping adventure! Discover learning through laughter with Pocoyo!
Check out www.pocoyoworld.com for more on this witty little guy.
Super Pocoyo is a collection of small Pocoyo episodes which are great for kids with small attention spans or just as something quick to watch. In Pocoyo there is a narrator that talks but other than that the characters only make a few sounds/words every now and then. It is a cute and simple show great for preschoolers. My 2 year old actually cracked up when watching this DVD and then I laughed because I couldn’t figure out what he was laughing at! The animation is bright, colorful and full of fun shapes but as far as a plot goes there really isn’t one. The show just has Pocoyo and his friends doing simple tasks and small adventures. It is not really meant to be educational but rather “learning through laughter” and showing friendship.
BUY IT: You can buy “Pocoyo: Super Pocoyo” wherever DVDs are sold or check it out on Amazon
. Pocoyo DVDs and toys are available at Toys “R” Us now. Current NCircle DVDs include a catalog inserted inside the DVDs with a $2.00 off coupon for the toys!
WIN IT: (1) US/CAN winner will receive the DVD “Pocoyo: Super Pocoyo”
TO ENTER: Check out the Free Activities available and leave a comment on which group your child would like best!
Extra Entries (Only valid after you answer Main Entry above and Please leave a comment for each):
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#GIVEAWAY: Win the DVD “Pocoyo: Super Pocoyo” for kids! US/CAN @mamasmoney (Ends 1/5) http://bit.ly/hiEPTz
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~ Post my blog button on your site
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~ Enter any of my other giveaways or tell me how you heard about this giveaway!
Please leave me a comment for EACH entry. This contest ends January 5, 2011. Thanks everyone and good luck! Also, if you just put a generic comment like “I want to Win” then I will have to disqualify you. Once per household please.
Mama’s Money Savers Disclosure: I was sent this DVD to review but my opinion remains my own. Please see my Disclosure Policy.
sarah says
reading readiness
Amy says
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Amy says
The coloring pages.
Jessica M. says
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kathy pease says
entered Indoor 3 in 1 Net Sports Gieaway
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kathy pease says
my niece would love Match the Birds in natures wonders
Ashley says
Ocean Wonders!
DanV says
We’d like ocean wonders activity sheets
Michelle Murphy says
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Michelle Murphy says
My son would probably like the coloring pages since he is a little young for other activities.
David Steele says
TWEETed using Button at the top of the post!
David Steele says
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David Steele says
My kids would like the “Think Like A Scientist!”
Gianna says
I’m an email subscriber.
Gianna says
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Gianna says
The coloring pages.. my kids love to color.
Michelle B says
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Michelle B says
My child would like reading readiness
susan smoaks says
my child would love the sink or float activity sheet!
Janelle K says
Gloria M. says
follow on twitter and tweeted
Gloria M. says
Gloria M. says
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follow gfc as kngmckellar
Gloria M. says
My nephew would like the Think Like A Scientist.
Laura says
posted on twitter: http://twitter.com/geekandreview/status/22689262952513536
Jeanie says
alohapearl12 [at] gmail [dot] com
carolp8 says
daily tweet
Jenelle says
They’d probably like the teamwork and cooperation section the most.
melinda smith says
Oceans Wonders .
missbobloblaw says
daily tweet
Teegan Briggs says
They would all probably love Think Like a Scientist section best!
trixx says
I entered the ErgoMotion Mouse giveaway
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trixx says
My daughter would like the ‘Think Like A Scientist’ activities
nan says
entered change of plans
nan says
entered skoy cloths
nan says
entered crunch art
nan says
entered ergo motion
nan says
entered nerf 3 in 1
nan says
entered active life explorer
nan says
entered ark a tek
nan says
entered under the boardwalk
nan says
entered conair
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nan says
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nan says
my son would like the coloring page of the busytown apple car
nannypanpan at sbcglobal.net
Ro says
My older grandson would like the Think Like a Scientist
Lisa L says
I’m a DVDs Kids Love fan on Facebook (Lisa L)
Lisa L says
Entered your Crunchy Art giveaway
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Lisa L says
I think my son would like Ocean’s Wonders the most!
Ed Nemmers says
Think Like A Scientist!
Daniel M says
nature’s wonders & clever things
Janelle K says
Jeanie says
alohapearl12 [at] gmail [dot] com
Sarah L says
I think he might like the coloring pages best!
Erica C. says
Think Like A Scientist would probably be our favorite.
Laura says
posted on twitter: http://twitter.com/geekandreview/status/22317092237746178
Melina Ramirez says
subscribed to your blog. Thanks
Melina Ramirez says
I think my kids would like the oceans wonder activities.
missbobloblaw says
daily tweet
Janelle K says
Jeanie says
alohapearl12 [at] gmail [dot] com
Jessica M. says
I follow via GFC!
Laura says
posted on twitter: http://twitter.com/geekandreview/status/21977785576718336
carolp8 says
daily tweet
missbobloblaw says
daily tweet
Jeanie says
alohapearl12 [at] gmail [dot] com
ReggieMann says
I entered your VTech V.Reader Learning Lodge Navigator Giveaway
ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com
ReggieMann says
I entered your KinderGlo Fun Safe Portable Nightlight Giveaway
ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com
ReggieMann says
I entered your Arc-A-Tek’s Building Set Giveaway
ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com
ReggieMann says
I entered your ErgoMotion Mouse Giveaway
ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com
ReggieMann says
I entered your Bake Sweet Memories giveaway
ReggieMann says
I follow your blog publicly with Google Friend Connect as ReggieMann
ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com
ReggieMann says
My niece would like the coloring pages
ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com
Laura says
posted on twitter: http://twitter.com/geekandreview/status/21640698805624833
Janelle K says
carolp8 says
daily tweet
missbobloblaw says
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daily tweet
missbobloblaw says
I entered the scunci giveaway
missbobloblaw says
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missbobloblaw says
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missbobloblaw says
Nature’s Wonders and Clever Things would be the category that we would enjoy the most!
Janelle K says
I entered the Soft Lips giveaway.
Janelle K says
Janelle K says
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Janelle K says
My son would probably enjoy the Reading Readiness activities.
Laura says
posted on twitter: http://twitter.com/geekandreview/status/21312694854352896
Jeanie says
alohapearl12 [at] gmail [dot] com
susan says
My little one would love the coloring pages.
Jackie says
I learned about this giveaway in the email I received from you
jackievillano at gmail dot com
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jackievillano at gmail dot com
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jackievillano at gmail dot com
Jackie says
I think she’d like the Busy Town Coloring Pages the best. Thanks!
jackievillano at gmail dot com
Tara L says
I entered the ICarly 2 giveaway also
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Tara L says
Mine would like the Nature’s Wonders and Clever things
Laura says
Posted on twitter: http://twitter.com/geekandreview/status/20846542118191105
carolp8 says
I entered your softlips giveaway
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carol ann rector
carolp8 says
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carol ann rector
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carol ann rector
carolp8 says
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carolp8 says
My granddaughter would like the coloring pages.
Soozle says
I have entered the Scunchi giveaway
sbabij2 at shaw dot ca
Soozle says
I have entered the Softlips giveaway
sbabij2 at shaw dot ca
Jeanie says
alohapearl12 [at] gmail [dot] com
Laura says
posted on twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/geekandreview/status/20501451704897536
Jeanie says
alohapearl12 [at] gmail [dot] com
Ashley R says
Daily Tweet: http://twitter.com/reynoldsmom/status/20182282652352512
Laura says
Posted on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/geekandreview/status/20110185896869889
Jeanie says
I entered the Conair giveaway.
alohapearl12 [at] gmail [dot] com
Jeanie says
I follow you via Networked Blogs: Aloha Pearl (Jeanie)
alohapearl12 [at] gmail [dot] com
Jeanie says
I shared this giveaway on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=114399441965768&id=100001765603578
alohapearl12 [at] gmail [dot] com
Jeanie says
I like Mama’s Money Savers on Facebook: Aloha Pearl (Jeanie)
alohapearl12 [at] gmail [dot] com
Jeanie says
I follow you on Twitter: alohapearl12
and here’s my tweet: http://twitter.com/alohapearl12/status/19888757691916288
alohapearl12 [at] gmail [dot] com
Jeanie says
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alohapearl12 [at] gmail [dot] com
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alohapearl12 [at] gmail [dot] com
Jeanie says
I follow NCircle Entertainment on Facebook: Aloha Pearl (Jeanie)
alohapearl12 [at] gmail [dot] com
Jeanie says
I follow NCircle on Twitter: alohapearl12
alohapearl12 [at] gmail [dot] com
Jeanie says
My nephew would like the Animal Atlas section.
alohapearl12 [at] gmail [dot] com
Ashley R says
Daily Tweet: http://twitter.com/reynoldsmom/status/19858772616810497
Laura says
I saw this giveaway on Prizey (geekandreview at gmail dot com)
Laura says
I follow you on Twitter.. and just posted: http://twitter.com/#!/geekandreview/status/19763811472904192
Laura says
I subscribed. (geekandreview at gmail dot com)
Laura says
I follow NCircle on Twitter (geekandreview)
Laura says
I’m sure my daughter would like the Coloring Pages
geekandreview at gmail dot com
Soozle says
I have entered the Purely Night Light contest
sbabij2 at shaw dot ca
Soozle says
I have entered the Certain Dri contest
sbabij2 at shaw dot ca
Soozle says
I have entered the Conair contest
sbabij2 at shaw dot ca
Soozle says
I have entered the Rubbermaid/Sharpie contest
sbabij2 at shaw dot ca
Soozle says
I have entered the Pledge contest
sbabij2 at shaw dot ca
Soozle says
I am following with GFC
sbabij2 at shaw dot ca
Soozle says
The Oceans wonders would be the biggest hit!
sbabij2 at shaw dot ca
Rebecca N. says
I found out about this giveaway because I saw you tweet that the Gaddy Nipper Snowflake Crayons Giveaway was ending. I came to your site and then got pulled away from the computer until to late to enter for the crayons. I looked in your current giveaways and found this one 🙂
imsosweepy [at] gmail [dot] com
Rebecca N. says
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Rebecca N.
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Rebecca Niehaus
imsosweepy [at] gmail [dot] com
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imsosweepy [at] gmail [dot] com
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imsosweepy [at] gmail [dot] com
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Rebecca Niehaus
imsosweepy [at] gmail [dot] com
Rebecca N. says
I follow NCircle on twitter as @sparkleglow
imsosweepy [at] gmail [dot] com
Rebecca N. says
My son would really enjoy the Animal Atlas Printable Calendar and the Matching Game!
imsosweepy [at] gmail [dot] com
Raven In A Blue Room says
I entered your Crunch Art Mega Set giveaway
schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com
Raven In A Blue Room says
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schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com
Raven In A Blue Room says
following you on twitter @left_the_stars
I tweeted your giveaway
schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com
Raven In A Blue Room says
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schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com
Raven In A Blue Room says
I like DVDs Kids Love on facebook (Louis Here)
schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com
Raven In A Blue Room says
following @NCircle on twitter @left_the_stars
schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com
Raven In A Blue Room says
Google Friends Connect – following your blog publicly as Louis
schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com
Raven In A Blue Room says
my daughter would like the “Think Like A scientist” section
Thank you for hosting this giveaway
schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com
Justine McD. says
I herd about this giveaway from Prizey.net
Justine McD. says
following you on twitter @SliverStorm and tweet
Justine McD. says
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Justine Mc D i l d a
Justine McD. says
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Justine McD. says
I follow your blog, shows as JMC
Justine McD. says
My 4½yr old loves the Cat in the Hat so I think he’d like the Natures Wonders and Clever Thing’s category.
My 21mo old would probably just watch her brother. I’ll have to show them sometime this week since my son is out of school till the 3rd and we’re bored at home lol
Nad says
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Nad says
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Nad says
I follow NCircle on twitter @nadicherie
Nad says
My son would love the Ocean’s Wonders activities.
Katie says
I found you on Prizey.net
Katie says
I know my son would love the “Think Like a Scientist” group.
Claude says
I follow NCircle on Twitter as @claudecampeau
Claude says
I follow via GFC
Claude says
My son would love Nature’s Wonders!
Terra Heck says
follow your blog
Terra Heck says
email subscriber
Terra Heck says
They’d like the Ocean’s Wonders group best. Thanks.
Ashley R says
Follow on Networked Blogs! (Ashley Reynolds)
Ashley R says
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Ashley R says
Follow you on twitter and tweeted! (@reynoldsmom)
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Ashley R says
“Like” NCircle on FB! (Ashley Reynolds)
Ashley R says
Follow NCircle on twitter! (@reynoldsmom)
Ashley R says
My son would enjoy the coloring pages!
Kristi C says
email subscriber
Kristi C says
follow and tweet http://twitter.com/5memb/status/18820698080284672
Kristi C says
My child would like the Seashore Word Search.
Mary says
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Mary says
Following on twitter @mauvemary
Tweeted https://twitter.com/#!/mauvemary/status/18810760469680128
Mary says
Email subscriber.
Mary says
Following @NCircle on twitter. @mauvenmary
Mary says
Reading Readiness group would be great.
Cee says
The teamwork and cooperation section would be something my little one would love. She is very into sharing and being part of a group right now. Thank you for this giveaway!!
Laura Harrison says
Facebook Fan. I follow you as Laurie Harrison (geneveve2 at gmail dot com)
Laura Harrison says
Button on Blog Roll Page: http://grandma-sez-so.blogspot.com/p/blog-friends.html
I have your button
geneveve2 at gmail dot com
Laura Harrison says
Although a little too advanced for her, the Animal Atlas Matching Game was fun for my 3 yr. old G-daughter and me. I missed some. I think it’s too advanced for me too! LOL
[email protected]
Laura DeLuca says
got your button
Laura DeLuca says
follow network blogs
Laura DeLuca says
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Laura DeLuca says
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Laura DeLuca says
my son likes the sink or float activity sheet
Michelle Willow says
entered: http://mamasmoneysavers.com/2010/12/creativity-for-kids-shrinky-dinks-monster-lab-review-giveaway-ends-17.html
Michelle Willow says
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Michelle Willow says
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Michelle Willow says
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Michelle Willow says
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Michelle Willow says
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Michelle Willow says
Ocean wonders activity sheets and world friends memory match and flashcards
suzie says
Nature’s Wonders and clever things.
tnxns09 at gmail dot com
Jessica M. says
My 3 year old would want to try out the Cat in the Hat games. He loves that new show!
shannon thompson says
my little girl loves to color and play games. And look at that they have cat in the hat her fav. ill surely will have her check out the site and play some games when she gets back from nana’a
[email protected]